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UEX Bodyweight Lower Body - Week 3-4 - Inter.

Welcome to your bodyweight program!

Here you see different superset groups which you have to do. You have to follow In each superset group you have to rest as little as possible between
the exercises! Try to stick around the 10-15 second rest times. Once you finish the superset group, rest for the number of times that's displayed in the
workout routine. Repeat the same superset group for the number of times that it's written. When you finish a specific group, rest for the same amount
of time as you did before & then move to the next exercise. The exercises which are by themselves, you do normally as displayed by following all the
rest times.

The number of reps written for each exercise can vary between each individual. If you can't do as much as written, simply do however many you

Make sure to push your limits with the TILL FAILURE exercises! THE LAST REP IS THE ONE THAT MATTERS THE MOST & HELPS YOU GET

You can do this routine if you are trying to simply gain more muscle mass, bulk up, shred or just get stronger in general!

Here are the meal plans that you should follow based on your goal:

Gaining lean muscle = protein-focused/balanced (caloric surplus)

Bulk = Carb focused/protein focused(higher calories)
Shred = Low carb

These meal plans are attached next to the routines.

The recommended workout schedule is Monday-Saturday training & Sunday-rest day

I highly recommend you always do abs the same day as you do the upper body bodyweight routine!

if you have any extra questions, do not hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram @jasaoslaj

Good luck!

UEX Bodyweight Lower Body - Week 3-4 - Inter.

Regular workout Created by Jasa Oslaj on 17 Oct 2022, last updated on Today.

est. 43 minutes


Body weight Mat


Welcome to your bodyweight program!

Here you see different superset groups which you have to do. You have to follow In each superset group you have to
rest as little as possible between the exercises! Try to stick around the 10-15 second rest times. Once you finish the
superset group, rest for the number of times that's displayed in the workout routine. Repeat the same superset group
for the number of times that it's written. When you finish a specific group, rest for the same amount of time as you did
before & then move to the next exercise. The exercises which are by themselves, you do normally as displayed by
following all the rest times.

The number of reps written for each exercise can vary between each individual. If you can't do as much as written,
simply do however many you currently can. REMEMBER TO DO THE EXERCISES WITH PROPER FORM &

Make sure to push your limits with the TILL FAILURE exercises! THE LAST REP IS THE ONE THAT MATTERS THE

You can do this routine if you are trying to simply gain more muscle mass, bulk up, shred or just get stronger in

Here are the meal plans that you should follow based on your goal:

Gaining lean muscle = protein-focused/balanced (caloric surplus)

Bulk = Carb focused/protein focused(higher calories)
Shred = Low carb

These meal plans are attached next to the routines.

The recommended workout schedule is Monday-Saturday training & Sunday-rest day

I highly recommend you always do abs the same day as you do the upper body bodyweight routine!

if you have any extra questions, do not hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram @jasaoslaj

Good luck!

Superset of 3 sets

Prisoner Squat 10-11, last set till fail.

Rest for 15 sec

Squat Jump 15 sec, medium tempo

Rest for 15 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 50 sec

Pistol Squat 3 sets x 9-10 last set till fail. Rest 30 sec between sets

Rest for 50 sec

Superset of 4 sets

Wall Sit 20 sec hold.

Rest for 15 sec

Body Weight Calf Raise 20, last set till fail.

Rest for 15 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 50 sec

Superset of 3 sets

Body Weight Single Leg Squat 10-11 each leg, last set till fail.

Rest for 15 sec

Rest for 15 sec

Body Weight Squat 11-12, last set till fail.

Rest for 15 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 50 sec

Superset of 4 sets

Cossack Squat 20 sec, medium tempo

Alternating Single Leg Squat 20 sec, medium tempo

Rest for 15 sec

Body Weight Calf Raise 20 ,last set till fail.

Rest for 15 sec

Repeat new set

Rest for 50 sec

Body Weight Single Leg Squat 1 set x each leg TILL FAIL.

Rest for 40 sec

High Knees 1 set x 25 sec, medium tempo

Rest for 35 sec

Box Jump 1 set x 30 sec

Prisoner Squat
1) Interlace your fingers behind your head.

2) Sit back and down by bending at the hips, knees, and ankles.

3) Once you've reached the deepest position you can comfortably go, return back to a standing position by driving your feet into the floor.

4) Repeat

Squat Jump
1. Start by slowly descending into a squat by sitting back into your hips and knees.

2. Push the floor away and fully extend your hips and knees, leaving the floor as you come upwards.

3. Land softly under control while keeping the knees in line with your hips and feet, not allowing them to cave inwards.

4. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Pistol Squat
1.Stand upright with your arms extended in front.

2.Lower your body towards the floor sending your hips back and down, keeping the raised leg and arms straight out in front.

3 Push off the standing leg to return to upright position

3.Push off the standing leg to return to upright position.

4.Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Wall Sit
1) When performing this exercise, ensure your knees don’t move forward past your toes.

2) Try to keep your knees at 90 degrees and hold.

Body Weight Calf Raise

1) When performing this exercise, keep your hips in line with your body as well as your knees straight. Hinge only at the ankles.

2) Roll all the way up to your toes.

Body Weight Single Leg Squat

1.Stand upright with one foot slightly off the floor.

2.Slowly lower your body into a squat position on the standing foot, keeping your back neutral/flat and the other foot off the floor.

3Return to starting position.

4.Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Body Weight Squat

1) When performing the squat, let your body weight shift back into your heels as you sit your hips back.

2) Keep your knees as far back behind your toes as possible.

3) Keep your chest up and back held in neutral position or with a slight arch.

4) Prevent yourself collapsing forward as you perform a squat.

5) Make sure your toes, knees, and hips are all in line as you squat back.

Cossack Squat
1.For this exercise, keep one leg fully extended while squatting on the other. Then alternate between the two.

2. As an early progression, you can keep your hands on the ground to help get yourself balanced.

3.Assume a wide stance with your toes pointed out or essentially a sumo-squat position.

4.Slide your hips from one side to another as far as you can go while keeping the same-side heel down to the floor, your torso more or less
upright, and chest proud.

5.Your outstretched, trailing leg will go straight with the heel down and toes pointed up.

Alternating Single Leg Squat

1.Stand upright with one foot slightly off the floor.

2.Slowly lower your body into a squat position on the standing foot, keeping your back neutral/flat and the other foot off the floor.

3.Return to starting position, switch the feet, squatting down on the opposite leg.

4.Perform one rep on one side, then switch to the other side. Alternate sides with each rep.

High Knees
1) Bring your knees to your hands rather than your hands to your knees.

2) Do the desired number of repetitions

Box Jump
1) When performing a box jump, try to drive from your hips as much as possible.

2) Swing with your arms to give momentum.

3) If you choose to jump down rather than step down from the box, be sure to land in a soft squat.

Tracking Sheet (Print and track your progress here. Don't forget to enter them online.)
Exercise Name Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Prisoner Squat reps reps reps

Squat Jump reps reps reps

Pistol Squat reps x kg reps x kg reps x kg

Wall Sit sec sec sec sec

Body Weight Calf Raise reps reps reps reps

Body Weight Single Leg Squat reps x kg reps x kg reps x kg

Body Weight Squat reps reps reps

Cossack Squat
Alternating Single Leg Squat reps x kg reps x kg reps x kg reps x kg

Body Weight Calf Raise reps reps reps reps

Body Weight Single Leg Squat reps x kg

High Knees reps

Box Jump reps

Previous Stats

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