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FOHP 111
OLFU- ANTIPOLO S.Y. 2023-2024
Two Major Classes of Cells

Prokaryotic cells
✓ Are the simplex and smallest cells
✓ Generally solitary with the nuclear material unenclosed in a

Eukaryotic cell
✓ Multicellular and provided with a nuclear membrane and
Organization of the Cell

✓ major parts are the nucleus and the

✓ nuclear membrane/plasma membrane.
✓ different substances that make up the cell
are collectively called protoplasm.

✓ Protoplasm
✓ composed mainly of five basic substances:
water, electrolytes, proteins, lipids, and
Organization of the Cell
✓ Water
✓ The principal fluid medium of the cell is water
✓ concentration of 70 to 85 per cent.
✓ chemicals are dissolved in the water.
✓ Chemical reactions take place

✓ Ions.
✓ most important ions in the cell are potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate,
and smaller quantities of sodium, chloride, and calcium.
✓ cellular reactions.
✓ operation of some of the cellular control mechanisms.
✓ nerve and muscle fibers.
Organization of the Cell
✓ Proteins.
✓ After water, the most abundant substances in most cells
✓ 10 to 20 per cent of the cell mass.
✓ two types: structural proteins and functional proteins.

✓ Structural proteins
✓ long filaments that themselves are polymers of many individual protein molecules.
✓ intracellular filaments
✓ form microtubules =“cytoskeletons”
✓ cilia, nerve axons, mitoticspindles of mitosing cells
Organization of the Cell
✓ Extracellularly, fibrillar proteins
✓ collagenand elastin fibers of connective tissue and in blood vessel walls, tendons,
ligaments, and so forth.

✓ functional proteins
✓ composedof combinations of a few molecules in tubular-globular form.
✓ enzymes of the cell
✓ often mobile /adherent to membranous structures inside the cell
✓ catalyze specific intracellular chemical reactions.
Organization of the Cell
✓ Lipids.
✓ phospholipids and cholesterol,
✓ 2 per cent of the total
✓ form the cell membrane and intracellular membrane barriers
✓ triglycerides, also called neutral fat. In the fat cells,
✓ 95 per cent of the cell
✓ storehouse of energy-giving nutrients
Organization of the Cell
✓ Carbohydrates

✓ little structural function in the cell except as parts of glycoprotein molecules,

✓ play a major role in nutrition of the cell
✓ 1 per cent of their total mass / 3 per cent in muscle cells / 6 percent in liver cells.
✓ small amount of carbohydrate stored in the cells --glycogen, --cells’ energy needs.
Membranous Structures of the Cell
✓ Most organelles of the cell are covered by membranes composed primarily of
lipids and proteins.
✓ cell membrane
✓ nuclear membrane
✓ membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum
✓ membranes of the mitochondria, lysosomes, and Golgi apparatus.
Cell Membrane
✓ called the plasma membrane
✓ 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick.
✓ composed almost entirely of proteins and lipids.
✓ proteins, 55 per cent
✓ phospholipids, 25 per cent
✓ cholesterol, 13 per cent
✓ other lipids, 4 per cent
✓ carbohydrates, 3 per cent
Cell Membrane
✓ Lipid Barrier of the Cell
Membrane Impedes Water
✓ lipid bilayer, double-layered film
✓ Interspersed in this lipid film are large globular
protein molecules.
✓ composed of phospholipid
✓ soluble in water; that is, it is hydrophilic.
✓ soluble only in fats; that is, it is hydrophobic
✓ phosphate end of the phospholipid is hydrophilic
✓ fatty acid portion is hydrophobic.
Cell Membrane
✓ Lipid Barrier of the Cell Membrane Impedes Water Penetration.
✓ lipid layer
✓ middle of the membrane --impermeable to the usual water-soluble substances,
✓ ions, glucose, and urea.
✓ fat-soluble substances
✓ oxygen, carbon dioxide, and alcohol, can penetrate

✓ cholesterol
✓ steroid nucleus
✓ Dissolved in the bilayer of the membrane controls much of the fluidity
Cell Membrane
✓ Cell Membrane Proteins.

✓ Globular masses floating in the

lipid bilayer - glycoproteins.

Two types of proteins

✓ integral proteins
✓ protrude all the way through the membrane
✓ Structural channels (or pores) through which water
molecules and water-soluble substances,
✓ act as carrier proteins -- “active transport.”

✓ peripheral proteins
✓ attached only to one surface of the membrane
✓ act as enzymes.
Cell Membrane
✓ Integral membrane proteins
✓ Receptors for water-soluble chemicals,
such as peptide hormones,
✓ Specific ligands that bind to the
receptor causes conformational
changes in the receptor protein
✓ enzymatically activates the
intracellular part of the protein or
induces interactions between the
receptor and proteins
✓ act as second messengers,
Cell Membrane

✓ Membrane Carbohydrates—
The Cell “Glycocalyx.”
✓ glycoproteins or glycolipids.
✓ protrude to the outside of the
✓ Proteoglycans
✓ Carbohydrate substances
bound to small protein has a
✓ loose carbohydrate coat
called the glycocalyx.
Cell Membrane
✓ important functions:

✓ (1) negative electrical charge, which gives most cells an overall negative surface charge that
repels other negative objects.
✓ (2) attaches to the glycocalyx of other cells, thus attaching cells to one another.
✓ (3) act as receptor substances for binding hormones, such as insulin-activate a cascade of
intracellular enzymes.
✓ (4) Some carbohydrate -immune reactions.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
✓ network of tubular and flat vesicular structures in the cytoplasm;
✓ tubules and vesicles interconnect with one another.
✓ Liver cells -- 30 to 40 times the cell membrane area.

✓ Endoplasmic matrix
✓ watery medium --connected with the space between the two membrane
surfaces of the nuclear membrane.

✓ Vast surface area of this reticulum

✓ multiple enzyme systems attached to its membranes provide machinery
for a major share of the metabolic functions of the cell.
ER Endoplasmic Reticulum
✓ Ribosomes and the Granular Endoplasmic Reticulum.

✓ Attached = ribosomes.
✓ ribosomes are composed of a
mixture of RNA and proteins
✓ function to synthesize new protein molecules in the cell

✓ Agranular Endoplasmic Reticulum.

✓ reticulum has no attached

✓ Synthesis of lipid substances and
✓ Breakdown and fat
✓ detoxification of drugs
✓ Calcium storage
✓ Glycogen synthesis
Golgi Apparatus

✓ composed of four or more

stacked layers of thin, flat,
enclosed vesicles lying near
one side of the nucleus.
✓ Prominent in secretory cells

✓ functions in association with

the endoplasmic reticulum.
✓ small “transport vesicles” (also called
endoplasmic reticulum vesicles, or ER
✓ continually pinch off from the endoplasmic
reticulum -- fuse with the Golgi apparatus.
Golgi Apparatus ✓ Substances transported from the endoplasmic
reticulum to the Golgi apparatus.

✓ substances are then processed in the Golgi

✓ to form lysosomes, secretory vesicles, and
other cytoplasmic components that are
Vesicles are coated with clathrin and COP I & II

Golgi apparatus ✓ coat transport protein from ER to golgi apparatus
✓ unclear function whether transport protein between golgi
and cisternae or recycle from golgi to ER
Golgi apparatus

Faces of ER
Cis face
✓ Convex forming face adjacent to dilated ER
✓ Fuses with vesicles that transport newly
synthesized protein
Trans face
✓ Concave or maturing face- part of golgi that
faces away from the nucleus
✓ Origin of vesicles of processed protein
Specific Functions of the Golgi Apparatus
Synthetic Functions of the Golgi Apparatus.
✓ Capability of synthesizing certain carbohydrates
✓ large saccharide polymers bound with small amounts of protein
✓ hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.

✓ functions of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate

✓ (1) major components of proteoglycans
✓ (2) major components of ground substance
✓ (3) principal components of the organic matrix -cartilage and bone.
✓ Vesicular organelles that form by breaking off from the Golgi apparatus and then
dispersing throughout the cytoplasm.

✓ provide an intracellular digestive system that allows the cell to digest

✓ (1) damaged cellular structures,
✓ (2) food particles that have been ingested by the cell, and
✓ (3) unwanted matter such as bacteria.

✓ filled with large numbers of small granules 5 to 8 nanometers in diameter,

✓ 40 different hydrolase (digestive) enzymes.
✓ hydrolytic enzyme is capable of splitting an organic compound
into two or more parts by combining hydrogen from a water
✓ Protein is hydrolyzed to form amino acids
✓ glycogen is hydrolyzed to form glucose
✓ lipids are hydrolysed to form fatty acids and glycerol.

✓ digestive actions.
✓ cell break the membranes --allowing release of the digestive enzymes.
✓ similar physically to lysosomes, except
✓ formed by self-replication (budding off from the SER) rather than from the Golgi apparatus.
✓ contain oxidases.

✓ oxidases
✓ capable of combining oxygen with hydrogen ions derived from different intracellular chemicals to form
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
✓ highly oxidizing substance and is used in association with catalase
✓ oxidize many substances that might otherwise be poisonous to the cell.
✓ liver cells.
Secretory Vesicles
✓ important functions –secretion of special chemical
✓ secretory substances
✓ formed by the endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi apparatus
✓ released from the Golgi apparatus into the cytoplasm
✓ in the form of storage vesicles called secretory vesicles or
secretory granules.

✓ pancreatic acinar cells

✓ “powerhouses” of the cell.
✓ number per cell varies from less than a
hundred up to several thousand,
✓ Depending on the amount of energy
required by the cell.

✓ responsible for the major share of its

energy metabolism.
✓ “composed mainly of two lipid
bilayer–protein membranes:
✓ an outer membrane and an
inner membrane
✓ infoldings of the inner
membrane form shelves --
oxidative enzyme
✓ inner cavity -- filled with a matrix that
contains large quantities of dissolved
enzymes that are necessary for extracting
energy from nutrients.
✓ in association with the oxidative
enzymes to cause oxidation of the
✓ forming carbon dioxide and water and at
the same time releasing energy
✓ liberated energy is used to synthesize a
“high-energy” substance called
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

✓ energy wherever it is needed for

performing cellular functions.

✓ self-replicative--whenever there is
a need in the cell for increased
amounts of ATP.
✓ contain DNA
✓ controlling replication of the
mitochondrion itself.
Extraction of Energy from Nutrients
Function of the Mitochondria
✓ principal energy
✓ foodstuffs that react with oxygen—carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
✓ carbohydrates converted into glucose
✓ proteins converted into amino acids
✓ fats into fatty acids.
✓ oxidative reactions -- inside the mitochondria
✓ high-energy compound ATP.
✓ ATP is a nucleotide composed of
✓ nitrogenous base adenine, pentose sugar ribose, 3 phosphate radicals.
✓ high-energy phosphate bonds
✓ 12,000 calories of energy per mole of ATP
✓ To reconstitute the cellular ATP as it is used up,
✓ energy derived from the cellular nutrients causes ADP and phosphoric acid to recombine to
form new ATP

✓ ATP has been called the energy currency of the cell

Chemical Processes in the Formation of ATP—
Role of the Mitochondria.

✓ series of enzymes ( mitochondrion matrix)

✓ Sequence of chemical reactions
✓ called citric acid cycle, or Krebs cycle.

✓ acetyl-CoA is split into its component parts

✓ hydrogen atoms and carbon dioxide.

✓ processes of these reactions

✓ requiring large numbers of protein enzymes
Uses of ATP for Cellular Function.
Energy from ATP is used to promote three major categories of cellular

✓ (1) transport of substances through multiple membranes in the cell,

✓ (2) synthesis of chemical compounds throughout the cell
✓ (3) mechanical work.
Uses of ATP for Cellular Function.
uses of ATP
✓ (1) supply energy for transport of sodium through the cell membrane
✓ (2) promote protein synthesis by ribosomes
✓ (3) supply energy needed during muscle contraction.

✓ Indeed, some cells use as much as 75 per cent of all the ATP formed in
the cell
Filament and Tubular Structures of the Cell

✓ fibrillar proteins of the cell are usually organized into filaments or tubules
✓ synthesized by ribosomes
✓ large numbers of actin filaments –ectoplasm
✓ Elastic support for the cell membrane
✓ muscle cells, actin and myosin filaments
✓ contractile machine
Filament and Tubular Structures of the Cell

✓ special type of stiff filament -- tubulin molecules

✓ Construct very strong tubular structures, the microtubules.
✓ flagellum of a sperm.
✓ microtubules --- cilium
✓ Centrioles and the mitotic spindle ---mitoses
✓ primary function of microtubules
✓ act as a cytoskeleton
✓ rigid physical structures for certain parts of cells.
Cytoplasmic Organelles

• Cytoskeleton
•Three different types
• Microfilaments
• Intermediate
• Microtubules

✓ Thiniest
✓ Appears as single globulatr molecules (G-actin) and in filaments (F-
✓ Usually composed of one or several types of actin filament
✓ Ex. Ankyrin, filamin

Intermediate filament
✓ Diameter between micro filament and microtubules
✓ Similar appearance and diameter with protein of widely differing
molecular weight
✓ Maintaining cell shape and component of microtrabecular lattice
✓ Ex. Vimentin, desmin, keratin,. Neurofiulament, and GFAP(glial fibrillary
acidic protein)

✓ Thickest
✓ Polymers of tubulin which is heterodimer, alpha and beta
✓ Serve as track for the movement of organelles and which are effected
by kinesin and dyein
✓ Are building block of centrioles and axoneme of cilia and flagellyum

✓ Cylindrinc group of 9microtubules triplets in a pinwheel array
✓ Organiuzed cytosolic microtubules t9o mitotic spinbdle during
cell division
✓ Divides by bilar4y fission
Ameboid Movement

✓ Ameboid movement
✓ movement of white blood cells through tissues.
✓ ameboid locomotion
✓ begins with protrusion of a pseudopodium from one end of the cell.
✓ away from the cell body, and partially secures itself in a new tissue area.
✓ elongated cell, the right-hand end of which is a protruding
✓ continually moving forward-- membrane at the left-hand end of
the cell is continually following along as the cell moves.
Mechanism of Ameboid Locomotion

✓ second essential effect for

✓ provide the energy required to
pull the cell body in
thedirection of the
pseudopodium. –
✓ large amount of the protein
✓ Contraction also occurs
Types of Cells That Exhibit Ameboid
✓ Most common cells
✓ white blood cells
✓ Move out of the blood into the tissues in the form of tissue macrophages.
✓ fibroblasts
✓ move into a damaged area to help repair the damage
✓ germinal cells of the skin
✓ Move toward a cut area to repair the rent.
✓ cell locomotion
✓ development of the embryo and fetus after fertilization of an ovum.
✓ embryonic cells
✓ migrate long distances from their sites of origin to new areas during development of special structures.
Control of Ameboid Locomotion—Chemotaxis

✓ Most important initiator of ameboid locomotion is the process

called chemotaxis.
✓ chemical substances in the tissues--chemotactic substance.
✓ from an area of lower concentration toward an area of higher
✓ positive chemotaxis.
✓ cells move away from the source
✓ Negative chemotaxis.
Cilia and Ciliary Movements

✓ ciliary movement,
✓ whiplike movement occurs in only two places in the
human body

✓ nasal cavity and lower respiratory

✓ causes layer of mucus to move toward the pharynx,
✓ uterine tubes,
✓ slow movement of fluid from the ostium of the
uterine tube toward the uterus cavity
✓ transports the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
Cilia and Ciliary Movements

✓ flagellum of a sperm
✓ longer and moves in quasi-sinusoidal waves instead of whiplike movements.
✓ cilium moves forward with a sudden, rapid whiplike stroke 10 to 20 times per
✓ rapid forward-thrusting, whiplike movement pushes the fluid lying adjacent to
the cell in the direction that the cilium moves
✓ fluid is continually propelled in the direction of the fast-forward stroke.
Cytoplasmic inclusions
✓ Not seen in all cells
✓ Sphericxal bodies which serve as storage depots
✓ Less esential to cell viability
✓ Maybe transient

✓ Ex . Glycogen granule, lipid droplets,lipofuscin

Cell surface modification


✓ Non motile cellular extensions that increases the absorptive surface of the cell
✓ Straited border- intestine
✓ Brush border- PCTnephron
✓ Sterocilia- male reproductiuce ducts
✓ control center of the cell.
✓ contains large quantities of DNA, which
are the genes.
✓ determine the characteristics of the cell’s
proteins, including the structural proteins,
as well as the intracellular enzymes that
control cytoplasmic and nuclear activities.
✓ control and promote reproduction of
the cell itself.
✓ darkly staining chromatin material
throughout the nucleoplasm.
✓ During mitosis
✓ chromatin material organizes in the
form of highly structured
Nucleoli and Formation of Ribosomes

✓ nuclei of most cells contain one or

more highly staining structures
called nucleoli.

✓ Accumulation of large amounts of RNA

and proteins
✓ becomes considerably enlarged when
the cell is actively synthesizing
Nucleoli and Formation of Ribosomes

✓ Formation of the nucleoli (and of the ribosomes in the cytoplasm outside the nucleus)

✓ First
✓ specific DNA genes in the chromosomes cause RNA to be synthesized
✓ Stored in the nucleoli, but most of it is transported outward into cytoplasm.
✓ conjunction with specific proteins to assemble “mature” ribosomes that play an essential role in
forming cytoplasmic proteins
Ingestion by the Cell—Endocytosis
✓ Very large particles enter the cell
✓ specialized function of the cell membrane called endocytosis. The
✓ pinocytosis and phagocytosis.

✓ Pinocytosis -- ingestion of minute particles.

✓ Phagocytosis -- ingestion of large particles
✓ as bacteria, whole cells, or portions of degenerating tissue.
✓ pinocytotic vesicles
✓ most large macromolecules
✓ attach to specialized protein receptors
on the surface
✓ coated pits.
✓ latticework of fibrillar protein called
✓ Actin and myosin.
✓ molecules have bound with the receptors,
✓ entire pit invaginates inward
✓ fibrillar proteins cause its borders to close over the
attached proteins
✓ invaginated portion of the membrane breaks away from the
surface of the cell,
✓ pinocytotic vesicle
✓ requires energy ATP
✓ presence of calcium ions
✓ react with contractile protein filaments
✓ Provide the force for pinching the vesicles
✓ large particles
✓ tissue macrophages ,white
blood cells.
✓ Bacterihagocytosis
✓ bacterium attached to a specific
antibody, and antibody that
attached to receptors, dragging
the bacterium
✓ opsonization
✓ 1. cell membrane receptors attach to ligands of the

✓ 2. edges of the membrane evaginate outward ---

zipper-like manner to form a closed phagocytic

✓ 3. Actin and other contractile fibrils contract around

its outer edge, pushing vesicle to the interior.

✓ 4. contractile proteins then pinch the stem of the

vesicle so completely, leaving the vesicle in the cell
Digestion of Pinocytotic and
Phagocytic Foreign Substances Inside
the Cell—Function of the Lysosomes

✓ after a pinocytotic or phagocytic vesicle appears inside

a cell,
✓ lysosomes attached to the vesicle -- acid hydrolases
✓ digestive vesicle -- hydrolyzing proteins, carbohydrates,
lipids, and other substances

✓ left of the digestive vesicle, called residual body

✓ represents indigestible substances
✓ excreted by exocytosis
Regression of Tissues and Autolysis of Cells

✓ Tissues of the body regress to smaller size

✓ uterus after pregnancy
✓ muscles during long periods of inactivity
✓ mammary glands at the end of lactation.

✓ The removal of damaged cells or damaged portions of cells

✓ heat, cold, trauma, chemicals, or any other
Regression of Tissues and Autolysis of Cells

bactericidal agents
✓ kill phagocytized bacteria
✓ lysozyme, lysoferrin, acid at a pH of 5.0.

✓ Result from annoxia, mechanical injury, cellevasion by viruses, exposure toxin or to

✓ Interphase
✓ Mitosis
✓ G0

✓ G1 GAP 1
✓ Follows telophase of mitosis
✓ No DNA synthesis but with RNA and
protein synthesis
✓ Daugther cell grow
✓ Longesty and most variable phase
✓ S phase
✓ Synthesis phase
✓ Replication of DNA and centrioles self

✓ G2
✓ Final preparation for cell division
✓ Synthesis of tubulin and accumulation
of ATP
✓ A further increase in volume,
synthesis aof enzymes and other
✓ Prophase
✓ chromatin coils extensively to form chromosomes
✓ Nuclear membrane disappear
✓ Centrioles migrate on opposite poles and microtubules assembles as mitotic spindles
✓ Chromatids align at the equatorial plate
✓ Chromatid migrates towards trhe opposite poles by the translocation of the spindle microtubules
✓ Chromosome uncoils,
✓ nuclei and nuclear membrane reappear
✓ a purse string constriction of band of microfilament appear at the equatorial plate dividing the
cytoplasm and eventually daugther cells
✓ Cell division of gametes or sex cells
✓ Daugther cell produced are haploid

✓ Cell division of gametes or sex cells

✓ Daugther cell produced are haploid

Meiosis 1
✓ Replication of DNA occured before the division
✓ Prophase 1, metaphse 1, anaphse 1 and telophase 1
✓ Prophse 1 is subdivided into P;achytene, Leptopene, Zygotene, Diplotene
Meiosis 2
✓ Division without prior repliucation of DNA after the first meiotic division
Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
1 Division 2 Divisions
2 daughter cells / cycle 4 daughter cells / cycle
Daughter cells genetically identical Daughter cells genetically different
Chromosome no. of daughter cells Chromosome no. of daughter cells
is same as that of parent ( 2N ) half that of parent ( n )
Occurs in somatic cell Occurs in germline cells
Occurs throughout life cycle Completes after sexual maturity

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