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Online meeting of power outages issue and proposing the solutions

Mr.Mohammad Aleef Sharizzi Bin Masjuraizi
Mr.Ahmad Nazmi Bin Zakaria
Mr.Ezzam Aiman Bin Sharen
Mr.Lim Wen Han
Ms.Norahdiatulnadiah Binti Aziz
Ms.Nur Anis Adelin Binti Rizalmanuddin

1. The Council President called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM and thanked
all attendees for their presence, noting that there were no absentees.

2. Matters arrising
There were no matters of arising or additional topics discussed during the
meeting. The meeting remained focused on the agendas previously

3. Assessing the impact of the power outage

Mr president acknowledged the significant impact of power outages on
businesses. Damage to equipment and data in businesses, unresponsive websites,
store closures, and interrupted customer support services were highlighted as
consequences. The negative effects on brand reputation and potential loss of loyal
customers were also mentioned. Ms Anis added that power outages caused
inconvenience, discomfort, and safety concerns for residents, including disruption
of essential services and potential health hazards.

4. Discussing the causes of the power outage

Mr president invited Mr. Lim to present his findings on the causes of the power
outages. Mr. Lim identified three main causes which are damage to power lines
during construction activities, equipment failure within the power grid, and high
energy demand leading to system overload.
5. Brainstorming short-term solutions
Mr president encouraged the committee members to brainstorm short-term
solutions to restore power and minimize disruption. Ms. Nadiah proposed bringing
in additional generators placed strategically in critical areas such as hospitals,
emergency services, and essential infrastructure
Mr. Nazmi suggested establishing temporary power agreements with
neighboring cities to supply surplus power until the main system is restored. The
committee agreed on the importance of monitoring, coordination, and regular
updates during this period.
Mr. Ezzam proposed implementing a load shedding strategy to
prioritize power usage, prevent overloading, and mitigate power outages.

6. Exploring long-term strategies

The Council President emphasized the significance of investing in
infrastructure maintenance and upgrades to prevent future power outages. Mr.
Ezzam and Mr. Nazmi state the importance of leveraging technology, adopting
smart grid solutions, and exploring renewable energy sources to enhance the
power infrastructure's reliability and efficiency.
The Council President expressed concerns about the feasibility of promoting
wind power due to financial implications and limited space within the city.

7. Any other related events

No other related events were discussed during the

meeting. The meeting is adjourned at 11 a.m.

Prepared by, Approved by,

Nur Anis Adelin, Mohammad Aleef Sharizzi
(Secretary). ( Council President)

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