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 PRELIM ART-GEC REVIEWER people in their time and the faces of

 Art enable us to value and appreciate
WHAT IS ART APPRECIATION? beautiful things are a consequences of
our encounter with arts.
Refers to the pursuit of knowledge and  Arts are valuable sources of inspiration
understanding of the universal and timeless and aesthetic delightful experiences
qualities characterizing work of art. It involves through the artist work of arts.
the analysis of the works based on acknowledge  According to Swara Swami (May 31,
elements of composition and principles of 2016), Art is:
design through which enjoyment of the - Art improves your creativity skills
humanities enhanced. - Art gives you joy and satisfaction
WHAT IS HUMANITIES? - Art relieves stress
- Art gives you opportunities to showcase
 Latin word “Humanus”, means refined your talent.
or cultured man. - Art helps you express your emotions
 Humanities gives you general - Art is a different language because it can
knowledge and intellectual skills. express things without words .
 Encompasses all studies which aim to
make students ‘humans’.
 Includes fine arts(painting, sculpture,
and architecture), performing Comes from the Greek word meaning
arts( music, dance, drama and opera) “love of wisdom”. It uses the tools of logic and
and literary arts ( prose and poetry). reason to analyze the ways in which humans
 Allow students to learn how to experiences the world.
appreciate the arts, to produce artworks,
to dignify artist and to value the true, the ART HISTORY
food, and the beautiful. It refers to the historical development
BRANCHES OF HUMANITIES and stylistic context of the objects of arts that
includes the major and minor arts.
 Art and music
 Literature
 Religious studies 1. Art historians examine the work of art in
 History the context of its time within which it
 Philosophy was created.
2. Analyze the works of arts through the
MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF ARTS analysis of their forms. Focused on the
use of line, shape, color, texture,
composition and other elements.
DEFINITION OF ARTS 3. Also use critical theory in analyzing
objects of arts when dealing with the
 Art is derived from the Latin word “ars”
more recent objects.
means ability or skill- J.V. Estolas
4. Application of media and digital
 Art is a product of man’s need to express
himself. -F. Zulueta
 Art is that which brings life in harmony WHAT IS CREATIVITY &
with the world. -Plat0 IMAGINATION
 Art is life that help us to realize the
 The use of imagination or original ideas,
truth. -Pablo Picasso
especially in the production of an artistic
 Is doing something meaningful with
 Art highlights and heightens the your imagination.
importance of certain events in order to
 Is using imagination to unleash the
keep them memorable and pleasurable.
potential of existing ides in order to
 Art enable us to get glimpse of the create new and valuable ones.
thought, feelings, and beliefs of the
 Is about seeing the impossible, or unreal.
 Is thinking of something- whether it is KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF
an object, place, time, etc., that’s not CONTEMPORARY VISUAL ARTS
1. Diversity
2. Exploration of ideas
WEEK 3: 3. Multidisciplinary Approach
4. Conceptual art
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS, FUNCTIONS AND 5. Technology and Digital Art
NATURE OF ARTS 6. Global perspective
7. Individual expression


 Comes from the ancient Latin word
“ars” a craft or specialized form of skill. 1. FINE ARTS- it refers to an art form
 Art is visual statement that represent the practiced mainly for its aesthetic value
world around you, communicates idea, and its beauty rather than in its
expresses a feeling or represents and functional value.
interesting design. 2. CONTEMPORARY ARTS- it is an art
made today by living artists. As such, it
 The expression or application of human
reflects the complex issues that shape
creative skills and imagination typically
our diverse, global, and rapidly
in a visual form such as painting or
changing world. Through their work,
sculpture, producing works to be
many contemporary artist explore
appreciated primarily for their beauty or
personal or cultural identity, offer
emotional power.
critiques of social and institutional
BASIC ASSUMPTION OF ARTS structures, or even attempt to redefine
art itself.
 Art involves experiences 3. DECORATIVE ARTS AND
 Art is not nature CRAFTS- art or crafts whose object is
 Art is cultural the design and manufacture of objects
 Art is a form of creation that are both beautiful and functional.
 Art is subjective 4. OTHER- wider definitions of visual art
sometimes include applied art areas such
as graphic design, fashion design,
1. Art is a diverse range of human Interior design. Include tattoo art, face
activities. painting and body painting.
2. Art represents reality.
3. Art is an expression.
4. Art serves as a means of communication
of emotions. 1. Art as mimesis (Plato)
5. Art matters. - mimesis is derived from the Greek
6. Art is universal. word “mimos” meaning to imitate.
7. Art is creation. 2. Art as representation (Aristotle)
- nature is full of changes, but art can
also search for what is everlasting.
 The personal function Aristotle thought of drama as being “ an
1. Form and function imitation of an action” and tragedy as “
2. Architecture falling from a higher lower state”.
3. Community planning 3. Art for art Sake (Kant)- the beautiful, for
4. Function and beauty Emmanuel Kant(1724-1804), is “that
 The social function chich without any concept is recognized
as the object of necessary satisfaction.
- A variety of forms that can be enjoyed THE SUBJECT OF ART
using the eyes. Unique expressions of
ideas, beliefs, experiences, and feeling REPRESENTATION OR OBJECTIVE
presented in well-designed visual forms. - It represent objects or events in the real
world, usually looking easily
recognizable. It uses “form” and is Fernando Amorsolo is well-known for
concerned with “what” is to be depicted having romanticized Philippine
in the artwork. landscape.
Vicente Manansala, Arturo Luz, and
Mauro Malang Santos are some local
painters who have done cityscape.
- These are those arts without any 3. ANIMALS- the earliest known
reference to anything outside itself paintings and representation of animals
(without representation) on the walls of the cave.
- It uses “content” and is concerned The dove stands for the Holy Spirit in
“how” the artwork is depicted. the representations of the Holy Trinity.
The fish and lamb are symbols of Christ.
SOURCES OF SUBJECT ART The phoenix is the symbol of
1. PRIMARY SOURCES- it provides resurrection. The peacock is the symbol
first hand testimony or direct evidence of immortality through Christ.
concerning a topic under investigation. 4. PORTRAITS- is an instrument of
It can also include autobiographies, expression, it is capable of showing a
memoirs, and oral histories recorded variety of moods and feelings.
later. Other things are worth noticing in
2. SECONDARY SOURCES- interpret portraits are the subject’s hand, which
and analyze primary sources. In includes can be very expressive his attire and
pictures, quotes or graphics of primary accessories for it reveals much about the
sources. subject’s time.
5. FIGURES- the sculptures’ chief subject
SOME SOURCES OF ART SUBJECT ARE has traditionally been the human body,
nude or clothe. The body’s form,
1. NATURE- animals, people, landscape.]
structure and flexibility offers the artist
2. HISTORY- the dress, the houses, the
in big challenge to depict it in a variety
manner of living, the thoughts of a
of ways, ranging from the idealistic as in
period are necessarily reflected in the
the classical Greek sculptures to the
work of artists.
most abstract.
6. EVERYDAY LIFE- genre paintings
MYTHOLOGY- these are the gods
usually are representations of rice
and goddesses.
threshers, cock fighters, candle vendor,
street musicians, and children at play.
TRADITION- religion and art, the
Bible, the Apocrypha, the rituals of the
consists of variable facts, legends, of
unverifiable ones.
It is difficult to tell how much of what
countries of the orient, especially China,
we know now is history and how much
Japan, and India, have all sacred texts od
is legend.
one kind or another, and these inspired
various kinds of art.
Christian church commissioned
6. OTHER WORKS OF ART- these are
craftsmen to tell the stories about Christ
the subjects that can be found in those
and the saints in pictures, usually in
works that take their subjects directly
mosaic, murals, and stained glass
from works of art.
windows in churches.
KINDS OF SUBJECT The term myth come from the word
“MYTHOS’’, meaning story or legend.
1. STILL LIFE- these are the groups of 9. DREAMS & FANTASIES- dreams are
inanimate objects arranged in an indoor usually vague & illogical. A dream like
setting. The arrangement is that like to situation. No limits can be imposed on
show particular human interests and imagination.
CITYSCAPES- favorite subject of
Chinese & Japanese painters.
DIFFERENT LEVELS OF which colored pigments have been
MEANING added. The molten mix is applied to
the surface- usually prepared wood,
through canvas and other materials
1. FACTUAL MEANING- it is the literal are sometimes used.
meaning or the narrative content in the 2. FRESO SECCO- pigments usually
work which can be directly apprehended mixed with water. The paint is then
because the objects presented are easily applied to a dry plaster wall which
recognized. has been wetted down with water.
2. CONVENTIONAL MEANING- refers 3. FRESCO- also known as “Buon
to the special meaning that a certain Fresco” or true Fresco, which entails
object has in a particular culture or painting a freshly spread moist
group of people. plaster.
3. SUBJECTIVE MEANING- any 4. EGG TEMPERA- also called as
personal meaning consciously or TEMPERA, is a permanent, fast
unconsciously conveyed by the artist drying painting medium consisting
using a private symbolism which stems of colored pigments mixed with a
from his own association of certain water- soluble binder medium
objects, actions, colors with past usually glutinous materials such as
experiences. egg yolks. Tempera also refers to the
paintings done in this medium.
WEEK 5 5. MOSAIC- the design is created by
small pieces of colored glass, stone,
ARTIST- a person with talent and the or ceramic (called Tesserae)
skills to conceptualize and make embedded in wet mortar which has
creative works. been spread over the surface to be
A person engaged in an activity related decorated.
to creating art, practicing the arts, or 6. OIL PAINT- powdered colors are
demonstrating an art. mixed with a fine oil, usually
linseed oil.
ARTISAN- an artisan is a skilled craft
Oil paint is made with natural pigments,
worker who makes or creates material
linseed oil and turpentine, making it
objects partly or entirely by hand.
recognizable in sight and smell. The
main downside is that it can take up to
nine months to dry completely and even
years for heavy impasto (texture).
MEDIUM- is the material used by an 7. WATER COLOR- has a large and
artist to express his/her feelings or luminous palette.
thoughts. Water color paint uses ground
The medium of art is classified into the pigments mixed with water-soluble
visuals arts and he auditory arts , or binders. Watercolor painting lends
both. itself to a gradient of tonal hues that
TECHNIQUE- in the manner in which can imitate the washes of sky and
the artist controls his medium to achieve sea, but it is considered one of the
the desired effect and the ability which most difficult medium to master, as
he fulfills the technical requirements of it doesn’t lend itself to correction
his particular work of arts. after application.
8. ACRYLIC- the binder used
TECHNIQUES RELATED TO includes water and the paints can be
PAINTINGS thinned with water but once the
Some techniques used by the artist in paints dry, they have a glossy,
painting are as follows; permanent surface that resembles
the surface created by oils.
1. ENCAUSTIC- also known as wax 9. COLLAGE- the word “collage”
painting, is a form of painting that from the French verb “coller”,
involves a heated wax medium to “meaning to paste”.
A piece of art created be combining finished, the sight burr raised by the graver is
photos, clipping small objects onto a cleaned off with a scraper.
10. DRAWING- a form of visual art in THE GAWAD SA MANLILIKHA NG
which an artist uses instruments to BAYAN AWARD (GAMABA)
mark paper or other two- - an award that acknowledge folk and
dimensional surface. Drawing indigenous artist who, despite the modern times,
instruments include graphite pencils, remain true to their traditions. It is administered
pen and ink, various kinds of paints, by the National Commission for Culture and
inked brushes colored pencils, Arts (NCCA) through GAWAD sa Manlilikha ng
crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, Bayan Committee.
erasers, markers, styluses and
11. PRINTMAKING- anything printed Actions executed by the artist or other
on a surface that is a direct result participants. It may be witnessed live or through
from the duplication process. documentation, spontaneously developed or
Ordinarily, painting or graphic image written, and it traditionally presented to a public
done in blank ink n white paper and in a fine art or context in an interdisciplinary
becomes the artist’s plate. mode.
Advantage of printmaking is the process MAJOR TYPES OF PERFORMING ARTS
of making copies of the original
drawing. MUSIC- an art of sound in line that expresses
ideas and emotions in significant forms through
the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and
The word “music” was derived from the Greek
1. RELIEF-the artist draws a design on a word “musike” which means the arts of muses.
smooth block of material- usually wood or
linoleum - and uses tools to carefully cut away OPERA- a way to tell a story through music and
the areas that are not to be printed, leaving singing.
behind a raised surface of line and shapes. The
surface of the block is linked using a dabber or a DANCE- is a performing art from consisting of
roller. sequences of movements, either improvised or
2. INTAGLIO PRINTS- italian “engrave” the purposely selected. This movement has aesthetic
opposite of the relief painting, it is done from and often symbolic value. Dance can be
the ink that is below the surface of the plate. categorized and described b its choreography, by
The design is cut, scratched or etched into the its repertoire of movements or by its historical
painting surface or plate, which can be copper, period or place or origin.
zinc, aluminum, magnesium, plastics, or ever
coated paper. DRAMA- is the specific mode of fiction
3. STENSILS PRINTS- a technique for represented in performance: a play, opera, mime,
reproducing designs by passing ink or paint over ballet, etc, performed in a theatre, or on radio or
holes cut in cardboard or metal onto the surface television.
to be decorated.
4. WOODCUT- ia a relief printing technique in SPOKEN WORDS- refers to an oral poetic
print making. An artist carves an image into the performance rt as well as the performer’s
surface of a block of wood- typically with aesthetic qualities.
gouges-- leaving the printing parts level with the
surface while removing the nonprinting parts. TRANSCREATION- is a term coined from the
5. ENGRAVING- the design is cut into metal words “translation” and “creation”, and a
with a graver or burin. The burin is steel rod concept used in the field of translation studies to
with a square or lozenge-shaped section and a describe the process of adapting a message from
slightly bent shank. The cutting accomplished by one language to another, while maintaining its
pushing the burin in the metal plate. The deeper intent, style, tone, and context.
it penetrates into the metal, the wider the line:
variations in depth create the swelling tapering
character of the engraved line. After engraving is

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