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ELED 2 REVIEWER  S  NP AUX VP – typical English sentence

TERMINOLOGIES  Subject – the doer of the action

 Usage relates to the habits  Predicate – describes what is the subject doing
of language use among a language’s native
speakers, particularly regarding the SYNTACTIC LABELS
meanings of words and phrases. S – Sentence
 Grammar relates to the functions of words, the NP – Noun Phrase
construction of sentences, and how words combine to VP – Verb Phrase
make sentences. AdjP – Adjective Phrase
 WORD-LEVEL CATEGORIES - Words can be grouped AdvP – Adverb Phrase
together into a relatively small number of classes, which PP – Prepositional Phrase
can generally substitute for one another without loss of N – Noun
V – Verb
Pro – Pronoun
 LEXICAL WORDS – It is called ‘open’ (lexical) because
Adj – Adjective
languages can freely add new words to the set.
Adv – Adverb
 FUNCTIONAL WORDS – It’s called ‘functional’ words
Prep – Preposition
because they carry little meaning (have no synonyms) and
Det – Determiner
typically ‘help’ another word.
Aux – Auxiliary
 Noun – Name of person, place, thing or idea.
 Pronoun - Used in place of a noun or noun phrase to avoid ROYAL ORDER OF ADJECTIVES
repetition.  Determiner
 Adjective – describes, modifies or gives more information  Article - a, an, the
about a noun or pronoun.  Intensifiers – very, much, less
 Verb – shows an action or state of being.  Possessive nouns/pronouns – Camille’s,
 Adverb – modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. my, his, her
It tells how (often), where, when.  Demonstrative adjectives – this, these,
 Preposition – shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun those, that
to another word.  Indefinite adjectives – some, many, each
 Conjunction – joins two words, ideas, phrases together  Observation – beautiful, expensive, delicious
and shows how they are connected.  Physical Description
 Interjection – a word or phrase that expresses a strong  Size – big, tiny, little, giant
emotion. It is a short exclamation.  Shape – square, round, slim
 Modal verbs are also called Auxiliary verbs.  Age - old, antique, young
 Auxiliary - is a verb that helps another verb express its  Color - blue, green, pink
tense, mood, or voice.  Origin – Italian, English, American
 Syntax in English is the arrangement of words and phrases  Material – silver, silk, wooden
in a specific order.  Qualifier - hunting, hat, touring, dancing
 Clauses - a group of words that includes a subject and a  Noun – car, mirror, cabin, food
verb to form a simple sentence or only part of a sentence.
 Dependent Clause – not complete thought, can’t stand
 Independent Clause – a kind of clause that can stand
 Sentence – expresses a complete thought.
 Phrases – group of words that has no subject or verb, no
complete idea, usually consists of article, preposition or
 Noun Phrase – comprises a noun and any associated
 Verb Phrase – a group of words including a verb and its
complements, objects, or other modifiers.
 Adjective Phrase – a phrase that acts as an adjective by - PAKIARAL PO TREE DIAGRAM MGA MAHAL
 Adverb Phrase – modify other words by explaining why,  marbecutieee <3
how, where, or when an action occurred.
 Prepositional Phrase – a group of words consisting of a
preposition, its object, and any words that modify the
 Tree Diagram / Phrase Structure Tree – constituent how a
statement can be both a hierarchical structure with
phrases nested within phrases and a linear string of words.
– It is central to the theory of syntax developed by
Chomsky 1957, which kickstarted the modern field of
generative syntax.

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