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Prof. M.

Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra


“The Killer” is a beautiful short story written by Earnest Hemingway. Hemingway’s stories are often full of
suspense, action and mystery. Symbolism is another chief quality of his stories. This story is about the
intended murder of a person named Ole Anderson by two professional killers Al and Max. The writer has
beautifully highlighted the inevitability of death. Though, no one is killed in the story, yet the story creates
an atmosphere of fear in the minds of reader. In short, in a simple manner the writer has been able to achieve
the desired result.

QNo1: “The Killer” is a powerful short story. Do you agree?

Bring out the horror and suspense in the story.
Answer: The Killer is a powerful short story, which is full of suspense and horror .Al and Max are two
professional killers who come to Hennery’s lunch room to kill Ole Anderson. Both of them look
mysterious by their behaviour. Hotel staff takes them to be wicked persons. They order the food after great
delay. This causes great anxiety for the hotel staff. Their dealings with the hotel staff shows that something
dangerous is going to happen. After taking food, Al takes Sam, the cook, and Nick Adams, the count boy, to
the kitchen and ties them. He puts towels in their mouths also. At that moment, the hotel staff comes to
know about their dangerous plan that they are here to kill Ole Anderson, who is expected to be there by 6
pm. Moreover, they order George not to entertain anybody, saying that the cook is off today. With the
passage of time their anxiety increases. At 7, they realize that Ole is not coming today and they leave the
place. But, they say that they will kill Ole just to oblige their friend. After their departure Nick goes to Ole
Anderson and tells him the whole story. But, he does not pay any attention to it. Nick returns to the hotel
with a fear of expected murder. To conclude, we may say that although the murderers are not able to kill
Ole, yet they are able to create an atmosphere of horror. Moreover, the writer has been able to create horror
and suspense from the beginning till the end.
QNo2: What is symbolic significance of the whole story?
Symbolism always plays an important role in Hemingway’s stories. Discuss
with reference to the story “The Killer”.
Answer: Symbolism is an important element of Hemingway’s stories. “The Killer” is a fine example of
his great work. He has used symbolism quite artistically in this story. The different characters and lunch
room in the story have great symbolic significance. “Al” and “Max” symbolize those criminals who are
busy in malpractices just for money or for some other evil purposes. “Nick”, “George”, and “Sam”
symbolize common people who are working hard to earn their livelihood, whereas, Ole Anderson stands for
such people who are struggling hard for peace, but they are getting nothing. Such people are fed up of their
Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
lives and are ready to face death. Finally lunch room, it symbolizes such public places which are open for all
sorts of people. Even the idea of short story is quite symbolic that the death is inevitable.
In short, the story can be called symbolic as it gives much more meanings than what appear on the surface.
QNo3: Ole is the main character of the story. Discuss.
The writer has been able to delineate man’s courage and determination
through Ole Anderson.
Answer: “Ole Anderson” is the main character around whom the whole story revolves. His character
becomes a source of attention for the reader from the start of the story. Though, he is only discussed till the
end of the story yet he is there to enhance the anxiety of the reader. Al and Max are there to kill him.
Basically, he is a Swede heavy weight prize fighter, quite tall and muscular. The reader does not know
much about him till the end. We even don’t understand why the killers want to kill him. “Ole Anderson”
has lost all his interest in life and is ready to face death. When Nick tells him about the killers, he does not
bother. It is just because, he is fed up of running from death. But, now he feels that it is useless to run away
from death. In short, “Ole Anderson” is a representative of those people who work hard for peace but getting
nothing. Moreover, through his character writer has been able to delineate man’s courage and determination.
QNo4: Al and Max played a very important role in the story. Prove. Or
Do you think without Al and Max Hemingway would not have been able to get
desired result in the story?
Answer: Al and Max are two important characters of the story. They become a source of fear and horror
for the hotel staff as well as the reader. In fact, it is their entrance in the lunch room that starts the whole
drama. They behave rudely with the hotel staff and ask about Ole Anderson in a strange manner. In fact,
they are professional killers who want to kill Ole Anderson just to oblige their friend. They are cruel persons
who are ready to kill anybody for nothing. Al and Max have similar personalities. Both are dressed alike and
both have aggressive temperament Al is the one who ties Nick and Sam in kitchen, while Max asks George
harshly not to entertain anybody. However, in the end, they return back without completing their mission but
they leave behind an atmosphere of fear and horror. In short, it can be said without Al and Max’s characters
the writer would not have been able to get desired result.

QNo5: Describe the disorder and lawlessness of American Society.

Answer: Law and order is the problem of the whole world, and American Society is no exception. Good
and bad people are found everywhere. But, there are some personal, psychological and social reasons, which
breed crime in a society. In advanced countries like America, much freedom is given in all most all the
walks of life. So some criminal minded people try to take undue advantage of this liberty. The killers in the
story “The Killer” also represent the same faction of the society, who just for a petty reason i.e. to oblige
their friend want to commit a deadly sin. That shows how ruthlessly they are violating the laws of the
society. How freely they enter a restaurant and make the staff their hostages, even in broad day light. They
have no fear of police, any law agency or even authorities. Anderson points out that there is no use of going
to the police. Though, American society is considered a flag bearer of the moral values, yet the situation
here is not better than developing countries. To conclude it can be said, that “The Killer” highlights that the
American Society is not a heaven as it looks to the people of developing countries. In short, the story
testifies the disorder and lawlessness of the American Society.
Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra

Nathanial Hawthorne


“Rappaccini’s Daughter” is written by “Nathanial Hawthorne”. It is basically a fantasy, full of suspense and
mystery. It is story of a crazy scientist named Rappaccini. He loves science more than humanity. In order to
get scientific knowledge, he adopts evil ways and even doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice his daughter. In short,
this story gives us a message that the evil instincts in man can make science a very lethal and deadly weapon
for humanity.

QNo1: “Rappaccini’s Daughter” is a fantasy in which a great scientist cares more for science than for
mankind. Is it really so? Or

“Rappaccini has an obsession ( ‫ ) جنون‬about scientific research but his innate ( ‫ پیدایشی‬، ‫ ) جبلی‬selfishness
drives him in wrong direction”. Discuss? Or

“Rappaccini’s Daughter” is a science fiction ( ‫ کہانی گھڑت من افسانہ‬،). Do you agree?

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
Answer: “Rappaccini’s daughter” can definitely be called a science fiction and a fantasy. A fantasy is story
is in which some fictional elements are presented, that cannot happen in real life. The story is about such
incidents, which cannot happen in real life. This story is about a crazy scientist Rappaccini, who cares more
for scientific research than humanity. He adopts evil ways to get power. He develops a formula by which he
makes his daughter poisonous. The story starts with the arrival a young boy Giovanni in Padua University.
He stays there in an old house, beside which there is a garden which is full of strange flowers and plants. It
is basically Rappaccini’s garden, where he has planted poisonous plants. One day, Giovanni witnesses
Rappaccini working in the garden, wearing gloves and protecting his mouth and nose. Whereas, his daughter
Beatrice is touching and smelling flowers to her will. However, Prof. Baglioni, his father’s friend, warns
him about Rappaccini and his daughter. But, Giovanni ignores his advice and starts meeting with Beatrice.
Soon both of them fall in love with each other. Though, both of them love each other, yet neither of them
touches each other. It is strange that Rappaccini does not stop them from meeting. In fact, he is planning to
develop a poisonous generation through them. One day, Baglioni warns Giovanni, that he is also becoming
poisonous. Baglioni gives him an antidote ( ‫ تریاق‬، ‫ ) زھرمار‬to cure Beatrice. Giovanni goes to Beatrice and

gives her the medicine. She drinks it and dies in front of her lover and her father. In the end, we can say
without any doubt that the story is a science fiction and fantasy, as it is full of such characters and events
which cannot happen in real life. Apart from that though Rappaccini has an obsession for scientific research,
yet his selfishness drives him in wrong direction. In short, he cares more for scientific research than
mankind and even his daughter.

QNo2: Beatrice falls to a victim of the frantic ( ‫) پاگلنہ‬obsession of her father. Discuss.


The writer has used Beatrice to bring out the evil lying in such scientist as Rappaccini. Justify.

Answer: “Beatrice” is the heroine of the story. She is the poor victim of her father’s obsession. She is the
main character around whom the whole story revolves. She is daughter of Rappaccini. He has brought her
up among poisonous plants, which has made her poisonous also. However, she is very innocent and
charming. A boy Giovanni falls in love with her and soon both start meeting each other. Though, Giovanni
does not touch or embrace her throughout the story, yet he also becomes poisonous from her breath. In fact,
sRappaccini was planning to develop a poisonous generation through them. Giovanni brings an antidote to
get rid of her from her poisonous nature, but she dies by drinking that liquid. Thus, her sacrifice proves her
innocence and her love for Giovanni. In the end, it can be said that Beatrice gives a message of love to

humanity. Moreover, she gives a warning to those cruel scientists who prefer

scientific research to the sacred aspect of humanity. In short, she is a victim of

her father’s obsession and through her the writer has brought out the evil

laying in scientists like Rappaccini.


How does Giovanni become poisonous?


Giovanni tries his level best to get rid of Beatrice

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
from her poisonous nature, but in vain.


Is Giovanni responsible for the death of Beatrice?

Answer: Giovanni, a young man, is the hero of this story. He has come to study at

the “University of Padua”. He stays there in an old house beside which there

is a strange garden belonging to Rappaccini. One day, he saw Beatrice,

Rappaccini’s daughter in the garden. He falls in love with her at first sight.

However, from Baglioni he comes to know about her poisonous nature. But, he

starts meeting with her in the garden. Soon, both of them fall in love with each

other. But, Beatrice forbids him from touching and plucking any of the flowers.

She also does not allow him to touch her. However, Rappaccini allows them to

meet. Actually, through them he wants to develop a poisonous generation. But,

Giovanni does not have any knowledge about this. By Baglioni, he comes to

know that he has also developed poisonous nature. Baglioni gives him an

antidote to cure Beatrice, but she dies by taking it. Giovanni, unable to

understand the whole situation, considers himself responsible for her tragic

death. However, it is not he, but Rappaccini, who is responsible for

Beatrice’s tragic death.


Compare and contrast Dr. Rappaccini and Prof.



Do you find forces of good and evil working at the

same time in the story?


Dr. Rappaccini stands for the destruction of mankind

where as Prof. Baglioni plays the role of savior of the

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra

Dr. Rappaccini and Prof. Baglioni are the two main characters of the

story. They play opposite roles in the story. If one stands for the destruction of

mankind, the other is savior of mankind. Both of them are learned scientists but

have different natures altogether. One is crazy for scientific research and is not

interested in humanity, while the other has great faith in love and brotherhood

and wants to save humanity.

Dr. Rappaccini has invented poisonous plants to overpower others. He

not only makes his daughter poisonous but her lover Giovanni also. Through

their relationship he wants to develop a poisonous generation. But, he fails in

his plane and his daughter dies in front of him, making him repent later.

On the other hand, Prof. Baglioni is a good natured human being. He

helps others and relieves them of any suffering. He warns Giovanni to stay

away from Rappaccini and his daughter. But, when he comes to know about

Giovanni’s love for Beatrice, he tries to help them by giving an antidote. This

shows his love for humanity.

In the end, we can say that Dr. Rappaccini and Prof. Baglioni are real

representatives of evil and good natures which are working at the same time in

the world. If one wants to destroy mankind other tries to save it.


How does Prof. Baglioni come to know that Giovanni has

fallen into fearful hands of Dr. Rappaccini?


How does Prof. Baglioni come to know that Giovanni has also

developed poisonous traits?


Prof. Baglioni is an old friend of Giovanni’s father, to whom he brings a

letter of introduction. He is aware of Dr. Rappaccini’s mad love for science

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
and Beatrice’s terrible qualities. One day, he stops Giovanni on the way. He

judges that Giovanni has fallen in love with Beatrice. He forbids Giovanni to

have any contact with Beatrice. While they are talking, Dr. Rappaccini

passes nearby and looks at Giovanni in a strange way. Prof. Baglioni at one

concludes that Giovanni has become the subject of his new experiment. He

tries to warn Giovanni against Dr. Rappaccini’s intention.

“He has seen you. He must have seen you.

I know that look of his Signor Giovanni.

Upon my life you are the subject of Dr. Rappaccini’s experiment.”

Afterwards, he pays a visit to Giovanni and recognizes the same terrible

smell that comes from Dr. Rappaccini’s plants. He also guesses that

Giovanni’s breath has also become poisonous and he must have acquired that

poison from Beatrice. Hence, in that way Prof. Baglioni comes to know that

Giovanni has fallen into fearful hands of Dr. Baglioni and has become



Describe the first encounter between Beatrice and Giovanni.


How Giovanni falls in love with Beatrice?


Just like most of the fiction stories, a love affair has been presented in the

story “Rappaccini’s Daughter”. Giovanni, a young man from south Italy,

comes to study at “University of Padua”. He stays there in an old house,

whose one window opens into the garden below. One day, he sees a beautiful

girl tending ( ‫ ) دیکھہ بھال کرنا‬the plants. He is spelled bound ( ‫ ) مسحور رہ جانا‬to see such a

simple and innocent beauty. Ever since, he wishes to meet her in the same

garden. He buys some fresh flowers and throws them at her feet. He requests

her to wear, which she accepts with thanks.

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
Afterwards, he falls in love with her, as he remains absorbed in her

thoughts for many days. One day, old Lisabetta guesses his feelings and

tempts him that she can lead him to a private entrance of the garden. This was

his first meeting with Beatrice. The frequent meetings between Beatrice and

Giovanni strengthen their love for each other. Though, later Giovanni knows

that he has also become poisonous due to her breath, yet he keeps on loving

Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra
Prof. M. Shafique Anjum Dk
Govt. Post Gradute College, Gojra

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