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TM 206 Report on Concepts and Frameworks

Due date: Based on the Course Syllabus schedule

Energizer Instructions:

1. Team Assignments (based on Mohr textbook). Please see the TM Course Syllabus for the
specific topic/chapter assignment per team.
2. Your team has the following objectives:
2.1. Present and discuss key ideas of assigned chapter/s.
2.2. The second objective is to augment the chapter's ideas with insights from related
Textbooks found in the TMC Library. I suggest the books of Melisa Schilling; Kotler
and/or Kerin. Books by Kotler and Kerin focus mostly on marketing as applied to
incremental innovations. While that of Mohr and Schilling focuses on both radical and
incremental innovations. The combination of several perspectives is important for our
class’ purposes.
2.3. Update the case studies, special topics and company examples found from the
reference books by doing online research of latest developments.
2.4. Integrate real life local and international examples (industry, government, NGOs,
2.5. Incorporate your team's own critical insights.
2.6. Present at least 3 short videos related to the topics
3. Written Report Requirements
3.1. Powerpoint file.
3.2. Group’s critique (insights). Four pages maximum. Please keep to a bare minimum the
discussion of concepts and frameworks and focus on your team’s insights. Please
include a bibliography section.
4. Maximum of 60 minutes for presentation (including showing of at least 3 short videos).

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