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COMPREHENSION Module E: Comprehending and

participating in Short Conversations.
Matthias and Yulia are colleagues. They meet in the lunch room where
they work.

Yulia: Hi Matthias. How’s it going? Can I sit with you?

Matthias: Oh Hi Yulia. Sure, no worries. How was your weekend?

Yulia: Well on Friday night we had a dinner party at home. On Saturday, we took the kids
go-carting. Then on Sunday, Sergey’s parents came around to look after the kids while we
went sailing. Pretty busy really. What did you get up to?

Matthias: Nothing much. Just did some shopping and housework on Saturday. Mostly I
just slept. I don’t know how you and Serge have so much energy. I’m always exhausted every

Yulia: Well, we both exercise through the week and we eat a healthy diet. Also when
you’ve got kids, they’re huge motivators to stay fit and to enjoy activities.

Matthias: Yes I can see that. But they’re also exhausting! I really admire your positive
attitude to life. I wish I shared that with you.

Yulia: Oh all you have to do is make a few simple lifestyle changes. Do some exercise and
eat plenty of fresh vegies, fruit and nuts. Fish is really good too.

Matthias: I don’t know Yulia. I’m working 60 to 70 hours a week. I don’t know where I’ll
find the time to exercise and eat healthily. Lunch is usually a sandwich or two at my desk.
I’m giving myself a little break today but I have ten reports to write this month and three of
them are overdue. That’s on top of my normal regular workload. Sometimes I’m here till 10
at night and when I get home I can’t sleep from thinking about work.
Yulia: Yes I know, but I find just twenty minutes of yoga at night tuckers me out physically
and lets me get a good night’s sleep. You should also change a few of those sandwiches for a
salad instead.

Matthias: Well, I’ll think about what you’ve said Yulia. Leonie wants me to get a dog, to
get me walking. I might try that.

Yulia: Matt, I think that’s a very good idea. Good luck with it.

Matthias: Well, I’ll think about it. Thanks for the advice.

Yulia: Anytime. See you later.

Matthias: Yes, bye Yulia.

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