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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Name : Terra Frisca Iswari

Nim : 231010503391

Exercise 1:
Nouns are tested on the TOEFL test. Complete these sentences with nouns.
1. The brain stores 100 trillion pieces of ………….
2. Men’s brains are heavier than ................brains.
3. The brain uses one-quarter, or ................of the body’s program.
4. The left brain controls math, ................, and ................
5. The right brain controls color, ................, and ................
6. The human brain weighs about 3.5................
7. The brain cannot feel................
8. The brain receives more than 100................................messages from the body

Answer :

1. of information
2. a woman's
3. one-foutrh 25%
4. language and logic
5. art color and music
6. pounds
7. pain
8. trillion pieces of information in each second the brain receives more than 100
million nerve

Exercise 2:
From the reading work out whether statements are true or false. Check T for True
and F for False.
1. The weight of the brain depends on intelligence.( T )
2. A jazz musician has a dominant right brain. ( T )
3. A left handed person has a dominant left brain(F)
4. When you play a game of chess you use the left side of your brain ( T )
5. Your lost brain cells are always replaced (F)
6. The brain feels pain when you have a new headache ( F)

Exersices 3 :
1. Honshu is the biggest island in.............
2. the biggest island in the world.
3. According to the geographers, not an island, but a continent.
4. About 11,000 years ago.............was connected to Europe.
5. .............was formed by a volcano millions of years ago.
6. a new island formed in 1963.

Answer :
1. of Japan
2. greenland
3. Australia
4. great britain
5. iceland
6. surtsey near iceland

Exercise 4
Complete the sentences below with information from the cart
1. Greenland is the largest island. It is in the .............ocean.
2. the second largest island. It is in the .............ocean.
3. .............largest island. It is in............. Ocean.
4. .............largest island. It is in .............Ocean.
5. ............. .............fifth largest island. It is in ............. Ocean.
6. .............largest island. It is in ............. Ocean.

Answer :
1. Greenland is the largest island. It is in the northeast ocean.
2. Greendland is the second largest island. It is in the eastern seas of north America
3. Greendland is the largest island in northeastern North America, precisely located

between the Arctic Ocean largest island It is in and the Pacific Ocean.
4. Greendland is the largest island. It is in Indonesian sea Ocean.
5. Java Island is the fifth largest island. It is in the north pole and the pacific Ocean.
6. Kalimantan island is largest island. It is in Indonesian Ocean.
1. Intelligence is the ability to use thought and knowledge to understand things and

solve problems.

2. Hormone help adjust the mixture of sugar, salt, and waters in your body.

3. Psychology, meaning the study of mind and how it works, comes from greek word

meaning life or soul.

4. Brain cells use up a lot of energy, so they need constant supply of oxygens.

5. Each hemisphere of the brain receive information about the opposite side of the

visual field.

6. Although millions of brain neuron are active at any one time, they do not use

electricity power.

7. Light entering the eye form an image on 130 million tiny light cells.

8. Most animals are able to rely on learning and memory.

Exercise 4

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. People’s brains weigh more now than they did 100 year ago menjadi people brains
weight more now then they did 100 year ago

2. Nerves impulses can travel at speeds of up to 488 feet per second menjadi Nerve
implises can travel at speeds of up to 488 feer per second

3. The brain contains between 10trillions and 100 trillions neurons menjadi the brain
contains between 10 triliona to 100 trilions

4. Each neutron is linked by synapses to thousand of other neurons menjadi each

neutron is linked bu synapses to other neutron

5. Nerves endings below the skin’s surface pick up sensation of cold, heat, and touch.
menjadi Nerves endings below the skins surface pick up sensation of cold, heat, and

6. There are three to four millions pain receptors in the skins

7. A 3 years old child’s brain is two-thirds the size it will finally be.

8. The brain use 25 percents of the blood’s oxygens.

Exercise 5

(C) 1. Indonesia is a country made of thousands of islands.

(NC)2. Greenland is an big with a permanent ice cap covering it. The correct phrase Greenland is
a big with a permanent ice cap covering it.

(C) 3. The Bahamas, which consist of 700 hundred islands, have a superb climate.

(C) 4. Robinson Crusoe is a character in a book by Daniel Defoe.\

(C).5. Robinson Crusoe spent twenty years with his friend Man Friday on a

uninhabited island.

(C).6. New Guinea is a country where there are a 700 languages.

(C).7. Etna is an active volcano on the island of Sicily.

(C).8. On the island of Borneo, there is a snake that can fly or leap up to 20 meters.

(C).9. The plants and an animals that live on an island may develop to be quite


Ecercise on Nouns & Articels

1. The correct answer is (D) : Because is a noun-count noun and cannot be plural

2. The correct answer is (A) : Because is a noun-count noun and cannot be plural

3. The correct answer is (c) : Because sugar is a singular

4. The correct answer is (D) : Because need is a noun-count noun and cannot be

5. The correct answer is (A) : Because Animal should have added s because of more
than one

6. The correct answer is (A) : Because skulls only one and cannot added s

7. The coreect answer is (A) : Because diamond cannot added s only one

8. The coreect answer is (D)

9. The coreect answer is (B)

10. The coreect answer is (D)

11. The coreect answer is (A)

12. The coreect answer is (B) Because is a count noun and canntot be plural

13. The coreect answer is (D) Because 1760 is a year

14. The coreect answer is (B) because because an not a because word before nouns
is vowels

15. The coreect answer is (D)

16. The coreect answer is (A) because first must 1st

17. The coreect answer is (B)

18. The coreect answer is (C)

19. The coreect answer is (D)

20. The coreect answer is(C)

21. The coreect answer is (c)

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