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Photographer’s legal name:

Photographer’s email address:

Date of Photo Shoot (Month/Day/Year) / / _____

Model’s legal name:

Model’s SG name:

Description of photo set: a

You, as the photographer who created and own the rights to the images identified above, and SG
Services, Inc (“SuicideGirls”) agree to the following:

Assignment: You are assigning the copyright of the set of images (“the photos”) described above to SG
Services, Inc. SuicideGirls may (forever, in any way and in anything, without asking you or paying you
anything) use or change those photos. For example, we can use the photos on, in
artistic drawings on playing cards, in a SuicideGirls DVD, in any of our books or magazine publications, or
in some future space age technology that hasn’t been invented yet. We can also extend our rights to
other companies or people we do business with. For example, Showtime, CBS or Feral House Books.

Compensation: SuicideGirls may host the photos on indefinitely in exchange for a 3
month membership to (email: to redeem). If
the set of photos is accepted as “Set of the Day”, we will pay you $200 provided you also submit to us the
following within one month of the date that the photos were posted as the “Set of the Day”:
-High Resolution Images
-Creative Services Agreement

Representations and Warranties: You are agreeing that as the photographer, you have complied with
all applicable international, federal, state, and local laws, regulations and rules (including, obtaining and
retaining documentation from Model depicted in Photos to verify Model’s identity, age and consent to
be included in the Photos) and that all Photos comply with such laws, rules and regulations.

Terms: This contract can be terminated if the set is not accepted as the “Set of the Day” AND the model
removes the set from Once the photos are removed from, we no
longer retain the copyright or claim to own the images. However, may continue to use
the images under a non-exclusive license.

By signing this document, you agree that both you and the model were over 18 years of age on
the date the photos were taken.


Sign legal name: By:

Print legal name:___________________ Name:

Date: / / Title:

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