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Arthurito Samuel Simanjuntak

English Class
I am good at problem solving, research and I am good at dealing with money. But I
don’t really enjoy teamwork and dealing with people, I am more like the independent type. I
like using technology for working, but I am not very good at organizing information.
I don’t really like to work under a pressure, being creative and travelling to meet new
people. However, I don’t mind doing routine activities.

1. A recent report stated that UK office workers spend a hour and a half doing their personal
things such as gossiping, flirting, browsing, emailing their family and friends and online
2. Surfing the net is the most popular non-work activity for workers. Nearly half of workers
in Italy, UK and Germany reveal that they are often visiting sites for holiday and finance at
their working time.
3. They spend 14 minutes each day on their computer to surf the net.

I have an experience on online shopping, the app is Shopee and I bought a Kebab. It
feels good when you’re doing nothing and then someone brought you a food without you
doing anything. The benefits of using online shopping is that you don’t waste your energy
and you can order it anytime even when you’re working and doing your homework. The
disadvantages are that it cost you more than when you bought it yourself. Tips in online
shopping are you should always look for discount coupon because it will help you a lot and
the apps usually give you discount when you’re using their app.

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