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Culinary Institute

Reflective Learning
Total Marks: /10
Instructions: This is an individual task. All questions must be answered. The marks for this
assignment will contribute towards the assessment for this course. Submission of the
document to be made via Times at the designated link. Length: the completed portfolio
reflective learning exercise should be 1 page in length or equivalent





Student Number:
Date of submission:
a) What challenges or difficulties did you face during this practical subject?

-There were many challenges and difficulties that I had to face while doing this module for
this semester. During my 2nd semester, we were required to create a business proposal for
this particular module. We were then divided into groups of four and my partners were Isaac,
Priscilla and Cindy. Our main objective was to come up with a business proposal for our
chocolatier shop. At first we faced many difficulties like time management. We did not start
our project early because we were also busy preparing for our kitchen practical service.
Another difficulties we faced was lacking teamwork and we did not communicate with each
other properly.

b) How did you overcome these challenges or difficulties? If you were not able to
overcome these challenges what do you think prevented, you from doing so?

- In life, we must learn to overcome our problems and not run away from it because it will
only make our lives harder. I had to overcome these problems and obstacles to become
better so that there would not be any miscommunications in our group. Since our difficulties
were time management, I decided to call my group and asked if there was any day that all of
the group members are free. Then we decided to discuss and do the project together so that
it is much easier and if anyone does not understand anything, we can help each other. If I
was not able to overcome these challenges, the things that prevented me from doing so
were my laziness. At one point, I was feeling lazy and always procrastinating about the
project, but realize it’s a group project and I must help each other and do the project.

c) What areas did you think you performed well in within this subject?

- The areas that I think that I have performed well are the costing part for the equipment’s
and utensils. I was in charge of doing the equipment and utensils costing for our business. I
was able to do the costing in time and neatly so that my friends can continue the next part of
the project. Another area that I performed well was finding the place for our business. I was
able to contact a few property agents and ask about the business shop details and got a
place for the project.

d) If you were to rate your own performance in this subject on a scale of 1-10 (with
one being the lowest and 10 the highest) against the learning outcomes what mark
would give yourself and why? Explain and give evidence for the mark you have
awarded yourself.

- If I were to rate my own performance in this subject, I would rate a 7/10. The reason why I
gave myself this mark is because I believe I have achieved certain criteria in this module for
applied gastronomic cuisine such as timing, creativity, punctuality and others. I was able to
finish all my sections for the project that was assigned to me on time. The second criteria is
creativity. I was able to think and create different and various menu and recipes for our
business during this semester and was able to convert it into the recipe format and present it
accordingly. There are still places that I need to work on in order to rate my performance a
full 10.
e) How do you think the skills and knowledge you have learned in this subject will
benefit your future career prospects and goals? Do you think they are relevant to your
future career prospects and goals?

- There are many things that you can learn in this particular module or anywhere else. For
example, in this module, I learned how to start a business and how to make a business
proposal. This is useful because in the future if I were to start a food business, I would surely
know how to start it because I had already learned and did research about it. I learned many
things like how to write a business proposal and how to design a menu based on the location
and target market. This will be beneficial later on if I wanted to open up a food business or a
restaurant. All the knowledge and experience gained in this module are all relevant to the
future because whatever that I learned in my classes are all the basics. So in the future if I
were to work in the industry, it would be easier for me.

f) Think of another skill or attribute that is relevant to your future career goals that you
have learned during the subject (e.g., communication, use of technology, team work,)
and relate that attribute or skill to your future career goals, how will it benefit you?

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