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Practice Paper-1
Total Marks: -200

1. What is meant by Means Rea? Explain the dictum “ACTUS NON FACIT
REUM NISI MENS SIT REA”. How far a motive necessary for
determining a crime? Are there any exceptions to the dictum of Means
Rea? Illustrate your answer. (20 marks)
2. “It is often said that there is a very thin but fine distinction between the
offences of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and culpable
homicide amounting to murder because the difference is merely of
question of different degree of Probability of death ensuing.” Examine the
correctness of the above statement with the help of legal provision and
decided cases. (20 marks)
3. What is Criminal Breach of Trust? What facts are to be proved for such
offence? Distinguish between Dishonest misappropriation of property and
criminal breach of trust with illustration. (20 marks)
4. (a) Discuss Sedition law in India with the help of provision and case laws.
(10 marks)
(b) Abetment, conspiracy and common intention: Do they overlap?
Discuss. (10 marks)

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Contact Number: - 7651935114
5. (a) Under what circumstances a person can claim the right of private
defence of the body and the property? Whether such a right is available
against a person of Unsound mind? (10 marks)
(b) A, a constable, is attacked by an infuriated mob. A cannot effectively
defend himself without firing on the mob. A fire and kills one of the many
Children in the mob. Is A guilty of any offence? (10 marks)
6. (a) Discuss unsoundness of mind as a defence of criminal liability. How
is legal insanity different from medical insanity? Refer to decided case.
(10 marks)
(b) Define ‘Consent’ in criminal law and state the cases in which the
consent of the harmed or his guardian exempt the person inflicting the
harm from criminal liabilities. (10marks)
7. (a) What are the different cases under the IPC in which a person may be
constructively liable for an offence, which he actually did not commit?
Explain giving illustrations. (10 marks)
(b) Shyam Lal dispossessed Ram Lal from his land thirty years back and
is in settled possession since then. He gets the information that Ram Lal
is coming to that place with armed men to get back possession of land and
would reach the site within half an hour. On getting this information
Shyam Lal gathers seven of his friends immediately who are armed and
prepared to resist Ram Lal forcibly. Does this assembly of Shyam Lal’s
Friends amount to unlawful Assembly? Decide. (10 marks)
8. (a) Discuss changes brought in rape laws under the IPC by Criminal Law
(Amendment) Act, 2013. (10 marks)

Feat Study Circle- Online Judiciary Coaching, Follow us on YouTube and Telegram
Contact Number: - 7651935114
(b) A married girl aged 17 approached the court alleging that her husband
had sexual intercourse with her without her consent and hence committed
rape. Discuss the present law regarding the issue at hand with the help of
leading Supreme Court pronouncement. (10 marks)
9. (a) Describe the offences of Voyeurism and Stalking. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss the point of distinction between “outraging the modesty of a
women “and “insulting the modesty of a women”. (5marks)
(c) ‘A’ having intention to cause injury incites a dog to spring upon ‘B’
without B’s consent. ‘B’ is annoyed by the act of ‘A’. What offence, if
any ‘A’ has committed? (5 marks)
(d) ‘A’ a police officer tortures B to induce him to point out where certain
stolen property is deposited. What offence, if any has been committed by
A? (5 marks)
10. (a) What is an attempt to commit crime a crime? What is the law relating
to impossible attempts? (10 marks)
(b) X intending to murder Z, mixes poison, with the milk and then places
the glass on Z’s table. What offence did a commit? (5 marks)
(c) Had X mixed sugar, mistaking it as poison, with milk and then places
the glass on Z’s table, would it make any difference in the judgement?
(5 marks)

Feat Study Circle- Online Judiciary Coaching, Follow us on YouTube and Telegram
Contact Number: - 7651935114

a) Answers should be neatly written.

b) Try to leave space after each answer for remark.
c) Answer should not be too lengthy (It is Quality rather than quantity that

Feat Study Circle- Online Judiciary Coaching, Follow us on YouTube and Telegram
Contact Number: - 7651935114
Feat Study Circle- Online Judiciary Coaching, Follow us on YouTube and Telegram
Contact Number: - 7651935114

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