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1. I am ____________ classical music. I can spend hours listening to symphonies

and concertos.
2. The old movie theater used to be popular, but now it's ____________. No one
goes there anymore.
3. After eating the same dish for a week, I'm really ____________. I need some
variety in my meals.
4. Amy has been feeling sad and unmotivated lately. She's ____________.
5. As I walked into the crowded room, ____________ with a stranger across the
6. Sarah and I both enjoy hiking and camping. We ____________, so we often plan
outdoor adventures together.
7. Tom forgot his wife's birthday, and now he's ____________. He needs to make it
up to her somehow.
8. In a stressful situation, it's important to ____________. Losing your temper won't
solve anything.
9. When the team lost the championship game, the coach ____________ and
yelled at everyone.
10. When Mark saw Jane for the first time, it was ____________. He instantly knew
she was the one for him.
11. Ever since she won the lottery, Maria ____________. She has been successful in
everything she does.
12. The news of her promotion came ____________. She wasn't expecting it at all.
13. When Sarah found out she got accepted into her dream university, she was
____________. She couldn't believe her luck.
14. Lisa and Rebecca have been best friends for years. They have supported each
other ____________.
15. Jake has been feeling sick lately. He's ____________ and needs to rest.


Dear Diary,

I can't believe it! Yesterday, Mark finally asked me ____________. I've had a crush on
him for months, and now we're officially ____________. It's like a dream come true!

We met a few months ago at a party and immediately hit it off. We would
____________ and laugh together all night. I quickly realized that I ____________ Mark.
He's so charming and funny, and we ____________ each other effortlessly.
But it hasn't always been smooth sailing. We had a few bumps in the road, and at one
point, we even ____________ for a short period. It was a difficult time, and we both
needed space to ____________ our feelings. Thankfully, we were able to work things
out and reconcile.

During our time apart, I realized how much I missed Mark. I realized that I couldn't
____________ him, and I wanted him back in my life. So, I reached out to him, and we
decided to ____________ again. This time, we promised to communicate better and be
more understanding of each other's needs.

Looking ahead, Mark and I have discussed our future together. We both want to
____________ someday, but for now, we're enjoying being a couple and building a
strong foundation. Of course, we know that no relationship is perfect, and we might
face challenges along the way, but we're willing to work through ____________

I'm so excited about this new chapter in my life with Mark. We've made a
____________ to each other, and I can't wait to see where our love journey takes us.

Until next time!


Dear Diary,

Today was quite an eventful day. Let me tell you what happened.

So, this morning, I had planned to meet my friend Sarah for coffee. We had made
arrangements to meet at 10 a.m. at our favorite café. However, she never showed up!
I waited for almost an hour before I ____________ calling her to see what was going

It turns out that Sarah completely forgot about our meeting. I couldn't ____________
how she could forget something so important. I was disappointed and frustrated, but
I decided to ____________ her forgetfulness and not let it ruin my day.

While I was enjoying my time in the park, I bumped into an old friend, Mark. We hadn't
seen each other in years, so we decided to catch up over a cup of coffee. As we were
chatting, Mark ____________ something surprising about Sarah. Apparently, she had
been intentionally avoiding me because of a silly misunderstanding. I couldn't believe
it! I had always thought Sarah was a true friend, but now I had ____________ her true

After finding out the truth, I realized that I needed to ____________ myself. I couldn't let
Sarah's actions affect my self-worth. I deserved friends who would be there for me
and treat me with respect.

So, from now on, I'm going to ____________ myself. I won't tolerate anyone who
disrespects or disregards my feelings. I will stand up for myself and surround myself
with people who truly value me.

Until next time!


1. In group projects, it's important to ____________ your team members.

Collaboration and teamwork are key to success.
2. Can I ____________ your notes? I missed the lecture and needed to catch up on
the material.
3. Siblings often ____________ each other, but deep down, they still care about
each other.
4. When someone is in need, it's always good to offer ____________. A helping
hand can make a big difference.
5. We shared a funny moment and couldn't help but ____________ together.
6. She caught me staring at her, and I quickly looked away, embarrassed to be
caught ____________ her like that.
7. Children love to ____________ their toys and create imaginative worlds with
8. As I walked by, a stranger ____________ me warmly, brightening up my day.
9. I needed advice, so I decided to ____________ my best friend. She always gives
great insights.
10. In a fit of anger, he ____________ the remote control at the wall. It was an
impulsive and regrettable action.
11. Building a strong relationship requires ____________ as a foundation. Without
trust, it's difficult to maintain a healthy connection.
12. It's important to listen and try to ____________ different perspectives and
viewpoints in order to foster understanding and empathy.

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