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1. We didn’t have ______ food left.

2. Do we have ______ time to finish our test?

3. There weren’t ______ apples in the basket.
4. Our teacher didn’t give us ______ homework.
5. Do you need ______ eggs for a cake?
6. I don’t have ______ toys in my room.
7. Were there ______ customers in the cafe?
8. Did you spend ______ money?
9. There weren’t ______ people outside.
10. Do we need ______ balloons for the party?
11. There isn’t ______ snow in Uzbekistan.
12. Did you find ______ information?
13. Can you speak ______ languages?
14. Did he visit ______ countries last year?
15. There isn’t ______ honey in the jar.
16. She doesn’t need ______ flour.
17. How ______ teeth does a shark have?

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