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Unit 10 Personality Questionnaire

1. Respond to the statements about your personality in the "Me" column, by writing:
Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

Questions Me
I prefer spending time with small groups of friends Strongly agree
rather than large groups of people.
2 I’m very aware of other people's feelings. Agree,

3 I jump into things without thinking. Strongly Disagree

4 I dislike change. Disagree

5 I’m generally well-organized. Strongly

6 I enjoy large parties with lots of music and dancing. Strongly

7 I like to keep things neat and clean. Disagree

8 I’m usually the one to take charge of a situation. Disagree,

9 I have difficulty approaching someone new. Strongly agree

10 I prefer variety to routine. Agree

11 I don't like to draw attention to myself. Agree

12 I’m always busy doing something. Agree

13 I get stressed easily. Strongly agree

14 I enjoy helping others and explaining things. Agree

15 I can work on a task for a long time without a break. Disagree

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