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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

22 October 2023 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A



n this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus challenges
us to “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and
to God what belongs to God.” This means that we
should integrate into one harmonious reality the good quali-
ties of being honest citizens and devout Catholics.
The teaching of the Church on these two aspects of our
life offer us a sure guide, but such teaching will become fruit-
ful only to the extent that we put it into practice. Let our
participation in this Eucharistic celebration be a renewed
commitment on our part to give our very best for the good
of the Church and our country.
Today is World Mission Sunday. Let us offer this Mass for
all our missionaries and the people among whom they work.

grace and peace be with you all. All –Christ, have mercy!
All – And with your spirit! P –For the times we have sacri-
ficed the good of the coun-
Penitential Act try and of the Church to our
Entrance Antiphon P –As we prepare to celebrate own selfish interests, Lord,
(To be recited only when no
the Eucharistic Sacrifice let us have mercy!
Entrance Hymn is sung.)
ask ourselves how faithfully we All – Lord, have mercy!
To you I call; for you shall have fulfilled our civic and reli-
surely heed me, O God; turn P –May almighty God have
gious duties. (Pause) mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
your ear to me; hear my words.
Guard me as the apple of your P –For the times we have failed and bring us to everlasting life.
eye; in the shadow of your to do our share in creating All – Amen!
wings protect me. a civil society that is just,
orderly and corruption-free, Gloria
Greeting Lord, have mercy! All – Glory to God in the high-
P – In the name of the Father, All – Lord, have mercy! est, and on earth peace to people
and of the Son, and of the Holy P –For the times we have re- of good will. We praise you,
Spirit! duced our being “good we bless you, we adore you, we
All – Amen! Catholics” to just going to glorify you, we give you thanks
P –Blessed be the Lord who Mass on Sundays and re- for your great glory, Lord God,
made us members of our soci- citing our prayers, Christ, heavenly King, O God, almighty
ety and of the Church. May His have mercy! Father.

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Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- Responsorial Psalm Ps 96 our Lord Jesus Christ, before
gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of our God and Father. We know,
God, Son of the Father, you take R –Give the Lord glory and brothers and sisters loved by
away the sins of the world, have honor! God, how you were chosen.
mercy on us; you take away the For our gospel did not come to
sins of the world, receive our you in word alone, but also in
prayer; you are seated at the right power and in the Holy Spirit
hand of the Father, have mercy and with much conviction.
on us. For you alone are the Holy The Word of the Lord!
One, you alone are the Lord, you All – Thanks be to God!
alone are the Most High, Jesus
Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the Gospel Acclamation
glory of God the Father. Amen!
All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
Shine like lights in the
Collect (Opening Prayer) world as you hold on to
* Sing to the Lord a new
P –Almighty ever-living God, the word of life.
song; sing to the Lord, all you
grant that we may always con- Alleluia! Alleluia!
lands. Tell his glory among the
form our will to yours and serve
nations; among all peoples, his Gospel Mt 22:15-21
your majesty in sincerity of
wondrous deeds. R. The Pharisees were among
Through our Lord Jesus * For great is the Lord and Jesus’ most persistent oppo-
Christ, your Son, who lives and highly to be praised; awesome nents. Today we see some of them
reigns with you in the unity of is he, beyond all gods. For all join forces with the “Herodi-
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and the gods of the nations are ans,” to try to trap Jesus with an
ever. things of nought, but the Lord insidious question. The Lord’s
All – Amen! made the heavens. R. answer turns the tables on them
* Give to the Lord, you and reminds them and us that we
families of nations, give to the should fulfill our duties to both
Lord glory and praise; give God and country.
to the Lord the glory due his P –The Lord be with you!
name! Bring gifts, and enter All –And with your spirit!
1st Reading Is 45:1.4-6 his courts. R. P – A proclamation from the
Yahweh is the Lord of his- holy Gospel according to
tory. He is the one who plans * Worship the Lord in holy
attire. Tremble before him, Matthew
and directs its course, often by All – Glory to you, O Lord!
using the personal plans of each all the earth; say among the
individual, both great and small. nations: The Lord is king, he The Pharisees went off and
governs the peoples with eq- plotted how they might entrap
R – A proclamation from the uity. R. Jesus in speech. They sent their
Book of the Prophet Isaiah disciples to him, with the Hero-
2nd Reading 1 Thes 1:1-5 dians, saying, “Teacher, we
Thus says the Lord to his know that you are a truthful
anointed, Cyrus, whose right The faith of the early
Christians was both Christ- man and that you teach the
hand I grasp, subduing na- way of God in accordance with
tions before him, and mak- centered and deeply Trinitar-
ian. This we can gather from the truth. And you are not con-
ing kings run in his service, cerned with anyone’s opinion,
opening doors before him and the opening verses of the First
Letter of Paul to the believers for you do not regard a per-
leaving the gates unbarred: son’s status. Tell us, then, what
For the sake of Jacob, my ser- of Thessalonica.
is your opinion: Is it lawful to
vant, of Israel, my chosen one, R – A proclamation from the pay the census tax to Caesar or
I have called you by your name, First Letter of Paul to the not?”
giving you a title, though you Thessalonians Knowing their malice, Je-
knew me not. I am the Lord sus said, “Why are you testing
Paul, Silvanus, and Timo-
and there is no other, there is me, you hypocrites? Show me
thy to the church of the Thessa-
no God besides me. It is I who the coin that pays the census
lonians in God the Father and
arm you, though you know tax.” Then they handed him
the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace
me not, so that toward the ris- the Roman coin. He said to
to you and peace.
ing and the setting of the sun them, “Whose image is this
We give thanks to God
people may know that there and whose inscription?” They
always for all of you, remem-
is none besides me. I am the replied, “Caesar’s.” At that he
bering you in our prayers,
Lord, there is no other. said to them, “Then repay to
unceasingly calling to mind
The Word of the Lord! your work of faith and labor of Caesar what belongs to Caesar
All – Thanks be to God! love and endurance in hope of and to God what belongs to

22 October 2023
God.” in proclaiming and promoting that, through the purifying ac-
The Gospel of the Lord! the Gospel values in all civil so- tion of your grace, we may be
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus cieties. Let us pray! R. cleansed by the very mysteries
Christ! C –For the Holy Father, our we serve.
Bishop, our parish priests and Through Christ our Lord.
other religious leaders: May they All – Amen!
ever more successfully enlight-
Profession of Faith en us on how best to fulfill our Preface IV
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
civic and religious duties. Let us P –The Lord be with you!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- pray! R. All –And with your spirit!
ther almighty, maker of heaven P –Lift up your hearts!
and earth, of all things visible C –For our government offi-
cials and all other civil leaders: All – We lift them up to the Lord!
and invisible.
May they lead us by their hones- P –Let us give thanks to the
I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son ty and integrity in fulfilling their Lord our God!
of God, born of the Father be- obligations to God and country. All –It is right and just!
fore all ages. God from God, Let us pray! R. P – It is truly right and just,
Light from Light, true God from our duty and our salvation, al-
C –For our missionaries through-
true God, begotten, not made, ways and everywhere to give
out the world: May the Lord make
consubstantial with the Father; you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
their apostolate fruitful, give
through him all things were mighty and eternal God, through
them strength to overcome all
made. For us men and for our Christ our Lord.
difficulties, and reward their
salvation he came down from For by his birth he brought re-
generosity with everlasting life.
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy newal to humanity’s fallen state,
Let us pray! R.
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- and by his suffering, canceled
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For our community: May all out our sins; by his rising from
For our sake he was crucified of us always fulfill our duties as the dead he has opened the way
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- honest citizens and good Catho- to eternal life, and by ascending
fered death and was buried, and lics, and thereby contribute to to you, O Father, he has unlocked
rose again on the third day in the building of God’s Kingdom the gates of heaven.
accordance with the Scriptures. on earth. Let us pray! R. And so, with the company of
He ascended into heaven and is Angels and Saints, we sing the
C –Let us pray in silence for our
seated at the right hand of the hymn of your praise, as without
personal intentions. (Pause)
Father. He will come again in end we acclaim:
Let us pray! R.
glory to judge the living and the All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
dead and his kingdom will have P –Lord God, we thank You for of hosts. Heaven and earth are
no end. having made us citizens of our full of your glory. Hosanna in
I believe in the Holy Spirit, country and members of Your the highest!
the Lord, the giver of life, who Church. Grant us an ever-better Blessed is he who comes in
proceeds from the Father and appreciation of this twin gift the name of the Lord. Hosanna
the Son, who with the Father and an ever-greater eagerness in the highest!
and the Son is adored and glori- to contribute to the good of both
fied, who has spoken through through the exemplary fulfill- Memorial Acclamation
the prophets. ment of our civic and religious
I believe in one, holy, cath- P –The mystery of faith!
duties. We ask this in the name All –Save us, Savior of the
olic and apostolic Church. I of Jesus, the Lord.
confess one Baptism for the world, for by your Cross
All – Amen!
forgiveness of sins and I look and Resurrection you
forward to the resurrection of have set us free.
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen!

Prayer of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts

P –Today we are reminded P –Pray, brethren . . . All – Our Father . . .
of our duty to fulfill our civic All – May the Lord accept the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
and religious obligations. As we sacrifice at your hands, for the All –For the kingdom, the pow-
pray for the grace to harmonize praise and glory of his name, er, and the glory are yours, now
both, let us remember in a special for our good and the good of all and forever.
manner those who find it diffi- his holy Church.
cult to do so. Let our response be:
Sign of Peace
All –Lord, graciously hear us! Prayer over the Offerings
C –For the universal Church: P –Grant us, Lord, we pray, a Breaking of the Bread
May she enjoy freedom of action sincere respect for your gifts, All – Lamb of God, you take

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

away the sins of the world: have fend and empower them Son, and the Holy Spirit.
mercy on us. (2x) to be God’s instruments of All – Amen!
Lamb of God, you take evangelization.
away the sins of the world: P – Go in peace, glorifying the
All – Amen! Lord by your life!
grant us peace.
P – May almighty God bless All – Thanks be to God!
Communion you: the Father, and the
P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
hold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those LEARNING TO GET INVOLVED
called to the Supper of the Lamb.
All –Lord, I am not worthy
• Jess P. Balon
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed. F or centuries, Christians have concentrated mostly on “giving to
God what belongs to God.” Religious observances were top prior-
ity on their agenda, as well as in their examination of conscience. They
Communion Antiphon offered the criterion to decide whether one was a “practising Catholic”
(To be recited only when no or not.
Communion Hymn is sung.)
“Give to Caesar what is due to Caesar” was generally understood
Behold, the eyes of the Lord as paying one’s taxes and obeying the laws of the country promulgated
are on those who fear him, who by the legitimate authority. Contributive justice and obedience to the
hope in his merciful love, to
legitimate authority are just two aspects of our civic duties. Impor-
rescue their souls from death,
to keep them alive in famine. tant and hard as these may be, there are also other ways in which we
are expected to make our contribution to the building up of a better, more
Prayer after Communion humane, more just society.
The list is long: love of country and its cultural values, respect for
P –Grant, O Lord, we pray, the environment, honesty, good example, solidarity, contribution
that, benefiting from participa-
of ideas and even constructive criticism, avoidance of waste, hard
tion in heavenly things, we may
be helped by what you give in work, considering the whole nation as one’s “greater family” . . . .
this present age and prepared for These are just some of the ways through which we “give to Caesar what
the gifts that are eternal. is due to Caesar” – some aspects of what it means to be a “good citizen”
Through Christ our Lord. today.
All – Amen! Even the term “good citizen” must have, for us, a wider meaning
now than it had in the past. It must mean to be an active and responsible
member of the family of nations that make up mankind – one that takes
to heart the hopes, aspirations, and difficulties of every human be-
ing and society.
We must learn to leave our ghettoes and acquire a “participa-
P –The Lord be with you. tive mentality.” We must learn to feel responsible for the world in all its
All – And with your spirit! aspects because this is our world – the world God has entrusted to our
P –Bow your heads and pray stewardship in order that we make it “the blueprint of the Kingdom.”
for God’s blessing. (Pause) Vatican II and subsequent pronouncements of the Church’s Teach-
– May the Lord sustain you ing Authority have not only confirmed this “new orientation,” but have
in your efforts to be devout also spelled it out in greater detail. They have also proclaimed clearly
Catholics and honest citi- that it is the specific duty of the Catholic laity to get involved – and
actually to take the lead – in the building of a better world. This is their
All – Amen!
mission. It is in accomplishing such a “mission to the world” that they
P –May He protect you from will be contributing to the coming of God’s Kingdom here on earth, and
all dangers and prosper all thereby bring about their own sanctification.
your honest undertakings. One cannot be a good Christian if one does not endeavor
All –Amen!
to be a good citizen of one’s country as well as of all the “fam-
P – May He increase your love ily of nations.” We must be fully involved. We owe it to ourselves,
for all families so that you to society, to the Church. It is only by “giving to Caesar what is
may strive to protect, de- due to Caesar” that we begin to “give to God what is due to God.”

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