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A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) and

Origanum vulgare (Oregano) as Mosquito Repellent









A Research Proposal

Submitted to Senior High School Office

As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Research / Capstone Project

June 2023

First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showered

blessings throughout our research and its successful completion.

The researchers would also like to express deep and sincere gratitude to the research

adviser, Jeaneth Joyce Ladra for providing invaluable supervision, support, and guidance

during the course of our research study. We would also like to thank her, for her empathy,

patience, and knowledge that she imparts to us. It was a great privilege and honor to work

and study under her guidance.

To the respondents, who extended their immense help by allowing us to conduct a

survey and the trust they have given to our research product to be used by them for

observation, so it helped in providing the required information which in turn helped us in

achieving the objective of this study;

To Sir Endricito Cahutay our Statistic teacher, whose statistical expertise and

invaluable during the analysis and interpretation of the data that has been collected.

To Sir Jake Itol our I.I.I intern teacher for the untiring assistance and constant

encouragement throughout our research and the useful advice that helps us a lot in

completing the research.

To the researchers’ parents, for their continued belief and steadfast financial support

that made rough ways easier to reach this end.

Heartfelt gratitude and profound appreciation pave the path of this research, enriching

every discovery and illuminating every milestone. In the completion of this research, let our

acknowledgements be more than mere words, but a testament to the genuine appreciation we

hold for all of you who have bolstered our endeavors. May our hearts resound with sincere

gratitude, forever honoring all of your contributions that have propelled us forward.

A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) and

Origanum vulgare (Oregano) as Mosquito Repellent

Mosquitoes pose significant global issues that affect various aspects of human life.

Mosquito problems encompass a range of concerns, including the transmission of dangerous

diseases, the disruption of outdoor activities due to incessant biting, and the constant

annoyance and discomfort caused by their presence. This study aims to help the society to

prevent and lessen the spread of this dangerous insects with the use of Cymbopogon citratus

(Lemongrass) and Origanum vulgare (Oregano) as an effective candle mosquito repellent.

The effectiveness of the two organic plants was analyze using statistics and data

interpretations. With the use of Independent Sample T-test we determine that the average

mean of Cymbopogon citratus in each table is significantly higher than the average mean of

Origanum vulgare in terms of repellency, length of time, and smell. The findings of this

study shows that even though the two-mosquito repellent have difference in the average

ratings, both of them has the ability to effectively repel mosquitoes in any factors.


Background of the Study

In the world, mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects that carry lethal

diseases which lead to severe pain, brain damage, blindness, and other debilitating effects.

Around half of the global population is at risk of contracting illnesses transmitted by blood-

sucking bugs, including ticks, sandflies, and specially mosquitoes. Dengue fever, the fastest-

spreading mosquito-borne disease, afflicts 40% of the global population and causes

excruciating pain, often referred to as "break bone fever". Although, it is not typically fatal,

dengue remains a leading cause of death for children in some Latin American and Asian

countries, with between 50 and 100 million people contracting it annually. Despite a 42%

decline in global malaria deaths between 2000 and 2012, an estimated 627,000 people died

from malaria in 2012 alone, with roughly 207 million cases reported (Loria, 2014).

In the Philippines, the famous or well-known disease brought by mosquito is dengue.

As reported by World Health Organization (WHO), there were 220,705 dengue cases

recorded in year 2022. Various methods are done by government and other health

organization to reduce dengue cases and mosquito populations, including fogging and

applying mosquito repellent lotion, among others. However, there are many organic plants

that can be used as insect repellent including lemon grass and oregano.

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) which belongs to family Poaceae, is a genus that

contains roughly 55 grass species that are indigenous to warm temperate as well as tropical

areas of the world (Helmenstine, 2011). Generally, this plant is mainly found in tropical area

in countries such as India, Malaysia, Philippines, etc. (Gumban,2019). It yields an oil that

smells like lemon and known for the term “tanglad” in our country. Zulfikar et al. (2018)

mentioned that, the utilization of lemongrass extract as an alternative to malathion

insecticides during fogging has an impact on the death rate of Aedes aegpty mosquitoes.

Prabhakar et al. (2013), indicate that the essential oil of lemongrass is highly effective in

guarding against mosquitoes.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) also known as wild Marjoram, Mountain mint,

Origanum Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram, has a strong aromatic characteristic and has a

strong antioxidant property (Bautista, n.d). As mentioned to the study of Pierre Lutgen

(2015), the oil of this plant contains three chemical compounds: 7.9% of p-cymene, 32.9%

carvacrol, and 38.8% of thymol, which give the plant a strong scent. It also contains Carrol

which emits a particular scent that is repulsive to mosquitoes. Erasga (2019) stated that, there

is no significant difference in using oregano leaves as mosquito repellent compared to

commercial brand and it can be an alternative source for repelling mosquitoes.

Various techniques have been utilized to reduce the mosquito population naturally or

chemically, with the goal of preventing or eradicating the spread of mosquito-borne diseases

and addressing the problems these insect’s cause. Thus, the researchers aim to investigate

how organic or natural substances, can be used to repel mosquitoes, for the purpose of

preventing the harmful effects caused by mosquitoes.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Origanum vulgare and Cymbopogon

citratus as a mosquito repellent and to alleviate the issue caused by mosquitoes in our

households and community. It seeks to answer the question:

1. Which is more effective between lemon grass and oregano as a mosquito repellent?


Null Hypothesis. There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of Cymbopogon

citratus (Lemongrass) and Origanum vulgare (Oregano) as a mosquito repellent. Any

differences that observed are due to other factors unrelated to these plants.
Alternative Hypothesis. There is a significant difference between the effectiveness of

Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) and Origanum vulgare (Oregano) as a mosquito

repellent. Any differences that observed are related to these plants.

Significance of the Study

Mosquitoes are a global source of illnesses, with dengue virus being one of the most

common infections transmitted by their bites. The result of this study will be beneficial to the


To the students, this study will give them knowledge about the effectiveness of

organic plants in repelling mosquitoes and to give them an alternative way to lessen the

spread of mosquitoes in their homes.

To the teachers, this study will help the teachers to spread awareness to their students

on the negative effects of mosquitoes and also to spread the effectiveness in using lemon

grass and oregano as a mosquito repellant.

To the community, the findings of this study may help them to gain information about

the effectiveness of lemon grass and oregano as mosquito repellent. The product of this study

will surely help the community to lessen the illnesses that mosquito can spread.

To the future researchers, the result of this study may provide information and may

serve as their basis if ever they conducted the same research related to our study. This study

will give them relevant information that will help in their future study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is a comparison of the effectiveness of lemongrass and oregano as

mosquito repellent and should be conducted to help the people living in our community and

even from other communities to gain knowledge and awareness about its effectivity. This

experimental study will be conducted at Purok-3 Poblacion, Makilala, North Cotabato on the

third week of March 2023. The length of time on when the candles will run out or when will
the effect will last is not part in the coverage of this study, and the safety or the side effects to

humans in using the two candles is also not included on this research. This study will only

focus on comparing the repellency of lemongrass candle and oregano candle as a mosquito

repellent and nothing more above that.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Method Factors to Output

Lemongrass Extraction Conducting observe The
stem and experiments Effectiveness effectiveness
Mixing of
leaves. and making of organic
observations Repellency mosquito
Oregano stem and
on the repellent as a
stem and leaves in a Long
mosquito candle made
leaves. candle wax. lastingness
repellent from
Mixing of properties of Safety lemongrass
oregano lemongrass and oregano
stem and and oregano extract.
leaves in a when
candle wax. extracted to

Definition of Terms

Mosquito – a slender long-legged fly with aquatic larvae. The bite of this blood sucking

insects can transmit a number of serious diseases.

Dengue – is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquito.

Repellent – serving or tending to drive away of ward off.

Organic plants – materials derived directly from plants.

Lethal disease – Diseases that can drive a person to death.

p-Cymene – is a naturally occurring aromatic organic compound. It is classified as an

alkylbenzene related to a monoterpene.

Carvacrol- is a monoterpenoid phenol. It has a characteristic pungent, warm odor of oregano.

Thymol- is an active ingredient in pesticide products registered for use as an animal repellent,

fungicides / fungi stats, medical disinfectants, tuberculocides, and virucides.



The purpose of this chapter is to present in a simple and direct manner on what has

been done and how the data were evaluated and presented.

Research Design and Local

This study is Quantitative-experimental research, which employs a scientific approach

involving two set of variables. The independent variable under investigation is the

lemongrass and oregano candle as a mosquito repellent, while the dependent variables are the

repellency, effectiveness, and long lastingness.

In making the candle and doing the observations, the researchers conducted it in

Poblacion, Makilala, North Cotabato. According to the Journal of Edwin Fernandez (2020), it

states that Makilala has the highest number of dengue cases with 170 patients while,

Kidapawan City has 92. Thus, Makilala is suitable as a research locale as shown in the map

below (Figure 1). In addition, the researcher wanted to help the municipality to lessen the

spread of mosquitoes and to prevent the harmful effects these insects can cause.

Figure 1. Map Poblacion, Makilala, North Cotabato

(Google map, 2023)

Data Gathering Procedure

In creating the lemongrass and oregano candle, the researcher followed a specific

procedure which involved, preparing of candle wax, and a finely chopped stem and leaves of
lemongrass and oregano. To create one candle, it needs 2 cups of candle wax and 1 ¼ cup of

chopped stem and leaves of a lemongrass and oregano. The candle wax was melted over a

medium heat and then the chopped lemongrass and oregano was added. After that the

lemongrass and oregano candle wax was poured and molded on a molder until it finally dried

and formed a candle (Shown in appendix A and B).

In using each candle, the researchers observe the following factors: repellency,

effectiveness and long lastingness. For gathering the data, the researchers conducted a direct

observation at Purok 5, Poblacion, Makilala, North Cotabato to testify the effectiveness of

their own product in repelling mosquitoes. In gathering the data, the researchers observe the

repellency of the two candles in an empty aquarium. The researchers put a cardboard in the

middle of the aquarium to divide it into two sides, they also put a hole on the upper part of

the cardboard for the mosquitoes to transfer on the other side for them to determine the

number of mosquitoes being repelled on the two candles. The first side of the aquarium is

where the researchers put the mosquitoes and the product which is the lemongrass and

oregano candles, and in the other side of the aquarium is an empty space where mosquito can

go through if they feel unconscious or contaminated on the candles. (Appendix C)

Data Analysis

Data was analyze using Independent Sample T-test to compare two sample means

from unrelated groups, the lemongrass candle and oregano candle as a mosquito repellent.

The purpose of this test is to determine if the samples are different from each other.


This chapter presents the results of data gathering done by the researchers as well as

the results of data analysis done using a statistical tool. The results are presented in tables and

are discussed clearly and specifically.

Difference Between the Two Candles in Repelling Mosquitoes Based on the Given Time

Table 1. Results on the Number of Mosquitoes Repelled Using Lemongrass Candle and
Oregano Candle

Time to Repel Number of mosquitoes Number of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes repelled using Lemongrass repelled using Oregano
30 10 4

The table above shows the results after the direct observations of the researchers on

the ability of lemongrass candle and oregano candle in repelling mosquitos. The researchers

use 10 mosquitoes in each observation of the two candles, when using the lemongrass candle

there were 3 mosquitoes repelled in the first 5 minutes, while the first 5 minutes in using

oregano candle doesn’t repel any mosquitoes. On the 10 minutes of the observation, the

lemongrass candle repelled 2 mosquitoes and the oregano candle repelled 1, on the 20

minutes of the observation the lemongrass candle repelled 2 and the oregano candle repelled

1, and on the 30 minutes of the observation the lemongrass candle repelled 3 and the oregano

candle repelled 2. Based on the observations of the researchers and as presented in the table

above, the lemongrass candle repelled all of the 10 mosquitoes in compared to the oregano

candle that only repelled 4 out of the 10 mosquitoes.


After implementing the observation, the results shows that the candle with lemongrass

scent as mosquito repellent received a highest total number of mosquitoes being repelled on

the given time (30 minutes) and also repelled all of the 10 mosquitoes under the observation.

It can be concluded that the Lemongrass candle is the most effective and can be an alternative

mosquito repellent. Therefore, there is a notable distinction in the mosquito-repelling

capabilities between lemongrass candle and oregano candle. With this, it can be concluded

that The Effectiveness of Cymbopogon citratus and Origanum vulgare as a Mosquito

Repellent has a significant difference in repelling mosquitoes, which means that

Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) is more effective.

Bautista, J. (n.d). Effectiveness of Mosquito Killer Out of Oregano Leaves. Retrieved from

Benaid, J. (2019). The Utilization of Indigenous Plants as Mosquito Repellent. Ascendens

Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstract.

Erasga, D. C. (2019). ORE-katol: Origanum vulgare as a Mosquito Repellent. Ascendens

Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstract.

Giatropoulos, A., Karamaouna, F., Ampatzi, A., Papachristos, D., Michaelakis, A. (2022).
Sublethal effects of oregano essential oil and its major compound carvacrol on
biological parameters of Aedes albopictus (Diptera:Culicidae). National Library of

Google map, (2023). Makilala National High School .

Google map. (2023). Poblacion, Makilala, North Cotabato.,+Makilala+North+Cotabato

Gumban, J. D. (2013). The Effectiveness of Lemongrass as Natural Insect Repellent.

and Science Engineering Fair.

Gupta, D. K & Gupta, R. (2020). Development of Poly Herbal Mosquito Repellent. Research
Journey of Pharmacy and Technology.

Loria, K. (2014). 11 Reason Why Mosquitoes are the Worst. Businessinsider.

National Geographic. (2015). Mosquitoes. National Geographic Society.

Santos, J. E., Santos, J. S., Tahan langit, D. M., Renzo. (2018). The Feasibility of Oregano
Extract as Mosquito Repellent in Allido Malolos, Bulacan.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2016). Mosquito-Borne Diseases.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Zulfikar, Aditama, W. and Sitepu, F. Y. (2018). The effect of lemongrass (Cymbopogon

nardus) extract as insecticide against Aedes aegypti. International Journal of
Mosquito. Research.
Appendix A
Process in Making Lemongrass and Oregano Candle

Lemongrass Oregano

Prepare the
ingredients needed Prepare the ingredients needed

Chop the lemongrass stem and leaves into Chop the oregano stem and leaves into
pieces. pieces.

Break the candles into pieces

Break the candles into pieces
Melt the candle wax as well as the Melt the candle wax as well as the
chopped lemongrass stem and leaves chopped oregano stem and leaves

Pour it on a molder and let it dry until it finally formed

into a lemongrass candle and oregano candle
Appendix B
Oregano Candle

Lemongrass Candle
Appendix C
Process in Making the Area for Observation

Measure the length, width, and height of Cut the cardboard

the aquarium

Put it on
the center to separate the two Find some pupa

Put it on the first side of the aquarium Put the mosquito net and wait for 3
until it turned into a mosquito days to start the observation.

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