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definition of HRM :also known as Human Resources, can

be regarded as the people management department

within a business organization . The primary purpose of
HRM is to ensure people resources are effectively
managed , supported and developed in order to improve
performance, maximizing return on investment

difference between HRH , HCM and KM

HRM, HCM, and KM are different concepts related

to managing and leveraging various aspects of an
organization but first we define the HCM and KM
HCM:( Human Capital Management) is a comprehensive
approach to managing an organization's workforce with a
strategic perspective

KM: (knowledge management) it refers to the

process of identifying, capturing, organizing, storing,
and distributing an orgnization's knowledge assets
to enhance its efficiency, innovation and decision-
making .
the differences:
HRM (Human Resources Management):
Focus: HRM deals with the management of an
organization's workforce, including employees, their
recruitment, training, performance evaluation,
benefits, and handling workplace issues.
Purpose: The main purpose of HRM is to ensure
that an organization's human capital is effectively
utilized, motivated, and aligned with the company's
HCM (Human Capital Management):
Focus: HCM extends the scope of HRM to include a
strategic approach to managing and maximizing an
organization's human capital. It involves viewing
employees as valuable assets.
Purpose: HCM aims to align the organization's
workforce with its strategic goals, focusing on skills
development, talent acquisition, and employee
engagement to enhance overall performance.
KM (Knowledge Management):
Focus: KM revolves around the identification,
creation, sharing, and effective utilization of
knowledge and information within an organization.
Purpose: KM aims to capture, organize, and make
knowledge readily accessible to
employees to enhance decision-making, innovation,
and problem-solving.
In summary, HRM primarily deals with the
management of personnel and employee-related
functions, HCM takes a broader and more strategic
approach by considering human capital as a key
asset, and KM is concerned with managing
knowledge and information across the organization
to improve decision-making and innovation.
These concepts can overlap and complement each
other in practice, as effective knowledge
management can benefit HR functions, and strategic
human capital management can be supported by
well-structured knowledge management practices.

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