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A: Hello wendy and nestor, my name is alexander I am the interviewer, I will start with the

questions. Why are you interested in this job and this company?

B: hello alexander, I am interested in this job because I have been looking for this job for a long
time and nothing better than in this prestigious company


A: Wendy and Nestor. Why are you the right person for this position?

B: I feel that I develop the best because I have experience related to this type of work.


A: Tell me about your studies and outstanding experiences

B: Currently I'm still studying my career, I'm halfway to , the experiences I had were a lot about
communicating with my colleagues and people, that's why I get along very well


A: What is your greatest strength and your goal for the future?

B: My mayor strength is communication, I always manage to get people to pay attention to

what I speak, and obviously I want a successful future with everything I set out to do.


A: What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I really like playing sports and also keep researching new things.


A: Why should we hire them?

B: We are the best option, those who best perform what they do and thanks to them we can
show that they do not regret it


A: Do you have questions?

B: I would like to know if this company has an acceptable salary?

B: I would like to know what the work schedule is like?

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