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What is the definition of a group?

Two or more individuals who have come together in a way that's not organizationally determined or

A permanent group of people working under a single supervisor.

Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve a particular

A set or two or more individuals assembled by the formal authority within an organization

Faisal gets together with ten other people he knows each month and discusses a book that a member of the
group has picked for everyone to read. What kind of group is this?

A formal group

A task group

A friendship group

An interest group

Which model best predicts the process by which most groups will come together and start performing?

the decision-making model

the punctuated equilibrium model

the four-stage model or group development

the five-stage model or group development

What is the element of group structure that helps all members understand what behaviors are expected of





What is one of the disadvantages of a group over an individual?

Decision fatigue

Social loafing


What is a distinguishing feature of a team?

Synergy, which is the process of combining two or more actions that result in an effect that differ from the
total or the individual actions.

information collection. necessary so that individuals can exchange the information they have with others so
that everyone has what they need to do their jobs.

Individual goals, which must be assigned to keep individual players from social loafing.

When team members exhibit complementary individual skills, like when one is numbers oriented and another
is good at written communication.

All teams can be characterized by what two elements?

managed or self-managed

task complexity and membership fluidity

on site and virtual teams

synergistic or non-synergistic

What issues must a manager address when considering the composition of the team?

adequate resources, structure and trust.

common purpose. specific goals, and team efficacy

the right design for the positions team members will hold

abilities, personalities and diversity of team members

Which of the selections below is most likely to be a hindrance in turning an individual into a team player?

organizational hierarchy

collective cultures

employee selection process

rewards and recognition

Which is the early management approach that lent itself to organizational hierarchy?

Fayol's Administrative Approach

Mayo’s Hawthorne Effect

Taylor's Scientific Approach

Weber's Bureaucratic Approach

Where do most organizations fall in their team use, when one is looking at a spectrum of organizations that
include traditional, structured organization at one end and a highly flexible organization at the other?

Right in the middle

On the highly flexible side

They are not on that scale

On the highly structured side

The management view that suggests that a smaller department, like payroll, serves a larger department, like
human resources, is called ________ .

the bureaucracy view

the chaos view

the contingency view

the systems view

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