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Effects of Statins on Renal Function


Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are much more likely have stage 3 disease.1 However, nearly 500,000 people in
to die of cardiovascular disease than end-stage renal disease.
Dyslipidemia is highly prevalent in patients with CKD and may
the United States are in the most advanced stage of CKD,
contribute to the elevated cardiovascular risk as well as CKD also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and require
progression. Statins are lipid-lowering drugs that appear to pro- regular dialysis treatment.4
tect the kidneys via cholesterol reduction as well as noncholes-
terol-mediated mechanisms. Subgroup analyses of major clinical
Although the progressive course of CKD is well recog-
studies and meta-analyses of smaller trials indicate that statin nized, patients with CKD are likely to die of cardiovascular
therapy slows the decline of the glomerular filtration rate. Addi- disease before they reach ESRD.5 In fact, CKD is an inde-
tionally, statins appear to reduce proteinuria in patients with CKD.
Statins are well recognized to reduce cardiovascular morbidity
pendent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, particularly
and mortality in patients with and without documented cardiovas- in higher-risk populations.5 This point is illustrated in a
cular disease and in certain high-risk populations, such as per- post hoc analysis of pooled data from 4 major longitudinal,
sons with diabetes mellitus. However, conclusive evidence for
improved cardiovascular outcomes with statin therapy for CKD
community-based studies: of 26,912 subjects, 4278 had
is not yet available. Several ongoing studies are evaluating the ef- preexisting cardiovascular disease.6 After adjusting for po-
fect of statins on cardiovascular end points in patients with CKD tential confounders, the risk for the composite outcome of
and may provide data needed to support adjunctive use of these
agents in this high-risk population.
myocardial infarction (MI), fatal coronary artery disease
(CAD), stroke, and all-cause mortality was significantly
Mayo Clin Proc. 2007;82(11):1381-1390
higher in persons with than without CKD (hazard ratio,
1.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21-1.52). Notably,
ALLIANCE = Aggressive Lipid-Lowering Initiation Abates New Cardiac the increased risk associated with CKD was comparable to
Events; CAD = coronary artery disease; CARE = Cholesterol and Recur-
rent Events; CI = confidence interval; CKD = chronic kidney disease;
the risk associated with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or
ESRD = end-stage renal disease; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; left ventricular hypertrophy, each of which is well docu-
GREACE = GREek Atorvastatin and Coronary–heart-disease Evaluation;
HMG-CoA = 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A; LDL = low-density
mented as a cardiovascular risk factor. Similar findings
lipoprotein; L-FABP = liver-type fatty acid-binding protein; MI = myocar- were obtained in a post hoc analysis of the Heart Outcomes
dial infarction
Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study, which enrolled 9297
patients with vascular disease or diabetes mellitus.7 The
subset of patients with mild renal dysfunction had nearly
twice the risk of cardiovascular mortality and all-cause

C hronic kidney disease (CKD) affects an estimated 19

million people in the United States, representing 11%
of the total adult population.1,2 Chronic kidney disease may
mortality (both P<.001) as those with normal renal func-
tion. On the basis of a large body of evidence from these
and other studies, the American Heart Association recom-
be divided into 5 stages on the basis of glomerular filtration mends that patients with CKD be placed in the highest risk
rate (GFR) and evidence of structural or functional renal group for subsequent cardiovascular events. Current treat-
abnormalities, such as persistent albuminuria or pro- ment recommendations should take into account the high-
teinuria.3 Stages 1 and 2 are characterized by evidence of risk status of this group of patients.5
kidney damage with normal or mildly reduced GFR, re-
spectively, whereas stages 3 to 5 indicate progressively
greater reductions in GFR below 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2
with or without known etiology of kidney damage. When Many traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk
both kidneys are involved, any GFR less than 60 mL/min factors are highly prevalent in CKD.8 In the Framingham
per 1.73 m2 should be considered to be due to renal injury
and therefore pathological.
From the Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Indiana Uni-
Rates of progression of CKD may differ; rarely, patients versity School of Medicine, Richard L. Roundebush VA Medical Center,
may even improve. In general, however, the condition of Indianapolis.

persons with CKD will deteriorate. The progressive course Dr Agarwal has received honoraria and served as a consultant and on the
speakers’ bureau of Merck and AstraZeneca.
of CKD is a function of many factors, including the pres-
Individual reprints of this article are not available. Address correspondence to
ence of concomitant disease, such as diabetes mellitus or Rajiv Agarwal, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine, Richard L. Rounde-
proteinuric glomerular disease. Most patients with CKD bush VA Medical Center, 1481 W Tenth St (111N), Indianapolis, IN 46202.
have stage 1 to 3 disease; an estimated 7.6 million people © 2007 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 • 1381

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Offspring Cohort, patients with CKD were significantly function in the hypercholesterolemic kidney as well as
more likely to have low levels of high-density lipoprotein microvascular remodeling and function.21
cholesterol (45% vs 29%; P<.001) and elevated triglycer-
ides (40% vs 30%; P<.001) and tended to be more likely to
have elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
(61% vs 45%; P=.06) than those without CKD.8 In the If dyslipidemia promotes renal injury, then reducing
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey dyslipidemia should slow or prevent the progression of
(NHANES III), participants with CKD (GFR <60 mL/min CKD. Indeed, experimental models show that 3-hy-
per 1.73 m2) had higher levels of apolipoprotein B and droxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reduc-
lower levels of apolipoprotein A than those with normal tase inhibitors, or statins, decrease the severity of glo-
renal function (P=.003 and P=.021, respectively).9 merular damage and preserve renal function.22-24 For
Dyslipidemia is not only highly prevalent in CKD, but example, New Zealand rabbits fed a diet rich in cholester-
it also increases the risk of renal dysfunction in other- ol became hypercholesterolemic, with evidence of endo-
wise healthy individuals. The Physicians’ Health Study fol- thelial dysfunction in renal segmental arteries as well as
lowed 4483 initially healthy men for a mean of 14.2 years.10 glomerular hypertrophy and diffuse glomerulosclerosis.24
After adjustment for potential confounding factors (cardio- In this model, atorvastatin attenuated the increase in plasma
vascular risk factors and development of hypertension and cholesterol and prevented renal artery endothelial dysfunc-
cardiovascular disease), men in the highest quartile of total tion, glomerular hypertrophy, and most of the glomerulo-
cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio had a sclerosis.
92% higher risk (95% CI, 22%-204%) of developing CKD Statins lower serum cholesterol levels and may there-
than those in the lowest quartile. fore be expected to reduce lipid deposits in the kidney.
The role of dyslipidemia in promoting kidney damage Nevertheless, the exact mechanism by which statins protect
has been shown in experimental models. Rats fed a diet rich against renal damage is unclear. Statins inhibit the rate-
in cholesterol and fat exhibited increased numbers of glo- limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in cholesterol syn-
meruli with sclerotic foci vs those on a low-fat, cholesterol- thesis, but inhibition of this enzyme also leads to down-
free diet.11 When administered to rats with kidney disease stream inhibition of the synthesis of the isoprenoids
caused by unilateral nephrectomy, the cholesterol- and fat- farnesyl pyrophosphate and geranyl pyrophosphate.25,26
rich diet augmented the glomerular lesions in the remaining These isoprenoids normally attach to intracellular signaling
kidney.11 In rats fed a high-cholesterol diet, the severity proteins to facilitate a variety of cellular responses, includ-
of the hypercholesterolemia correlated with proteinuria ing gene expression, membrane trafficking, cell prolifera-
(r=0.672) and was accompanied by increased numbers of tion and migration, and programmed cell death. By block-
glomeruli with lipid deposits.12 ing isoprenoid synthesis, statins produce an array of anti-
Lipid deposition can directly damage the glomerular inflammatory and vascular effects that are independent of
basement membrane. It can also stimulate mesangial cell cholesterol reduction. For example, stem cells govern nu-
activation and proliferation, a process similar to smooth merous ischemic and degenerative disorders, and recent
muscle cell proliferation in the evolution of atherosclerotic investigations have shown that statins may play a role in
plaque13,14 (Figure 1). Mesangial cells then release che- modulating stem cell functions.27 Similarly, impaired en-
mokines that recruit monocytes to the mesangium, where dothelial progenitor cell function is characteristic of vascu-
they are transformed into resident macrophages that secrete lar injury, and statin therapy may improve the regenerative
proinflammatory and profibrotic mediators capable of aug- capacity of progenitor cells.28
menting the proliferative process.15-17 The macrophages also Levels of advanced glycation end products (the result of
ingest lipids to become foam cells, which are commonly increasing oxidative stress) appear to increase as GFR de-
detected at early stages of glomerulonephritis.18 Each of creases. In addition, renal insufficiency is associated with
these cell types is capable of producing reactive oxygen increased levels of inflammatory and procoagulant bio-
species that oxidize LDL. Oxidized LDL, in turn, can markers, even in patients without cardiovascular disease.29
cause further monocyte recruitment, endothelial dysfunc- Attenuation of the inflammatory response to renal injury
tion, and mesangial cell cytotoxicity.17,19,20 is considered another possible explanation for the re-
The endothelin system is also upregulated in hyper- noprotective actions of statin therapy. In an open-label trial
cholesterolemia. Therefore, endothelin-A receptor block- in which 91 patients with CKD were randomly assigned to
ade might protect the kidney from injury to the renal treatment with 10 mg/d of rosuvastatin or no lipid-lowering
microvessels. In fact, in a porcine model, endothelin-A treatment for 20 weeks, a 47% reduction in median high-
receptor blockade improved microvascular endothelial sensitivity C-reactive protein in treated patients was ac-

1382 Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 •

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Lipid deposition in kidney Direct injury to GBM

Mesangial cell activation


Recruitment of monocytes

Production of proinflammatory
↑ Mesangial macrophages/foam cells and profibrotic mediators

Oxidation of LDL
and generation of
reactive oxygen species

Endothelial Cytotoxic action Mesangial cell Increased matrix

dysfunction on mesangial cells proliferation production

Renal injury

FIGURE 1. Schematic showing how lipid deposition can produce renal damage. GBM = glomerular
basement membrane; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; MCP-1 = monocyte chemoattractant protein-
1; GM-CSF = granulocyte-macrophage colony–stimulating factor. Adapted from Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins,14 with permission.

companied by a statistically significant improvement in diabetes mellitus.34,39 Plasma creatinine levels were mea-
GFR.30 sured at baseline and again after 4 to 6 years of therapy. As
expected, plasma creatinine levels increased as patients
aged, but the increase in creatinine was smaller in the
simvastatin vs the placebo group (7.1 vs 8.9 µmol/L [0.08
vs 0.1 mg/dL]; P<.0001).39 Using the plasma creatinine
The efficacy of statin therapy in reducing major cardiovascu- levels, GFR was estimated retrospectively with the simpli-
lar events and mortality has been established in a series of fied Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula. The
large long-term outcome studies that enrolled patients with decline in GFR during follow-up was significantly smaller
or without evidence of cardiovascular disease and a wide in patients assigned to treatment with simvastatin than in
range of baseline cholesterol levels.31-35 Patients with renal those receiving placebo (5.9 vs 6.7 mL/min; P=.0003),
dysfunction were excluded from early statin trials, limiting suggesting that statin therapy may slow the decline in renal
the availability of data on the efficacy of statin therapy in function over time.39
these patients. However, some secondary-prevention studies Two trials—the GREek Atorvastatin and Coronary–
have reported the impact of statin therapy on renal function heart-disease Evaluation (GREACE) study and the Aggres-
as part of a secondary or post hoc analysis (Table 1).36-44 sive Lipid-Lowering Initiation Abates New Cardiac Events
The Heart Protection Study evaluated simvastatin vs (ALLIANCE) study—compared structured dose titration
placebo in 20,536 patients with occlusive arterial disease or with atorvastatin to achieve specific LDL-cholesterol goals

Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 • 1383

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TABLE 1. Overview of Renal Outcomes in Major Statin Trials*

No. of Primary
Trial Patient population patients Statin/dose outcome Results

Secondary and post hoc analyses of renal outcomes in major statin trials
CARE36 Patients with CAD 690 Pravastatin Rate of change in GFR Statin was significantly superior to
and moderate CKD (GFR (40 mg/d) vs placebo in slowing rate of decline of
<60 mL/min/1.73 m2) to placebo for GFR (by 2.5 mL/min/1.73 m2 per
severe CKD (GFR ≥3 y year; P=.0001) in patients with
<40 mL/min/1.73 m2) severe CKD, but was not superior in
(TC <240 mg/dL) patients with mild CKD
GREACE37 Previously untreated 1600 Dose-titrated All-cause and coronary CrCl increased by 12% in atorvastatin
dyslipidemic patients with atorvastatin mortality, coronary group (P<.0001) and by 4.9% in the
CAD (10-80 mg/d) morbidity (nonfatal MI, usual care group that also took statins
vs usual care revascularization, UA, (P=.003), but declined by 5.3%
for 3 y (mean) and CHF), stroke (P=.0001) in usual care patients
who did not take statins
ALLIANCE 38 Dyslipidemic patients with 2442 Atorvastatin Deterioration in renal Mean decline of 4.4% in the usual care
CAD and CrCl of 88.6 (titrated to 80 function in CAD group (P=.0001 vs baseline). CrCl did
mL/min and 87.2 mL/min mg/d) vs usual patients not change in the atorvastatin group
at baseline for participants care for 4 y vs baseline. Highly significant
receiving atorvastatin difference between the statin and
therapy and usual care, usual care groups in mean change
respectively from baseline (P=.0001)
Heart Protection Patients ≤80 y with 5963 Simvastatin Major coronary event, Smaller increase in plasma creatinine
Study39 occlusive arterial disease (40 mg/d) vs stroke, or and smaller reduction in estimated
or DM placebo for revascularization GFR with statin therapy vs placebo
4-8 y (mean) (P<.0001 and P=.0003, respectively)

Pravastatin Patients with and without 4491† Pravastatin Time to MI, coronary Significant reduction in primary
Pooling Project CAD and with moderate death, or PCR outcome in statin-treated patients
(WOSCOPS, CKD (GFR, 30-60 with moderate CKD (hazard ratio,
CARE, LIPID)40 mL/min/1.73 m2) 0.77; 95% confidence interval,
0.68-0.86); reduction in total
mortality in treated patients. Benefit
seen in patients with and without CAD
Studies conducted in patients with kidney disease
UK-HARP-I 41 Predialysis (n=242), dialysis 448 Simvastatin Efficacy and safety Statin treatment lowered LDL-C by
(n=73), and renal (20 mg/d) vs approximately 24%; no evidence
transplant (n=133) placebo + aspirin of toxicity
patients vs placebo
(2 × 2 factorial
design) for 1 y
ALERT42 Renal transplant patients, 2102 Fluvastatin vs Cardiac death, nonfatal No significant risk reduction in
with and without CAD placebo for MI, or coronary statin-treated patients
(TC, 154-346 mg/dL) 5.1 y (mean) intervention
4D Study43 Hemodialysis patients with 1255 Atorvastatin Composite of cardiac No significant difference in primary
and without CAD, with (20 mg/d) vs death, nonfatal MI, end point with statin treatment, but
type 2 DM and an LDL-C placebo for 4 y and stroke increased risk for fatal stroke (P=.04)
of 80-190 mg/dL (TG (mean)
<1000 mg/dL)
PREVEND-IT44 Patients ≤75 y with and 864 Fosinopril or CV mortality or CV No significant reduction in primary
without CAD and with placebo + hospitalization end point with statin treatment
microalbuminuria and pravastatin (P=.649)
CrCL <60% of normal (40 mg/d) or
age-adjusted value placebo (2 × 2
factorial) for 4 y

*ALERT = Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantation; ALLIANCE = Aggressive Lipid-Lowering Initiation Abates New Cardiac Events; CAD =
coronary artery disease; CARE = Cholesterol and Recurrent Events; CHF = chronic heart failure; CKD = chronic kidney disease; CrCl = creatinine
clearance; CV = cardiovascular; DM = diabetes mellitus; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; GREACE = GREek Atorvastatin and Coronary–heart-disease
Evaluation; LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LIPID = Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease; MI = myocardial
infarction; PCR = percutaneous coronary revascularization; PREVEND-IT = Prevention of Renal and Vascular Endstage Disease Intervention Trial;
TC = total cholesterol; TG = triglyceride; UA = unstable angina; UK-HARP-I = First United Kingdom Heart and Renal Protection study; WOSCOPS =
West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study; 4D Study = Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie.
†Of whom 3310 (74%) had CAD.

1384 Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 •

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vs usual care in patients with CAD.35,45 GREACE enrolled temic disease known to cause glomerulonephritis. Patients
1600 consecutive patients with CAD seen at a hospital were randomly assigned to receive additional treatment
atherosclerosis clinic, whereas ALLIANCE studied 2442 with atorvastatin or no additional treatment. After 1 addi-
patients enrolled in health maintenance organizations or Vet- tional year of treatment, urinary protein excretion declined
erans Administration settings. In both studies, creatinine from 2.2 to 1.2 g/d in the group treated with atorvastatin
clearance declined by an average of 4.4% during 4 years in (P<.01), whereas it remained essentially unchanged in the
patients assigned to usual care.37,38 In contrast, patients as- group that received no additional treatment. Moreover, the
signed to atorvastatin therapy had an 11.6% increase in atorvastatin group showed a significantly smaller decline in
creatinine clearance in the GREACE study. Although creati- creatinine clearance than the group that received no addi-
nine clearance did not improve in the atorvastatin group in tional treatment (2.0% vs 11.6%; P<.05).48 Thus, this study
the ALLIANCE study, no decline was seen. The difference provides evidence that statin therapy may reduce proteinuria
between treatments was highly significant in both studies and the rate of renal function decline in patients with CKD.
(P<.0001). Liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is ex-
In contrast to these studies, a post hoc analysis of the pressed in proximal renal tubules and is considered a
Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial found no marker of progression of glomerulonephritis. In a study of
difference in the rate of decline in renal function with statin 58 persons with and 20 persons without diabetes mellitus,
therapy vs placebo. CARE evaluated pravastatin therapy increased L-FABP levels were associated with the pro-
for 5 years in patients with previous MI who had average gression of diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of
cholesterol levels.32 Pravastatin did not slow the rate of ESRD.49 After 12 months, 1 mg/d of pitavastatin effec-
GFR decline relative to placebo in patients with a baseline tively decreased urinary L-FABP levels in patients with
GFR of 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or higher or in those with a early diabetic nephropathy. The investigators speculated
baseline GFR lower than 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2.36 How- that the antioxidant effects of statins likely play a role in
ever, in the small subset of patients with a GFR of less than slowing the progression of tubulointerstitial lesions in
40 mL/min per 1.73 m2 at baseline, pravastatin signifi- diabetic nephropathy.
cantly reduced GFR decline by 2.5 mL/min per year (95% Statin therapy has also been evaluated in other cohorts
CI, 1.4-3.6; P=.0001) relative to placebo. with proteinuria secondary to hypertension or type 2 diabe-
The previously described studies reflect the effect of tes mellitus. Pravastatin was compared with placebo in a
long-term statin therapy on renal function and therefore randomized study of 63 normolipidemic patients with
include any natural age-associated decreases in GFR. The well-controlled hypertension and proteinuria.50 After 6
effect of short-term rosuvastatin therapy on renal function months, pravastatin at a dosage of 10 mg/d significantly
was explored in a pooled analysis of 13 clinical studies reduced urinary protein excretion from 1.23 to 0.56 g/d
involving nearly 4000 subjects.46 Creatinine levels were (P<.0001), whereas the placebo group showed only a
measured at baseline and then again after 6 to 8 weeks slight decline (from 1.19 to 1.10 g/d). The reduction in
of treatment, and GFR was estimated by the Modification proteinuria with pravastatin was evident whether or not
of Diet in Renal Disease formula. Overall, rosuvastatin at patients were cotreated with an angiotensin receptor
dosages of 5 to 40 mg/d increased GFR by a mean of 1.8 blocker. However, despite the observed decrease in pro-
mL/min per 1.73 m2 (P<.01), with statistically significant teinuria, serum creatinine levels and creatinine clearance
increases seen at each of the tested doses. Notably, ro- remained relatively stable in both groups during the 6-
suvastatin increased GFR by a mean of 2.8 mL/min per 1.73 month treatment period.
m2 (95% CI, 2.4-3.2) in the subgroup with a baseline GFR Simvastatin was compared with cholestyramine in a
of less than 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2. Thus, short-term cohort of 86 hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients with
rosuvastatin therapy may modestly increase GFR, even microalbuminuria, who had shown a decline in GFR of
among patients with CKD. Regarding long-term therapy, about 3 mL/min per 1.73 m2 each year during the previous
when more than 10,000 patients received 5 to 40 mg/d of 2 to 4 years.51 After 4 years of treatment, 40 mg/d of sim-
rosuvastatin for 96 or more weeks, GFR remained un- vastatin and 30 g/d of cholestyramine similarly reduced
changed or tended to increase when compared with lipid levels, but only simvastatin significantly reduced uri-
baseline, irrespective of the level of renal function or hy- nary albumin excretion and slowed the rate of GFR decline.
pertensive or diabetic status.47 The GFR declined by an average of 0.21 mL/min per 1.73
The effect of statin therapy on CKD was evaluated m2 during the 4 years of simvastatin therapy and by 2.75
prospectively in a study of 56 patients with a clinical diag- mL/min per 1.73 m2 with cholestyramine (P<.01). Thus,
nosis of idiopathic chronic glomerulonephritis.48 All pa- the renoprotective effect of simvastatin in these patients
tients in the study had proteinuria but no evidence of sys- appeared independent of the reduction in lipid levels. In the

Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 • 1385

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

study of 91 patients with CKD discussed earlier,30 treat- ued at the same dosage.56 Urinary protein electrophoresis
ment with 10 mg/d of rosuvastatin for 20 weeks produced a indicated that most of the protein excreted had a lower
statistically significant improvement in GFR. molecular weight than albumin.47 This finding suggests
Sandhu et al52 performed a systematic review and meta- that the proteinuria was caused by reduced reabsorption
analysis to better characterize the effect of statins on pro- of normally filtered protein in renal tubule cells rather
teinuria and the rate of GFR decline. They identified 22 than by glomerular leakage of albumin and other larger
randomized controlled trials involving 38,867 participants proteins.
in which the effect of statin therapy on estimated GFR was Protein uptake by renal proximal tubule cells occurs at
evaluated. Statins exhibited favorable effects in 18 of the megalin and cubulin receptors via receptor-mediated en-
22 studies. Overall, the rate of decline in estimated GFR docytosis.54 Many protein ligands bind to these receptors,
with statins was 1.22 mL/min per year (95% CI, 0.44-2.00 but because cubulin lacks an endocytosis signaling se-
mL/min per year). This rate of decline in GFR was slower quence and binds to megalin, the megalin receptor is
than that observed with the controls and corresponded to a thought to be responsible for internalizing the ligands at-
76% reduction in the rate of GFR loss. Interestingly, in this tached to both receptors.57 This endocytic process requires
meta-analysis, statin therapy was found to positively affect the presence of prenylated guanosine-5'-triphosphate–
the GFR in populations with cardiovascular disease but, in binding proteins.54 However, by inhibiting HMG-CoA re-
contrast to the results found by Nakamura et al,49 not in ductase, statins reduce the amount of mevalonate, a key
populations with diabetic or hypertensive kidney disease or intermediate in the synthesis of the isoprenoids. This
glomerulonephritis. mechanism is supported by experimental studies conducted
Comparable results were reported in an earlier, smaller in primary cultures of human renal proximal tubule cells.
meta-analysis that evaluated the impact of lipid-lowering When incubated with these cells, statins (simvastatin,
therapy on GFR and proteinuria in patients with renal pravastatin, rosuvastatin) inhibited protein uptake in a con-
disease.53 The meta-analysis for GFR reviewed 12 studies centration-dependent manner; however, at the highest con-
(362 participants), 5 of which contained individual patient centrations tested (50-500 µM), protein uptake was re-
data. A total of 10 studies used statins and 2 used gem- duced by only 40% to 50%.58 However, statins were unable
fibrozil and probucol. Lipid-lowering therapy was associ- to inhibit protein uptake once mevalonate was added to the
ated with a 1.9 mL/min per year (95% CI, 0.3-3.4 mL/min cultures. These findings suggest that the increase in urinary
per year) slower decline in GFR vs controls (P=.008). protein excretion associated with high statin doses in some
Lipid-lowering therapy was also associated with a greater patients is caused by reduction of prenylation and the
reduction in urinary protein or albumin excretion (P<.001). consequent inhibition of protein reabsorption in proximal
However, substantial heterogeneity among trials was seen tubules. This scenario may help explain why statins can
in the latter analysis, calling into question the validity of transiently increase protein excretion and simultaneously
combining the results for proteinuria and albuminuria. protect against renal damage. The National Lipid Asso-
Nevertheless, this meta-analysis suggests that statins, which ciation Statin Safety Assessment Task Force recently re-
were used in most of the studies, may slow GFR decline in ported that “proteinuria is at least possible with all statins
patients with CKD. at some concentration, but is more likely to be seen with
Although statins usually appear to reduce proteinuria statins that are potent inhibitors of HMG-CoA reduc-
and slow the rate of GFR decline, discrepant findings have tase.”59 The report concludes that statin-induced protein-
been reported in some studies. Short-term therapy with uria is not associated with either renal impairment or renal
statins, particularly at high doses, has been reported to failure.
induce proteinuria. Of 120 hypercholesterolemic patients In the aforementioned meta-analysis by Sandhu et al,52
who were taking 40 mg/d of simvastatin, 10 developed the effects of statins on proteinuria and albuminuria were
proteinuria.54,55 After resolution, proteinuria recurred in 2 evaluated in 9 studies (350 participants) and 7 studies (904
patients when 40 mg/d of simvastatin was resumed. During participants), respectively. When proteinuria and albumin-
the clinical development of rosuvastatin, the highest stud- uria were considered separately, statin therapy did not sig-
ied dose (80 mg) was associated with dipstick-positive nificantly influence the rate of change in urinary protein or
proteinuria. On urine dipstick analysis, proteinuria of 2+ or albumin excretion. However, when considered together,
higher occurred at rates of 2%, 2%, and 4% at the currently statins significantly reduced urinary protein and albumin
approved dosages of 10, 20, and 40 mg/d, respectively, vs excretion compared with controls (standardized mean dif-
a rate of 3% with placebo.56 In many cases, rosuvastatin- ference between treatments, –0.58 units of SD; 95% CI,
treated patients had normal urine dipstick findings when –0.98 to –0.17 units). These findings suggest that statin
testing was repeated, even when rosuvastatin was contin- therapy modestly reduces proteinuria and slows the rate of

1386 Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 •

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

TABLE 2. Overview of Ongoing Statin Studies in Patients With CKD*

Trial Design No. of patients Treatment Duration Primary end point
Renal end points
PLANET60 R, DB, 345 (≥18 y) with Rosuvastatin (10 mg) 1y Change in urinary protein excretion
MC diabetes who had or rosuvastatin (40 mg) (urinary protein/creatinine ratio)
proteinuria and vs atorvastatin (80 mg)
PLANET II60 R, DB, 345 (≥18 y) without Rosuvastatin (10 mg) 1y Change in urinary protein excretion
MC diabetes who had or rosuvastatin (40 mg) (urinary protein/creatinine ratio)
proteinuria and vs atorvastatin (80 mg)
Cardiovascular end points
SHARP61 R, DB, 9000, including 3000 Simvastatin (20 mg) + ≥4 y Time to first major vascular event (cardiac
PC, receiving HD ezetimibe (10 mg) vs death or nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal
MC placebo stroke, or revascularization); progression
to ESRD in predialysis cohort (secondary
end point)
AURORA62 R, DB, >2750 (50-80 y) Rosuvastatin (10 mg) Until 620 Time to major cardiovascular event
PC, receiving long-term HD vs placebo primary (cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or
MC events nonfatal stroke)
*AURORA = A study to evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin in subjects On Regular hemodialysis: an Assessment of survival and cardiovascular events;
CKD = chronic kidney disease; DB = double-blind; ESRD = end-stage renal disease; HD = hemodialysis; MC = multicenter; MI = myocardial infarction;
PC = placebo-controlled; PLANET = Prospective evaLuation of proteinuriA and reNal function in diabETic patients (with progressive renal disease); R =
randomized; SHARP = Study of Heart and Renal Protection.

GFR decline, particularly in patients with cardiovascular atorvastatin did not significantly reduce the risk of the
disease. primary end point—a composite of death from cardiac
causes, nonfatal MI, and stroke—compared with placebo
(relative risk, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.77-1.10; P=.37). Atorvastatin
did not reduce the risk of the individual components of the
primary end point, but it did increase the relative risk of a
The effects of statin therapy on major adverse cardiac fatal stroke (2.03; 95% CI, 1.05-3.93; P=.04).
events in patients with renal allografts were examined in The negative findings in the 4D study raise the possibil-
2102 renal allograft recipients in the Assessment of Lescol ity that it may be too late to start statin therapy once
in Renal Transplantation (ALERT)42 (Table 1). After a patients with CKD require hemodialysis. A number of
mean of 5.1 years, LDL cholesterol was reduced by 32% in ongoing clinical trials, as summarized in Table 2,60-62 are
patients who received 40 mg/d of fluvastatin. Risk reduc- further evaluating statin therapy in patients with impaired
tion for the primary end point was not significant, possibly renal function. The Study of Heart and Renal Protection
because the study was small and the total event rate was (SHARP)61 is comparing treatment with 20 mg/d of
low; thus, the study was underpowered to detect signifi- simvastatin plus 10 mg/d of ezetimibe vs placebo in ap-
cance. However, fewer deaths and nonfatal MI were ob- proximately 9000 patients with CKD, 3000 of whom are
served in the fluvastatin group vs the placebo group (70 vs undergoing dialysis. The study is designed to evaluate the
104; P=.005). Coronary intervention procedures did not effect of lowering LDL cholesterol on the time to a first
differ significantly between groups.42 major vascular event, defined as nonfatal MI or cardiac
death, nonfatal or fatal stroke, or revascularization (pri-
mary end point). The study will also evaluate the impact of
treatment on progression to ESRD in the predialysis co-
hort. Patients will be treated for at least 4 years.61
To date, no single trial has provided definitive evidence A study to evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin in subjects
that statins reduce the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and On Regular hemodialysis: an Assessment of survival and
mortality in patients with CKD. Die Deutsche Diabetes cardiovascular events (AURORA)62 is a large-scale inter-
Dialyse Studie (4D Study) prospectively evaluated 20 mg/d national study that is also evaluating an ESRD cohort.
of atorvastatin vs placebo in a cohort of 1255 patients More than 2750 patients with ESRD who have been receiv-
with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were receiving mainte- ing chronic hemodialysis for at least 3 months, regardless
nance hemodialysis.43 After a mean follow-up of 4 years, of baseline lipid levels, are randomly assigned to treatment

Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 • 1387

For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

TABLE 3. Statins for Kidney Disease: Available Dosages, LDL-C Reductions,

Metabolic Pathway, and Principal Drug Interactions*
Dosage in LDL-C Metabolic Clinically important
Statin (mg/d) (%) pathway drug interactions
Atorvastatin 10 39 CYP450 3A4 Cyclosporine, digoxin,
20 43 fibric acid, niacin,
40 50 erythromycin,
80 60 azole antifungals
Fluvastatin 20 22 CYP450 2C9 Cimetidine, diclofenac,
40 25 glibenclamide, omeprazole,
40† 36 phenytoin, ranitidine,
80 35 rifampicin
Pravastatin 10 22 Minimally Gemfibrozil
20 32 metabolized
40 34
Rosuvastatin 5 45 CYP450 2C9 Cyclosporine, gemfibrozil
10 52 (not extensively
20 55 metabolized)
40 63
Simvastatin 5 26 CYP450 3A4 Amiodarone, cyclosporine,
10 30 gemfibrozil, itraconazole,
20 38 ketoconazole, erythromycin,
40 41 clarithromycin, telithromycin,
80 47 HIV protease inhibitors,
nefazodone, verapamil
*CYP450 = cytochrome P450; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein
†Twice daily.
Data from references 64-68.

with 10 mg/d of rosuvastatin or placebo. The primary end age, small body frame, frailty, and perioperative periods.
point is the time to a major cardiovascular event, defined as The rate of fatal rhabdomyolysis with marketed statins is
cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke. extremely low (<1 death per million prescriptions). To
Treatment will be administered until 620 patients have a minimize such risk, patients with risk factors for myopathy
major cardiovascular event.62 should be monitored carefully during statin therapy. The
Food and Drug Administration–approved package inserts
for the available statins indicate the intervals at which liver
function tests should be performed (Table 4).64-68 Because
patients with kidney disease are at increased risk of toxic-
Statin therapy is safe and well tolerated in most patients.63 ity, these guidelines should be strictly followed. All statins
Although statins increase liver function enzymes in a dose- may be administered to patients with mild to moderate
dependent manner in 0.5% to 2.0% of patients, it remains renal insufficiency, but, with the exception of atorvastatin
unclear whether this increase reflects true hepatotoxicity. and fluvastatin, all require modified dosing for patients
In rare cases, statins produce severe myopathy character- with substantial or severe renal disease. Atorvastatin re-
ized by muscle aches or weakness in combination with quires no dose adjustments for any degree of renal insuffi-
elevated creatine kinase levels more than 10 times the ciency; currently, fluvastatin has not been studied in severe
upper limit of normal. Myopathy is more likely to occur renal disease.69
when statins are used at high doses or when those that
are metabolized predominantly by the cytochrome P450
3A4 isoenzyme (atorvastatin and simvastatin) are ad-
ministered in combination with other medications that use Patients with CKD are at high risk of adverse cardiovascu-
the same metabolic pathway (eg, macrolide antibiotics, lar outcomes. Dyslipidemia is highly prevalent in patients
azole antifungals). Table 3 summarizes the most common with CKD and may mediate progression of this disease.
drug interactions with the currently available statins.64-68 Lipids deposited in the kidney appear to cause renal dam-
Patients with diabetes mellitus–associated CKD are at age in a manner analogous to the deposition of lipids in the
increased risk of myopathy and should be monitored care- vascular wall in the development of atherosclerosis. Statins
fully.63 Other risk factors for myopathy include advanced may protect the kidney by reducing lipid levels as well as

1388 Mayo Clin Proc. • November 2007;82(11):1381-1390 •

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TABLE 4. Recommendations for Statin Administration and Monitoring

in Patients with Kidney Disease*
Statin Dosage adjustment Liver function tests
Atorvastatin No dosage adjustment necessary. No studies in ESRD, Before and 12 wk after initiation of therapy and any dose elevation;
but drug is extensively bound to plasma proteins, so periodically thereafter. Reduce dose or discontinue with persistent
hemodialysis should not substantially enhance clearance ALT or AST levels >3 times the upper limit of normal
Fluvastatin Not >40 mg in patients with severe renal impairment. Before and 12 wk after initiation of therapy and any dose elevation.
Otherwise, no dosage adjustment necessary. No substantial Discontinue if persistent (2 consecutive liver function tests)
(<6%) renal excretion ALT or AST levels >3 times the upper limit of normal
Pravastatin At 20 mg, renal impairment had no effect on the Before initiation of therapy or elevation of dose, or when otherwise
pharmacokinetics. Patients with renal impairment should indicated. Persistent transaminase elevations are indications for
be closely monitored discontinuation
Rosuvastatin At 20 mg, no effect on plasma concentrations in patients Before and 12 wk after initiation of therapy and any dose elevation;
with CrCl ≥30 mL/min per 1.73 m2, but concentrations periodically thereafter. Reduce dose or discontinue with persistent
increased substantially in patients with severe renal ALT or AST levels >3 times the upper limit of normal
impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min/1.73 m2) vs healthy
participants. Plasma concentrations were approximately
50% greater in hemodialysis patients than in healthy
Simvastatin Does not undergo renal excretion, so no dosage modification Before initiation of treatment and when clinically indicated. Before
is required in patients with mild to moderate renal titration to the 80-mg dose, 3 mo after titration, and
insufficiency. Patients with severe renal insufficiency semiannually thereafter for the 1st year of treatment
should be started at 5 mg/d and closely monitored
*ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; CrCl = creatinine clearance; ESRD = end-stage renal disease.
Data from references 64-68.

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