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Print media have historically played a crucial role in delivering news and information to the public,

particularly in the period before the widespread adoption of the internet. However with the
flourishing in electronic media, their role has become less significant as compared to prior times. In
this generation, where even toddlers know how to operate cell phones, the percentage of people
who read newspapers has decreased significantly e.g. 20-30% out of 100.

Due to this activity, one was able to learn the importance of these old traditions which in turn also
played a role in generating an interest in reading newspapers. There are several ways in which
newspapers are better than news channels. There is no doubt that both these provide news
regarding past and present events happening within our country as well as certain international
news e.g. in sports etc. However I believe that newspapers are more elaborate and insightful as
these focus on cases both big and small.

Although news channels are quite fast in delivering the latest news but I believe these do not fully
explain the news and rather only provide headlines of the important event whereas in newspapers,
each headline is explained fully i.e. from the background to the impact a certain event has on our
country. Moreover, newspapers also focus on minor cases e.g. articles such as “Livelihood and
sustainable development of Tharparker” which is quite a remote area and therefore harder to reach
due to which its problems are given little or no significance or “The challenge of water theft in
Karachi”. Such cases aren’t discussed on news channels.

This activity thus helped open my eyes towards a broader concept of attaining knowledge as through
print media one can read on various topics that peak their interest. As said, “Newspapers are
windows of the world, offering insights and stories that connect us to the past, inform the present,
and inspire the future.”

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