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Lesson Plan that includes the Classroom Management Theories

A lesson plan that incorporates elements from all the mentioned theories can provide a comprehensive
approach to classroom management and student engagement. Here's an example of a lesson plan for a
middle school science class that integrates various theories:

Subject: Life Sciences - Ecosystems

Grade Level: 7th grade

Duration: 60 minutes

Students will be able to identify different components of an ecosystem and understand the
interdependence of living organisms within an ecosystem.


Visual aids depicting various ecosystems

Whiteboard and markers
Self-reflection journals for each student
Tokens for the token economy system
Behavior contracts
Lesson Plan:

1. Engage (Behaviorism and Humanistic Theory) - 10 minutes:

Begin the lesson with a short video showcasing diverse ecosystems around the world. After the video,
facilitate a brief class discussion using open-ended questions to engage students and encourage them to
share their thoughts and feelings about the ecosystems they saw.

2. Explore (Cognitive-Behavioral Theory) - 15 minutes:

Present visual aids of different ecosystems and ask students to describe the components they observe.
Guide them through a structured discussion about the interdependence of living organisms within these
ecosystems. Encourage students to think about how different species rely on each other for survival.

3. Explain (Choice Theory) - 10 minutes:

Explain to students that they will be working on a project about creating their own mini-ecosystems.
Provide a list of possible organisms they can include and different environmental factors they can
manipulate within their ecosystems. Allow them to choose the organisms and factors they find most

4. Elaborate (SEL and Restorative Practices) - 15 minutes:

Divide the class into small groups, assigning each group a specific ecosystem to research. Within their
groups, students will collaborate to decide how they want to present their research findings. This
collaborative activity encourages teamwork, communication, and empathy among group members.

5. Execute (PBIS and Assertive Discipline) - 5 minutes:

Introduce the behavior expectations matrix for the group activity. Highlight the positive behaviors that are
expected, such as active listening, respecting others' ideas, and contributing to the group's progress.
Emphasize that these behaviors will be rewarded through the token economy system.

6. Evaluate and Reflect (All Theories) - 5 minutes:

At the end of the lesson, have students individually reflect in their journals on their experience working in
groups, their contributions, and what they learned. Encourage them to identify any negative thought
patterns they experienced and suggest ways to replace them with more positive thoughts.

Summarize the key points of the lesson and thank the students for their active participation. Remind them
of the upcoming project and their responsibilities within their groups.

This lesson plan integrates various theories by:

 Engaging students through discussion and sharing (Behaviorism and Humanistic Theory)
 Encouraging students to think about their thought patterns (Cognitive-Behavioral Theory)
 Allowing student choice in the project (Choice Theory)
 Fostering teamwork and empathy within groups (SEL and Restorative Practices)
 Reinforcing positive behaviors through the token economy system (PBIS)
 Setting clear behavior expectations (Assertive Discipline)

Remember that successful implementation of such a lesson plan depends on the teacher's understanding
of the theories, classroom dynamics, and the ability to adapt the plan to the students' needs.

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