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The Prophets
Of Allaah

Part 3


‫ٔأبو ٕأبرأهيم هارون بن ساجد ألرحمان‬

Prophets ‫ صلوأت ألله عليهم‬Mentioned in the Qur’aan

1. Âdam ‫أ ٓدم‬ 2. Idrîs ‫أدريس‬ 3. Nûh ‫نوح‬

4. Hûd ‫هود‬ 5. Sâlih ‫صالح‬ 6. Ibrâhîm ‫إٔبرأهيم‬

7. Lût ‫لوط‬ 8. Ismâ`îl ‫أسماعيل‬ 9. Ishâq ‫أسحاق‬

10. Ya`qûb ‫يعقوب‬ 11. Yûsuf ‫يوسف‬ 12. Ayyûb ‫ٔأيوب‬

13. Shu`aib ‫شعيب‬ 14. Mûsâ ‫موسى‬ 15. Hârûn ‫هارون‬

16. Dhul-Kifl ‫ ذو ألكفل‬17. Dâwûd ‫دأوود‬ 18. Sulaimân ‫سليمان‬

19. Ilyâs ‫إٔلياس‬ 20. AlYasa` ‫أليسع‬ 21. Yûnus ‫يونس‬

22. Zakariyyâ ‫زكريا‬ 23. Yahyâ ‫يحيى‬ 24. Îsâ ‫عيسى‬

25. Muhammad ‫)صلى ألله عليه وسلم( مح ّمد‬

1. Name the Prophet who will be the first to cross the bridge
on the Day of Judgement?

2. Who will say on the Day of Judgement “Allaahumma

Sallim, Sallim (O Allaah, save us, save us!)”?

3. Iblîs the cursed one is from …. (.i.e. mankind, Jinn, Angels…)?

4. What was this cursed one created from?

5. “And (remember) when you said: „O Musa (Moses)! We
shall never believe in you till we see _______.”

6. When he asked for water for his people. Allaah told him
to strike the stone with his stick. How many springs gushed

7. Who said this to Prophet Mûsa: "Did we not bring you up

among us as a child? And you did dwell many years of your
life with us."

8. To whom did Fir'aun say to: "You have believed in him

[Musa] before I give you permission."?

9. What did Allaah command his people to slaughter?

10. When he threw his stick it turned into a……

S ___________________________________________

11. Who was the last Prophet to be sent to the Children of

Israel (‫?)ب َ ِني ِإٔ ْس َرأ ِئيل‬

12. Who said this “We killed Messiah Îsâ, son of Maryam,
the Messenger of Allaah.”?

13. Who did the Jews kill instead of Prophet Îsâ?

14. When the Jews tried to kill him, where did Allaah take

15. “Verily, the likeness of Îsâ before Allaah is the likeness of

_______. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him:
"Be!" - and he was”

16. Which Book was send down to Prophet Îsâ?

17. Which two Books did Allaah teach Prophet Îsâ?

18. Who said this to Prophet Îsâ: “O Îsâ, son of Maryam!

Can your Lord send down to us a table spread (with food)
from heaven?"

19. Prophet Îsâ said: "O Children of Israel! I am the

Messenger of Allaah unto you confirming the Taurât [which
came] before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to
come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.” Who is

20. Who said this to Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬: "That is
the same Angel whom Allah sent to the Prophet Mûsa.
Should I live till you receive the Divine Message, I will
support you strongly."

21. What was the glad tiding given to Khadeejah by the
Prophet Muhammad (‫?)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬

22. Who did Heraclius call for and question regarding

Prophet Muhammad (‫?)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬

23. To who did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬say: "Say:
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, a sentence
with which I shall be a witness (i.e. argue) for you before

24. When the people of Makkah requested Allaah's

Messenger (‫ )صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬to show them a miracle. What miracle
did he show them?

25. During which battle was the Prophet‟s (‫ )صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬helmet
broken, his face covered with blood and his incisor tooth

26. Name the hypocrite who bewitched the Prophet

(‫?)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬

27. What material did he use to cast his spell on the Prophet
(‫?)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬

28. Where was the magic placed (i.e. in a house, tree or well)?

29. When the Prophet (‫ )صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬entered Makkah on the day
of the Conquest, How many idols were in the Ka'bah?

30. What did the Prophet (‫ )صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬do to the idols?

1. Muhammad (‫)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬2. The Messengers (‫)صلوأت ألله عليهم‬ 3. Jinn

4. The fire (‫) ِمن نَّنا ٍرر‬ 5. Allaah plainly 6. Twelve springs

7. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) 8. To the magicians. 9. A cow

10. Serpent 11. Îsâ 12. The Jews

13. Another man 14. In the heavens 15. Âdam

16. Injeel 17. Taurât & Injeel 18. Al-Hawârîûn

(The disciples)

19. Muhammad 20. Waraqa bin Naufal 21. A palace in Paradise

(‫)صلى ألله عليه وسلم‬ (Qasab)

22. Aboo Sufyaan 23. Aboo Taalib 24. The splitting of

the moon

25. Battle of Uhud 26. Labeed ibn al-A`sam 27. 'A comb, the hair gathered on
it, and the outer skin of the
pollen of the male date-palm

28. In the well of Dharwan 29. 360 idols 30. He broke them with
a stick.

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