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1. Choose one word from the list for each gap.

Hey Caroline!
What happened? The house is a mess!
You have to come and _____(1) (change/clean/build) the house. Everything is very
All the _______(2)
dishes (dishes/pillows/kitchen) are in the sink and the toilet is filthy.
My parents are_________
coming (3)(will coming/is coming/are coming) to visit this weekend
and it’s ________
your (4)(yours/your/their) turn to clean!
Please don’t forget, you know how my parents are…
see (5) (have/watch/see) you later.

2. Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story. The first sentence of the story (A)
is given for you as an example.

A- Cleopatra was a Greek who was born in 69 B.C.

B. Cleopatra was also known for her beautiful voice and beauty.

C. She ruled Egypt for 21 years. At first, she ruled with her father, then her two
brothers and finally, she ruled all by herself.

D. One of the most popular is the drama, Antony and Cleopatra, by William
Shakespeare, the popular British dramatist.

E. Several writers and authors have tried to write about her life and rule.

F. She came from the dynasty of Ptolemy, who was the general under Alexander the
Great when he attacked and defeated Egypt.

G. Films about her have been made in 1934 and 1963.


A- If you are planning to make cookies, please follow these instructions.

B. You can then cut slices of dough and check if the oven is ready.

C. Next, put them in the oven for 12 minutes.

D. You should preheat the oven to 176ºC

E. Buy a package of pre-made cookie dough.

F. After that, take the cookies out and let them cool down.
3. Four people respond in the comment section of an online magazine article about
food and restaurants. Read their comments and answer the questions.

Person A
Fine dining is something that not everyone knows how to appreciate. A lot of hours of
education goes into training people who work at these types of establishments, and
those who attend high quality restaurants are expected to get great food and service.
I don’t understand why one would want to have a meal at a low quality place with
regular food when the option of a good meal is on the table.
Person B
Everyone should get the opportunity to experience fine dining, just so they know what
it’s like. I can’t help but recognize the fact that it really is an art, but some people
might feel a bit out of place in a situation like that. I personally enjoy it, but it’s just a
financial investment that I can’t be doing all the time so I usually keep my fancy
restaurant experiences to celebrate special occasions.
Person C
I’ve experienced everything from fast food chains to 5 star restaurants and I will
always choose the first. When I’m hungry I want something that I can get without
having to sit down, wait for and put a napkin on my lap to eat. I once considered
working at a fancy restaurant, but I thought my time would be better spent learning
another skill that I could use in a variety of places. At the end of the day, food is food,
no matter how it’s served.
Person D
One of my dreams is to get all dressed up and go to one of these fine-dining
restaurants where everyone is waiting on me and serving me small dishes with
high-quality food. It shocks me how much work can be put into cooking, the
presentation of the food and the presentation of the waiters and cooks! If I had the
money I would definitely spend it on an experience like that - I think it would be
something unforgettable in my life.

1. Who thinks that a good restaurant is always the best choice? A

2. Who thinks that fine-dining should be considered an art?
3. Who thinks high-end restaurants are best for unique situations? B
4. Who prefers to eat cheap food than going to a nice restaurant? C
5. Who thinks going to a fancy restaurant is too much work? C
6. Who has never gone to a high quality restaurant? D
7. Who is impressed by the service at nice restaurants? D

4. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25

19. Telepathic impression is a transfer of thoughts from one mind to the other. The person
who is sending the thought, the sender, creates the impression. The person who is receiving
the thoughts, the receiver, accepts the impression from the sender. Impressions are one of
the most important things in telepathy. Writing down received impressions or thoughts is
encouraged, in order to remember them. Senders can verify what the receiver has written
down, to confirm that the thoughts match. In order to send and receive impressions, both
senders and receivers have to keep a clear mind. Regular practice can improve people’s
telepathic powers. It is important to be patient, as one cannot master telepathic impressions
within a few tries. C

20. Mind reading involves reading thoughts from a person’s mind without physical or sensory
interaction. It’s a form of telepathy. There are professional mind readers, who give readings
by observing people. Professionals in this field have been able to develop entire shows that
leave audience members and viewers shocked and amazed. Though often simply a series of
tricks and well-crafted situations, mind readers, or mentalists as they’re also referred to, use
the natural fascination surrounding this topic, as well as their keen insight into the human
mind and how it can be manipulated, to create fantastic scenarios that truly give the
appearance of mind reading. F

21. Although mind reading is popular, there are still plenty of skeptics. Many have doubts
about its accuracy and fears about what practical uses may be developed if it could indeed
be harnessed and used at will. Many in the scientific community say that the validity of mind
reading does not have any proven evidence. The practices of mind reading or telepathy in
the western world dates back to the 19th century. As of today, mind reading is not believed
possible through the limited use of our five senses. However, modern mind reading is
performed, to some degree, by using neuroimaging methods. B

22. Mental communication is the interaction of two different minds to exchange thoughts,
feelings, and ideas. It is a well-known form of telepathy. Many are concerned about how
others think of us. With the techniques of mental communication, it is possible to know what
another person is thinking at that time. It is also possible to know what a person is feeling. It
can be used as a way of helping people cope with difficulties. Even without speaking a single
word, mental communication is possible. D

23. Many experts have tried to communicate with animals too. There are those that believe
telepathy is, in fact, the main form through which animals communicate to each other. It’s
easy to jump to these conclusions when clear signs of communication exist between two or
more animals, but often being done without the use of verbal language, as humans are
accustomed to in our interactions. Telepathic communication with animals has never been a
practice upheld by science, but it has rendered some curious interactions with a range of
animals, including dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, rats, and so on. A

24. Mind control is the process of influencing one’s thoughts; and therefore, their actions. It
is a form of telepathy that has been practised for many decades. Mind control is also known
by the terms ‘brainwashing’ and ‘thought control.’ There are both positive and negative
applications. Because of the potential use for unethical purposes, it’s not widely practiced.
However, there may also be use for it in the field of medicine. Methods of mind control
provoke the subject to take certain actions, and may also change one’s thought patterns. It
can be accomplished through the use of media, like television, Internet, print and radio.
Hypnosis has also been proven an effective method of mind control. H
25. The various methods of telepathy can prove to be beneficial in our day-to-day lives. With
telepathic powers, we can build new levels of communication. Often, people find it hard to
communicate with words alone. Sometimes words are not enough to express what we are
feeling. In such scenarios, telepathy can become quite useful. To communicate with people
who are deaf, blind and cannot speak, telepathic methods are used. It can bring a new
understanding about the mind of one or more individuals. Telepathy can be used by medical
professionals and law enforcement to make advances in their particular fields. It can
generate better communication between married people, children, and also with mentally ill
people. G

A. Talking to animals
B. Is traditional mind reading a legitimate practice?
C. How to do telepathic impressions
D. Mental communication through telepathy
E. Steps to take to become a mind reader
F. Mind reading as a profession
G. Practical uses of telepathy
H. What’s involved in mind reading?

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