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Different forms of rain : PAS bt TY / / To drizzle : = To rain lightly | don't need an umbrella today, it's only drizzling. Shower = To start raining heavily for a short period of time and then stop We had a shower this morning, but now it’s sunny. To pour down = To rain heavily Oh, look! It's pouring down outside, we cannot go to the park! Downpour = To rain heavily for a long period of time (noun ) We had a downpour yesterday, the streets are flooded! To spit = To rain for a short period of time It's spitting a bit, but it's not too bad! You don't need your brolley! = A British informal word for umbrella Have you taken your brolley today? Don't forget your brolley if you are going out. It might rain. G oS) @ Ei ©B @rocengiisn = To be completely wet | got soaked in the rain, | need to change my clothes. The heavens open = An idiom means to rain very much We were having a picnic when the heavens opened and we got soaked! Puddles = Small pools of water on the street after the rain The kids jumped in the puddles after the rain. Different forms of wind : = When the wind blows very strongly for a short period of time Oh, look, a gust knocked over the trash can! a Epon. @ = When the wind blows but gently and slowly Oo ae Let's open the windows, there is a nice breeze today! G oS) @ Ei ©B @rocengiisn Different forms of weather : Srey 1) Mild = When the weather is not very cold or hot It's mild today, | don't need to wear a jacket. 2) Humid = When the air is moist or damp It's very humid today, | fee! sweaty! 3) Foggy = = When there is a thick mist in the air I'm not going to drive today because it’s foggy and it’s dangerous! Extreme weather conditions : 1) Tonado / cyclone <— a = A powerful wind storm that goes around There was a tornado warning on TV yesterday and we had to go to the basement. 2) Hurricane = A very big storm with strong winds and rain that come from the ocean G oS) @ Ei ©B @rocengiisn There is a hurricane coming this weekend, so we have to be careful! 3) Blizzard . @ = When there is a lot of strong wind and snow HD There was a blizzard last night. Schools are closed today. 4) Thunder and lightning = In many types of extreme weather conditions you will hear a sound and see a light in the sky Many people are afraid of thunder and lightning. 4) Hail = (noun ) The little ice balls that fall from the sky = (verb ) The falling of those ice balls It hailed yesterday and it damaged a lot of cars! G oS) @ Ei ©B @rocengiisn

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