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GEMMW01X/ CM#1/WEEK#2-#3
Ms. Syra Jose
Search about Ian Stewart’s 17 Equations that changed the world
Get a measuring tape or ruler and calculate your golden face ratio using here:

INSIGHTS: Insights about what you learned (Item Number 1): Write at least 3 insights

1. Lagura: I was fascinated that most of the mathematical equations that we

practice in the classroom have far more application in the real world. I realized
that these mathematicians developed the equations that opened new doors for
further innovation in the field of mathematics. It also stuck to me, my own
observation that mathematics is the core of engineering disciplines as the
equations can be applied in most of the groundwork for engineers.

2. Tuazon: Mathematics in the real world displays that mathematics is fundamental

in every aspect of life itself, in everything that has quantity and qualities, which
came from the idea that equations and its applications changed and still changes
the world as we know it. It also greatly increased the overall use of mathematics
as crucial knowledge on how the world is governed by its rules.

3. Luna: The application of mathematics to the real world demonstrates its

importance. The concept that equations and their applications had changed and
were still developing.This is testament to how wonderful the application of math
is in real world situations, knowledge is still continuing to evolve throughout the
years, and there are still numerous people that are adding newly found
knowledge in the field of mathematics.

Discuss Application: Discuss how you'll apply the knowledge(17 Equations) from Item
Number 1 in two distinct ways.
1. Rosario: Each equation could be applied in countless fields.The discovery of the
gravity equation for instance, brought forth a new perspective and lens on what
really is the nature of our world. Calculus, on the other hand, is utilized when it
comes to medicine, computer science, engineering, etc. These equations
constitute and accompany each of the things produced by us humanity. We
wouldn’t achieve this level of advancement if it wasn’t for these breakthroughs.
2. Moratallo: Most of the technology we have today wouldn't exist without the
brilliant minds who invented these equations. Each of these equations has
changed the way scientists, mathematicians, and others understand the world. It
has had such an impact that it has actually changed the world and advanced
civilization. It develops technical skills. Without these equations, engineers
cannot improve society.


1. Educational - The insights and opinions of my peers gave me more supplemental

knowledge in these lessons, which was an educational experience for me.
Moreover, the lessons that we tackled about refers to the application of
mathematics in the real world, which gave more meaning to my understanding of
math in general.

Golden Ratios of Each Member:

Lagura: (1.5913)

Tuzaon: (1.48724)
Rosario: (2.2766)

Moratalla: 2.00993
Luna: (Luna's Golden Ratio result here.)

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