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other hand, Blackstone maintained that a rule of law made on

What is Jurisprudence Meaning and Definition a pre-existing custom exists as positive law apart from the leg-
Where there is a systemize branch of knowledge its science islature or Judge and Maine pointed out that there is law in
comes into existence, since law is a systemized branch of primitive societies.
knowledge, it is a science. The name of the science is Jurispru- Savigny recorded law as itself subject to evclution and as no
dence. This word has its routs in the Latin word “Jurispruden- arbitrary expression of will of the law-giver.
tia”. Juris means law and prudentia meaning knowledge. Thus The above is not the definition of ‘a law’ but of the law. In
jurisprudence is knowledge of law or skill in law. It is the `sci- fact the term ‘law’ is’ used in two senses, which May be char-
ence of legal principles and philosophy of law which includes acterised as the concrete and the abstract. In the concrete sense
the entire, system of legal doctrine. we speak of “a law” or “laws”. “A law” means a statute, ordi-
Definition of Jurisprudence: nance, decree or an Act cf a Parliament. In this sense we say
In the words of Austin Jurisprudence is concerned with posi- that Parliament has enacted or repealed a law. It is a source of
tive law i.e. “positivism” which means that laws are com- law in the abstract sense. In the abstract sense we speak of
mands. The second- meaning is that the, law as “it is” actually “law” or “the law”, e.g., the law of England, the law of libel,
laid down has to be kept separate from the law that “ought to criminal law, etc. Law here denotes the entire body of legal
be”. principles prevailing in a particular system.
He divided it into two branches: This ambiguity is a peculiar feature of English speech. In Con-
 General and tinental languages there are distinct words for the two mean-
 Particular Jurisprudence ings found in the Eng1ish term ‘law’. Law in the concrete is
General jurisprudence relates with the subjects of law as are lex loci, and law in the abstract jus, droit; recht. Lex meaning
common to all systems of law. This field of law is a wider one. a statute is a source of jus.
Particular jurisprudence is confined only to study of any actual The following are a few other concepts of law as given by em-
system of law, it talks about it special or particular system of inent writers, which will enable us to Have a clear perspective
law. In both essence is the same but they differ from each of the different notions of law.
other in their scope.  Every law is a gift of God and decision of sages Demostheries.
Salmond Definition:  Law is not right alone or might alone, but a perfect combina-
Salmond define Jurisprudence as “the science of law”, here tion between the two.”salmond”.
law stands for law of land. In this sense it has three kinds i.e.  A law is a command which obliges a person or persons to a
 Systematic jurisprudence. Existing actual legal system in past course of conduct.”Austin”.
or in present.
 Legal History. Process of, historical development. Relation of Jurisprudence with other social sciences
 Legislation. To set forth law, as it ought to be. Jurisprudence is studying law, law is regulating the conduct of
Jurisprudence is the science of legal principles and philosophy individuals and individuals are living and forming societies.
of law, which indicates the entire system of legal doctrine. In Therefore, law is an important social phenomenon which is
short it is the study of the structure of legal system. While ju- making jurisprudence as a Social Science.
rist means a legal scholar, one who is versed in law. However, there are several other Social Science, like Ethics,
The Nature of Law Jurisprudence Political Science, Sociology, Psychology etc. Now, it is logi-
According to Blackstone: Law in its most general and com- cal that these social sciences should be interlinked with each
prehensive sense signifies a rule of action and is applied indis- other at some point.
criminately to all kinds of actions whether animate, rational or Moreover, these social sciences could not study in isolation. In
irrational. Thus we say the Laws of Motion, of Gravitation, of other words, none of these sciences can be understand with
optic or mechanics, as well as the Laws of Nature and of Na- having a fair knowledge of others. Jurisprudence, being a so-
tion.” The term ‘law’ in this sense is applied to observe unifor- cial science is, in fact, related with other social sciences.
mities of action.
There is great diversity in the use of the term ‘law’. The same Jurisprudence and Sociology
name is employed to denote altogether different things, e.g., Jurisprudence is the study of law and sociology is the study of
Laws of Nature, Laws of God, Laws of Honour, and Laws of society and it is also discusses law but from a different stand-
Morality, positive Law. A line was accordingly drawn be- point. Therefore there is a link between jurisprudence and so-
tween laws relating to external nature and those dealing with ciology. Jurisprudence is concerned with legal rules that actu-
the actions of men. ally exist; however, sociology is studying the effectiveness of
Professor Holland Professor Holland observes that “a law in those legal rules and their impacts on society.
the proper sense of the term is a general rule of action, talking
cognizance only of external acts, enforced by a determinate Jurisprudence and Politics
authority, which authority is human, and among human au- Politics studies the principles responsible for the governmental
thorities, is that which is paramount in a political society. organization. Whereas, jurisprudence is analyzing those prin-
Hobbes defined laws “as the commands of him or them that ciples. Moreover, in a political society there exist rules for the
have coercive power. Austin followed him a law is a rule of regulation of human being conduct which are the subject-mat-
conduct imposed and enforced by the sovereign.” Salmond ter of jurisprudence. Hence, there is a close connection be-
substituted the definition by observing that “Law is the body tween the two.
of principle recognized and applied by the State in the admin-
istration of Justice.” lt consists of the rules recognized and Jurisprudence and Ethics
acted on by Courts of Justice. Ethics is the science of human conduct. It projects an ideal hu-
According to Salmond, all law, however made, is Recognised man behavior, in the light of which it suggests a course of con-
and administered by the Courts and no rules are recognised duct for individuals living in societies. Whereas, jurisprudence
and administered by the Courts which are not rules of law. lt is discussing the imperative rules, actually existing in the soci-
is, therefore, to the Courts and not to the legislature that we eties. However, those rules are also connected with the behav-
must go in order to ascertain the true nature of the law. on the ior of human beings in societies. Therefore, both of the sci-
ence are interrelated. today. This analysis as the principles of the law is done with-
Due to the close relationship and interdependency of these sci- out reference to their historical origin or their ethical signifi-
ences, there emerged a branch of jurisprudence known as Ethi- cance. Analytical jurisprudence it examines the relations of
cal Jurisprudence, discussing the ideal human behavior or civil law with other forms of law, analysis the various con-
which is the study of law as it ought to be. stituent ideas of which the complex idea of the law is made
Jurisprudence and Psychology For example
Psychology is the ‘science of mind and behavior’, whereas, ju-  The state, sovereignty and administration of justice.
risprudence is discussing law. Law is aimed to be followed by  Investigates the theory of legislation. Judicial precedents and
individuals, and individuals can only follow law if they intend customary law.
to follow. Therefore, intention is the very basic element be-  Inquires into the scientific arrangement of the law
hind every law, and particularly in criminal law the concept of  Deals with the conception of legal rights and legal liability,
mens rea is having immense importance. Therefore, jurispru-  Examines such legal conceptions as property, possession, obli-
dence and psychology both are closely inter-related human gations contracts, trusts, personality, intention, motive, negli-
sciences. gence, etc, which by the reason of their theorectical interest
deserve special attention.
Jurisprudence and Economics
Economics is the science of wealth and jurisprudence is the Ethical jurisprudence:
science of law. The branch of jurisprudence deals with basic principles of
Economics studies the production and distribution of wealth ethics and moral values. Ethical jurisprudence is a branch of
and law is responsible for establishing a fair distribution of legal philosophy which approaches the law from the viewpoint
wealth through rules. Moreover, studies show that economic of its ethical significance and adequacy. It deals with the law
factors are responsible for the increasing rate of criminal activ- as it ought to be an ideal state. This area of study brings to-
ities, which again brings the two in close relation with each gether moral and legal philosophy. It is connected with the
other. Furthermore, economics aims at improvement of the purpose of which the law exists and the manner in which such
standards of human lives whereas; this could not possible if a purpose is fulfilled. Salmond observes that ethical jurispru-
peaceful environment is not available which is possible dence is the meeting point and common ground of moral and
through the application of laws. Therefore, there is a close re- legal philosophy of ethics in jurisprudence. Ethical jurispru-
lationship between the two. dence has for as its object the conception of justice, the rela-
tion between law and justice
Jurisprudence and History
History is the scientific narration of the past events, whereas, OTHER KINDS OF JURISPRUDENCE
jurisprudence is the science of law. Law has not come into ex- Following are the other kinds of jurisprudence
istence overnight, as a matter of fact, it has developed through
ages. History helps jurisprudence in digging out the origin and Philosophical jurisprudence
evolution of different legal rules. Owing to its importance, It deals with philosophy of law. sciences and of philosophy it
there developed a separate branch of jurisprudence, known as digs into the historical past and attempts to create the symme-
Historical Jurisprudence. Therefore, it may concluded that try of a garden out of the luxuriant chaos on conflicting legal
there is a close relation between jurisprudence and history. systems.

Kinds of jurisprudence: Following are three main kinds of Sociological jurisprudence :

jurisprudence according to salmond: Sociology is the study of men in society. A sociologist consid-
ers law as a social phenomenon. The object of sociological ju-
Historical Jurisprudence risprudence is to work upon jurisprudence with reference to
Historical Jurisprudence gives the answers of the questions, the adjustment of relations of ordering of conduct which is in-
origin of law, the development of law, evolution of law and volved in group life. A theme of this branch is to study living
philosophy of law. It constitutes the general portion of legal law in the same manner as a psychologist studies living is-
history. It deals with the general principles governing the ori- sue. The most important branch of legal sociology is penol-
gin and development of law as also the origin development of ogy, which studies the causes of crimes, behavior of criminal
legal conceptions and principles found in the philosophy of and effect of different theories of punishment. The only princi-
law. ple in penology is to find out why a man does wrong to make
it not worth his while.
 Catalogue the development of law,
 Allotting to each phase its true position in the completed nar- Mainly there are 4 Schools of Jurisprudence:
rative. 1. Analytical School
 It indicates the processes of change, and is therefore descrip- 2. Philosophical School
tive. 3. Historical School
 It is the function of historical jurisprudence to interpret these 4. Sociological School
changes and to expose the forces which have brought them
about. Difference between above mentioned Schools of Jurispru-
dence is that how do they Define Law - What is Law? How-
Analytical jurisprudence: ever, Each School of Jurisprudence has a place of its own in
This branch of jurisprudence gives analysis to basic principles connection with the particular law out of which it grows!
of civil and their interpretation. The purpose of this branch of
study is to analyse and dissect the law of the land as it exists ANALYTICAL SCHOOL:
The main aspect of this School is ‘Relationship of Law with Many Jurists have contributed in the Development of Histori-
State’. Main Exponents of this School are Jeremy Bentham cal School, like - Montesquieu, Puchta, Burke, Savigny, Henry
and John Austin. Both are popularly known as the Fathers of Maine. Lets discuss them one by one!
Analytical School. 1. Montesquieu :-
Jeremy Bentham: He is the first Jurist of Historical School and is often credited
Jeremy Bentham in his book ‘Limits of Jurisprudence De- for the Evolution of Historical School. He in his famous Book
fined’ said that State`s objective is to provide and ascertain ‘Spirit of Laws’ said ‘ Law must keep Pace with the Changing
Maximum Liberty and Maximum Happiness - This is Known Needs of the Society’
as Doctrine of Utility. According to Bentham, the Ultimate 2. Savigny :-
End of Law is "Greatest Happiness of Greatest Number” and He is the Father of Historical School - and his major contribu-
the Ultimate Purpose of Law is "To Bring Pleasure and Avoid tion to this school was ‘Volkgeist Theory’ - which means that
Pain” - To eradicate hurdles on the Freedom of Human Being Law has its root in the General will or General Conscious of
- this means that Bentham was a supporter of Laissez Faire - the People. According to him ‘"Law grows with the Growth
‘Let the Men Free’. and strengthens with the strength of the people and finally dies
John Austin: away as the Nation loses its Nationality’.
John Austin is known as the Father of Analytical School of Ju- 3. Burke :-
risprudence According to him ‘ Law is the Product of the General process
His Lectures are accumulated in the name of 'Province of Ju- meaning thereby that Law is a DYNAMIC process which
risprudence Defined’ - According to him "Law is a Rule laid changes and develops according to suitable circumstances in
down for the Guidance of an Intelligent Being By an Intelli- Society.
gent Being having Power over him”. 4. Henry Maine :-
Law is a Command by the Sovereign backed by Sanction. His outlook was too broad to include him to remain within the
Anything that is not a Command is not a Law. confines of just one school. His main contribution was the
Philosophical School: evolution or transformation of societies "from status to con-
Philosophical School of Jurisprudence - also known as Natural tract” and "Legal Fictions, Equity and Legislation”.
Law School. The main aspect of this school is relationship be- 5. Puchta :-
tween LAW & REASON. This school believes that Law is He believed that neither the people nor the State alone can be
based on some higher morals and principles and source of Law. ‘ Man likes to live in unity and this Unity pre-
thus every Law should be Just, fair and Reasonable. pares the Ground for General Will’. According to him, the
This school believes that laws should be Based on Ethical Val- State comes into Practice only to Regulate the System when
ues. According to this school, If any law is against the naturals there is a conflict between General will of the People and Self
laws - then that law is not valid. To be valid, law should be Interest of the Individual.
Based on Reason-They should be Just, fair & Reasonable.
Various Jurists have helped in the development of Philosophi-
cal School of Law, some important jurists are Saint Thomas 1. INTRODUCTION: In the words of Thurman Arnold “ob-
Acquinas, John Locke, Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Immanuel viously law can never be defined with equal obviousness;
Kant, Hegel, Fichte etc. however it should be said that the adherents of the institution
must never up the struggle to define law.” According to
salmond, the whole body of law can be divided into two parts,
This School has also helped in the development of Social Con-
general and special law. General Law consists of the general
tract Theory - According to which Government formation is a or ordinary law of the land. Special law consists of certain
part of the Social Contract wherein People; for proper and uni- other bodies of legal rules which are so special and excep-
form utilisation of their Rights, give away some of their Pow- tional in their nature, or application that it is convenient to
ers to the Government. Now Government has to protect these treat them as standing outside the general and ordinary law.
rights. If in case the Govt. misuses their Power, Then the peo- 2. DIVISION OR CLASSIFICATION OF CIVIL LAW:
ple can choose to overthrow the government and appoint a Sir Johr Salmond classified the civil law into two parts:
(a) General Law (b) Special Law
New Government for the better protection of their Rights.
I.GENERAL LAW: The general law of a country is its terri-
Sociological School: torial law, which applies to all person, things, act legal rules
Sociological School of Jurisprudence studies and understands which are taken judicial notice of the Courts whenever there is
Law in relation to the Society. This school takes Law as a So- any occasion for their application.
cial Phenomenon and studies Law in action, as law having an (i)Shapes of General law:
impact on the Society. Sociological School believes that there General Law is of three shapes:
is a deep relation between Law and Sociology. Various Jurists (a) Statute law (b) Equity (c) Common law
(ii) Examples: Examples of general law are the law of contract
have contributed in the development of Sociological School,
or the Pakistan penal Code.
such as Ehrlich, Roscoe Pound, Duguit, August Comte and II. SPECIAL LAW:
Rudolph Van Ihering. The Founder of Sociological School is - That part of the law which has no general application through-
August Comte out country, but which is also enforced by the Courts is the
Father of Sociological School is - Roscoe Pound special law. It consists of those legal rules which Court will
and Father of Modern Sociological Jurisprudence is - Rudolf not recognize of apply them as a matter of course but which
Van Ihering. must be specially proved and brought notice of the Courts by
the parties interested in their recognition.
Historical School:
(i)Illustration: The Court may not and ordinarily it does not
Main Aspect of Historical School is Relationship between Know, what a `particular custom is. The parties have to prove
Law and Society. This school believes that law is a result of such a custom if they rely upon.
Local and Social Customs, Local People and the Local His- 3. KINDS OF SPECIAL LAW:
tory. Salmond refers to six kinds of special laws which fall outside
This School mainly believes that every Society has its own the general law.
specific needs and necessities which majorly decide the Be- (i) Local law: Local law is the law of the locality and not the
general law of the country. It is of two types:
haviour of the Society. As and when the needs changes; the
(a) Local customary law (b) Enacted law
Behaviour also changes.
(a) Local Customary Law: It is that law, which is derived
from immemorial customs, prevails in the particular locality of
the state.
(b) Enacted law: It means such law proceeding form local
legislative authorities.
(ii) The conflict of laws: The conflict of laws is also known
as foreign law or private international law. Justice and expedi-
ency require sometimes that the municipal Courts apply a rule
of foreign law to determine the right and liabilities of the liti-
gants before it.
(iii) Conventional law: Conventional law arises out of agree-
ment between the parties who are subject to it e.g., rules of a
club or Articles of Association of Company.
(iv) Autonomic law: By autonomic law is that species of law
which has its source in various form of subordinate legislative
authority possessed by private persons and bodies of person.
Such form of law is enforced in the Court but it is not general
application e.g., law of universities, railway companies etc.
(v) Martial law: Martial law is the law administered in the
Courts maintained by military authorities. It is of three kinds:
(a) It is the law for the discipline and control of the army itself
and is commonly known as military law
b) The law by which the army governs in times governs times
of war occupied territory, outside the realm.
(c) The law which in times of war or other emergency, the
army governs the realm itself in derogation of the civil law.
(vi) International law as administrated in prize Courts:
It is a special kind of law which is dealt by the prize Courts in
the times of war. Prize law is that part of law which regulates
the practice of the capture of the ships and cargoes at sea in
times of war. Prize law is the branch of civil law. It has two
(a) It is
international law because it prevails between nations. (b) It is
civil law as it is administered in civil Courts.
(vii) Mercantile Customs: Another kind of
special law consist of the body of mercantile wage knows as
the law merchant. The law relating to Hundis derives its origin
form mercantile customs.
4. CONCLUSION: To conclude, I can say, that both general
and special law are the parts of the law or corpus juris. Ac-
cording to Salmond, the test of distinction is judicial notice.
By judicial notice is meant by knowledge which any Court
possesses and acts upon as contrasted with any knowledge
which a Court is bound to acquire on the strength of evidence
produced for the purpose. In General law court is bound to
take a judicial notice while in special law it is not necessary.


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