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Objective: The learner factors solves problems involving factors of


Subject: Math 8

Grade Level: Grade 8

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science: The objective of finding factors of polynomials relates to the concept of

factoring in chemistry, where students identify the factors that contribute to chemical

2. Language Arts: Students can write a short story or poem that incorporates the
concept of factors and polynomials.

3. Social Studies: Students can research how factors and polynomials are used in
economics and business to analyze market trends and make financial predictions.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a short video clip of a real-life situation where factoring polynomials is used,
such as finding the factors of a quadratic equation to determine the roots of a graph.

2. Present a puzzle where students need to factor polynomials to find the missing
pieces and solve the puzzle.

3. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of factoring polynomials in solving

mathematical problems and its applications in various fields.

Activity 1: Factoring Game


- Factoring game board (created by the teacher)

- Factoring cards with different polynomials

- Tokens or game pieces

- Timer

1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a factoring game board, factoring cards, tokens, and a

3. Each group takes turns drawing a factoring card and factoring the polynomial
within the given time limit.

4. If the group successfully factors the polynomial, they move their token on the
game board.

5. The game continues until one group reaches the finish line or the time limit is

6. The group with the most tokens on the game board wins.



- Correctly factoring the polynomial

- Time management

- Collaboration within the group

Assessment Questions:

1. Factor the polynomial: x^2 + 5x + 6

2. Factor the polynomial: 2x^2 - 9x - 5

Activity 2: Factoring Relay Race


- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk

- Factoring cards with different polynomials


1. Divide the class into two teams.

2. Set up a whiteboard or blackboard for each team.

3. Place the factoring cards face down in front of each team.

4. When the teacher says "Go," the first player from each team picks a card and
factors the polynomial on the board.

5. Once the first player finishes factoring, they pass the marker or chalk to the next
player, who continues the race.

6. The relay race continues until all players have completed factoring their assigned

7. The team that finishes first with the most correctly factored polynomials wins.



- Correctly factoring the polynomial

- Speed and accuracy

- Collaboration within the team

Assessment Questions:

1. Factor the polynomial: 3x^2 + 7x - 6

2. Factor the polynomial: 4x^2 - 12x + 9

Activity 3: Factoring Puzzle


- Puzzle pieces with polynomial expressions (created by the teacher)

- Factoring guide sheets


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a set of puzzle pieces and factoring guide sheets.

3. The groups work together to match the puzzle pieces by factoring the polynomial

4. Once the puzzle is complete, the groups check their answers using the factoring
guide sheets.

5. The groups can then present their completed puzzles to the class.



- Correctly matching the puzzle pieces

- Accuracy of factoring the polynomial expressions

- Collaboration within the group

Assessment Questions:

1. Factor the polynomial: 2x^2 + 5x - 3

2. Factor the polynomial: 6x^2 - 13x + 6

Analysis: After each activity, discuss the strategies used by students to

factor the polynomials. Identify any misconceptions and provide
clarification if needed. Encourage students to share their thought
processes and learn from each other's approaches.

Abstraction: Summarize the key concepts and techniques learned in

factoring polynomials. Emphasize the importance of factoring in solving
equations and analyzing mathematical problems.
Application: Present a real-life problem that involves factoring
polynomials, such as determining the factors that contribute to the
growth of a population over time. Discuss how factoring can be used to
analyze and predict trends in various scenarios.

Assessment: Teachers can assess students' learning through various

methods, such as quizzes, written assignments, or group presentations.
Assessments should focus on students' ability to factor polynomials
correctly and apply the concept to solve problems.

Assignment: Assign students to create their own factoring problems and

solutions. They can present their problems to the class, allowing their
peers to solve and factor the given expressions. This promotes critical
thinking and reinforces the understanding of factoring polynomials.

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