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Identifying Information/Demographic Data

Name: Moira P. Martin

Sex: Female
Civil status: single
Nationality: Filipino
Education: College undergrad
Age: 20
Address: Galsim St. Camiling, Tarlac
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: none

II. Reasons of referral

Mrs. Joji Martin, Moira's Mother referred her due to intense stress when objects or
things aren't properly arranged or facing in a certain way. She was also pressured about
her rigid schedule and routine compliance, as well as her preference for neatness and
order in her surroundings.

According to her, it also affects her quality of life and people around her.

She was also under pressure due to her rigid schedule and routine compliance, as well
as her preference for neatness and order in her surroundings. She claims it also has an
impact on the people around her and her quality of life.

III. Case background

Her hobby was playing with her cousins, and she enjoyed making friends. She got her
period at the age of 11. Like any other woman experiencing a menstrual cycle, she
notices many physical and emotional changes in herself. As a teenager, she
loves exploring and becomes curious about drinking alcohol and smoking, so she
tries them. As time passed, her new hobbies were watching vlogs, eating, taking road
trips, and sleeping up until adulthood.

The client's mother is from Manila and is self-employed. Her father is from Camiling,
Tarlac. There are five in the family, including her grandmother from his father's side
and her younger brother, who is currently a grade 12 student. Unfortunately, her dad
passed away in 2014.

The client attended grade school at Camiling West Central Elementary School. While
in high school at Camilig Catholic School and currently taking a Bachelor of Science
in psychology at Tarlac Agricultural University. The client was the type of student
who was very competitive, active, and loud. She was also conservative regarding
grades and academic attainment.

She had never been arrested or convicted of a specific crime as an individual.

Her primary illness concerns her UTI and being anemic. She never had a significant
injury or major surgery. The client was allergic to cold climates and dust. She also
experiences small red dots when eating eggs.

IV. Procedure

Below are the following procedures that were done to assess the personality of Moira
P. Martin

Mental Status Examination (4:00-6:00pm 2/11/2023)

Test Administered
Revised NEO Personality Inventory NEO PI R (9:00-12:00nn 2/282023)
Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (9:00-10:00am 4/4/2023)

V. Physical and behavioral observation

The client was 5'6 in height and 90 kilos. She dresses properly and
usually catches attention. She laughs at small things and usually makes eye to eye
contact while talking. She also had good sense of the time, place, and person. She was
also cooperative throughout the evaluation.

VI. Test result interpretation

The result reveals that Moira's obsessions cause her significant distress and
anxiety, which is connected to her mother's concern that she is perfectionist when it
comes to exactness and order and hasroutinized behavior. The test result also shows
that her obsessions and compulsions are both necessary and extreme in nature.

VII. Summary

Moira was referred to as her mother due to intense stress when it comes to orderliness
and being strict in her routine, which affects her quality of life.
Her responses and self-conception reveal that she has clinical features or
manifestations of obsession and compulsion.
VIII. Diagnosis/ Diagnostic impression

The results of the tests confirmed obsessive-compulsive disorder. The symptoms are
confirmed, which are repetitive behaviors that drive her to perform. Persistent and
unwanted thoughts that are intrusive.

IX. Recommendation

Psychotherapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which is effective and

will help Moira. Exposure and response prevention (ERP), a component of
CBT therapy helps her to gradually expose to objects where she is obsessed and learn
ways to resist the urge of her compulsive formalities. This ERP tales’ effort and
practice, but she may enjoy a better quality of life once she learns to manage her
obsessions and compulsions.

This will reduce her frequency, intensity, and duration of obsessions, reduce time
involved from obsessions and compulsions and function properly at a consistent level
without interference.

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