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Centros de Estudios Tecnológicos Industrial y de

Servicios Numero 70

Materia: English

Alumno: Emanuel Córdova Cruz

Facilitador: Daniel Segura Arias

5° “A” Construcción

A) Which is your favorite omelette?

B) Which are the ingredients? Write a list of them along with the quantities you need the space

C) Using the text “Cheese Omelete”, write the instructive text of how to prepare your favorite
omelete in the space provided. Don t́ forget to start each sentence with a verb in the imperative
form (positive or negative)

3.Then share your answers.

4.Give yourself suggestions about your favorite omelettes.

5.all the students of the group can share their récipes.


-2 eggs
-2 tbsp. skim milk
-3 slices of leg ham
-¼ cup of Manchego cheese in pieces
-¼ frozen peas
-Salt and pepper

-Put a medium saucepan over high heat with two cups of water
-When it comes to a boil, add the peas
-Wait to boil again, remove from heat and reserve
-Beat the eggs and milk in a small bowl with a fork until well blended
-Salt pepper and incorporate perfectly.Spray a medium skillet with cooking spray
-Pour the egg mixture into it; cover it
-Cook over medium heat until the mixture is firmSpray a medium skillet with cooking spray
-Pour the egg mixture into it; cover it
-Cook over medium heat until the mixture is firm
-Place the cheese and ham on the half of the omelette
-With a spatula, fold it so that the filling is covered; cover for two minutes
-Remove from fire; let it rest for 1 minute, add the peas on top, serve

A) What is your favorite omelette?

B) What are the ingredients? Write a list of them along with the quantities you need in the space

C) Using the text “Cheese omelette”, write the instructive text of how to prepare your favorite
omelette in the space provided. Don't forget to start each sentence with an imperative verb
(positive or negative) 3. Then share your answers. 4. Give yourself suggestions about your favorite
tortillas. 5.All the students in the group can share their recipes. My favorite omelette: EGG
TORTILLA WITH HAM, CHEESE AND PEAS Ingredients: -2 eggs-2 tbsp. skim milk-3 slices of leg ham-
¼ cup of Manchego cheese in pieces

-¼ Frozen peas-Salt and pepper Method: -Put over high heat in a medium saucepan with two cups
of water-When it comes to a boil add the peas-Wait for them to boil again, remove from heat and
reserve-Beat the eggs and milk in a small bowl with a fork until well blended-Salt pepper and
incorporate perfectly. Spray medium skillet with cooking spray-Pour egg mixture into; cover-cook
over medium heat until mixture is set. Spray medium skillet with cooking spray-Pour egg mixture
into; cover-Cook over medium heat until the mixture is firm-Place the cheese and ham in the
middle of the tortilla-With a spatula fold so that the filling is covered; cover for two minutes-
Remove from heat; let it rest for 1 minute, add the peas on top, serve.

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