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theories of the solar system

vortexes made into stars and into commets and into planets

buffon collision theory

a passing commet collided our sun and some materials are ejected started to pull
off and created the planet

kant laplace nebular theory

gravity collapse the nebula

great cloud of gas

nebula-cloud of dust and gas bcoz of gravitational pull this nebula started to
contracts and nebula starts to form like a flat disc and starts to spin.
and rings starts to turn into planets of our solar system

center formation of central mass proto sun. centrifugal force

assing star not collided gravitonal pull, pulled out matterials from the sun that
looks like beads on a string

the solar nebular system hypothesis (most accepted theory of our solar system)

neebula collapse bcoz of the star super nova and forming

when a supernova explodes stars get created

beetlejuice will explode any moment (supernova expkotion)


THE INNER PLANETS=mercury, venus, earth, mars.

moon-luna or celine

mars- 2 moons

atmosphere pays an important role in maintaining global temp

OUTER PLANETS =jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune.

ceres - a big asteroid

- big
-made of gas
-have rings
-many moons
- cold

buffoon collision theory

ang collision
roman-bmercury named after roman messenger of the gods(is quick) the ikot of
mercury is mabilis around the sun. that is why
greek mythology- hermes

when planet has no atmosphere temperature is extreme. that is why mercury is hot.
surface of mercury is much like our moon. no atmosphere so kaya asteroids can hit
the mercury and have craters largest crater of mercury CALORIS BASIN mercury's
biggest impact crater.\+

mariner 10

jupiter- more than 90+ moons in jupiter

gap between mars and jupiter has asteroids

scres largest asteroid recorded bcoz it is located in the asteroid belt ;and also a
dwarf planet

a planet was between both mars and jupiter but that planet exploded so the remains
of the planet became the asteroids.

phobos and deimos

galileo mission first spacecraft to fly past an asteroid.


roman supreme god greek myth; zeus

jupiter largest planet. jupiter has no hard surface bcoz its a gas giant.

jupiter is a failed sun; hindi siya sumindi

the great red spot

commet that bombarded jupiter is shoemaker


europa-covered in ice due to tug of war gravitational tug of war nagccrack ung
they are planning to send a submarine down europa to explore the icy sea

outside of europa is ice and inside may be water/have liquid water


Io - there is sulfur then there is volcanoes more than 400

staurn roman god of agriculture

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