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Cleansing the Liver

The liver is an important organ that is often
ignored, being it is the key organ for good
health. If this organ is not doing its job, the
rest of the body suffers. There are some 300
different functions normally performed by
the liver. Where disease exists you will find
an unhealthy liver.
Juva Flex

This blend helps with

the liver and
detoxifaction. The
emotions of anger
and hate create
toxins that are
stored in the liver
that can lead to
sickness and
The liver is a large filter and a hard-working disease. Juva Flex,
endocrine gland. It never aches or "cries" helps break
when it is in trouble, unless the gallbladder is addictions to coffee,
inflamed. It plays an important role in alcohol, drugs, and
digestion, in the formation of blood, and in tobacco.
defending our bodies against infection. As
soon as the body absorbs any substance, the
liver intercepts it. The liver then accepts and It contains:
neutralizes this substance, transforms it, or
rejects it. If the liver did not alter the
nutritive substances we eat, they would all Geranium,
be poisonous to us, even the nutrients from Rosemary,
healthy foods. Chamomile Roman,
Helichfrysum, Blue
Tansy, and Sesame
seed oil.

With all that liver

propeties it
helps expels toxins
to strengthens the
liver funtions. Plus
How the Liver Functions improve the
During digestion, the liver secretes bile to lymphatic and
help assimilate fats. The bile lubricates your circulation.
intestinal walls, regulates the level of your
friendly bacteria, destroys unwanted and
help assimilate fats. The bile lubricates your circulation.
intestinal walls, regulates the level of your
friendly bacteria, destroys unwanted and
dangerous organisms as they invade your
body, and stimulates the peristaltic activity
that forces your fecal material to move
through and out of your body. Bile, along
with digestive fluid from the pancreas, acts JuvaCleanse
upon fats, proteins, and starches, changing
them into useful substances. The liver
governs digestive functions and must be
healed before your digestion, your immune
system, and your overall health can reach an

The liver is the

body's largest
internal organ and
major detoxifier.
Even the toxins in
the air we breathe
are filtered by the
liver, including
chemicals from
aerosol cleaners,
One outward sign of the liver being in paint, insect sprays,
trouble is on the face between your etc., but eventually
eyebrows; you may have one or several deep those fitlers need to
lines and/or a swollen puffiness. A person be cleaned. The
with a weak, congested liver barely tolerates essential oil, ledum,
the cold in winter and may suffer chills, clelery seed, and
usually following a meal. A congested liver helichrysum, have
can at times become overactive, as it works long been known for
hard to compensate for the congestion; then their liver cleansing
it becomes even more exhausted. If you have properties. Juva
an overactive liver, you may often feel Cleanse was
feverish and find the summer months very clinically tested in
uncomfortable. A weak liver pulls energy 2003 for removing
away from the spleen, pancreas and mercury from body
stomach. These organs play a key role in tissues.
digestion. The intestines are almost totally
dependent upon the liver and the bile it
produces In 2003 a study
conducted by Roger
Lewis, MD, at the
Young Life Research
Clinic in Prove, Ut.
evaluated the
efficacy of
helichrysum, ledum
and clelery seed in
treating cases of
advanced Hepatitis

In one case a 20-

year-old male
diagnosed with
Hepatitis C. had a
Juva Flex would be great to work with the viral count of
above conditions: 13,200. After taking
two capsules
Lack of sleep and fatigue from pushing (approx. 750 mg
yourself when your body needs to rest each of Juva Cleanse
weakens the liver. As the liver weakens it per day for one
becomes more and more difficult to sleep. month with no other
You'll know you have a congested liver if you intervention, the
feel tired and sleepy soon after eating. Yet patient's viral count
you have plenty of energy around 1-2 A.M. dropped more than
You may also tend to worry during this time 80% to 2,580.
or have negative thoughts. Digestive
problems may bother you late at night and GLF
you may have to urinate more than you do
during the day.

The initals of this

essential oil blend
stands for
Gallbladder and Liver
Flush. It is
Everything we take into our bodies must pass
formulated with oils
through this large filter. It stores the
that help to cleanse
remains of all the drugs, vaccines, and
and resotre liver and
medicines we have taken plus the chemicals,
ball badder function
hormones, and preservatives from our food.
when taken in a
The hormones in birth control pills leave a
capsules as a dietary
dark patch in the liver, which shows up on x-
It contains:
Helichrysum, Celery
seed, Ledum,
Hyssop, Spearmint,
all great to stimulate
liver cell function
and remove plaque
from the veins and
artieries. Also
cleanse and
The fats from dairy foods, from animal foods, strengthen bile
and from oily and fried foods are also "fixed" function.
in the liver. Flour products and vitamin and
mineral supplements (the ones without the
essential oils in them), improper food JuvaPower
combining, and over eating weaken the liver

JuvaPower is a high-
antioxidant, whole-
food vegetable
powder complex that
is a rich source of
acid-binding foods.
Even the brain and central nervous system
are affected when the liver is congested.
JuvaPower is
formulated with
powerful, liver -
supporting nutrients
with intestinal
cleansing benefits.

JuvaPower is one of
the most important
and supportive
If you are a pregnant or nursing woman and supplelments to take
neglect proper eating habits not only will on a daily basis. It is
your liver suffer but your baby will be born very cleansing to the
with a congested liver. The constipation of a colon, especially the
breast fed baby is an extension of the liver, which is the
mother's constipation and it's the mother cleansing and
that needs to be treated. filtering gland of our
bloodstream, vitally
important in today's
world when we are
bombarded with
toxins daily.

The ingredients in
JuvaPower is
effective in stopping
oxidation of
cholesterol, reduces
blood pressure,
The liver governs digestive functions and reduces cell viability
must be healed before your digestion, your to 10.9%, prevents
immune system, and your overall health can cellular mutations,
reach an ideal level. binds up fat and
helps flush it out of
Other ways you can help the liver is to the body. Essential
continue to clean the colon, exercise is a for bile acid
daily must and get more rest, however don't formation and liver
lie down right after eating a meal if you've protection in
over eaten. You need to expend energy until cleansing the
you bum off that excess food. liver,natural laxative
& lubricant that
relaxes the colon

Sprinkle 1 Tbsp. on
food or stir into
purified drinking
water and drink.

You will find the rewards of cleansing will be
well worth it in the end!!!!

I There are several things You can do

to help the liver!

JuvaSpice is a
delicious and
extremely healthy
spice to use as a
seasoning on your
foods on a daily
basis. It is very
similar to JuvaPower
in its cleansing and
supporting health
benefits. JuvaSpice
was formulated with
powerful, liver-
supporting nutrients
and cleansing

Graph on cleansing the mercury out of the JuvaSpice is a

system in 96 hours with using JuvaCleanse convenient, easy-to-
use product. Just
sprinkle it over your
soups, salads,
specially prepared
meals, and even over
popcorn. The health
benefits of this
product are of vital
especially in today's

It show 3 different people and you can see
the #1 blue started out at 0 but in 48hrs it Essentialzyme-4,
was showing mecury at 1.4 and then in 96 hrs Detoxzyme, ICP.
at 3 then back to zero. That was because the
mercury was hiding in the tissues and
brought it out of the tissues and cleansed the
#2 Red started at 0.4 going to 0.8 and then
0.6 and to zero.
#3 started out very high 2.8 bringing it up to JuvaTone
3 and rode there for a while before finishing JuvaTone is a special
at zero. This graph is very herbal complex
impressive designed to support
the liver with an
to see. excellent source of
choline, a nutrient
that is vital for
proper liver function
and necessary for
those with high-
protein diets.
JuvaTone also
contains inositol and
dl-methionine, which
help with the body's
process of
Methionine helps
recyle gluthathionem
a natural antioxidant
crucial for normal
liver function. Other
ingredients include:
Oregan grape root, a
source of the liver
compound berberine,
and therapeutic-
grade essential oils
to enhance overall

The liver also play a

major role in helping
the body detoxify.
The final products of
digestion are
transported through
the poortal vein from
the colon to the liver
to be cleansed.


ICP is a great colon

cleanser with an
avanced mix of fibers
that scours out
residues. Enhanced
with special blend of
essential oils, and
fiber work to
decrease the buildup
of wastes, dispel
gas, improve
nutrient absorption,
and help maintains a
healthy heart.

Take in the morning

and night. But make
sure you take in the
morning to bind up
the acid so it will not
go back into the liver
and into the blood

Vital Life Juice

3 oz beet
1 oz. celery
1 oz carrot
1/3 oz white
1/8 oz ginger
1/3 oz red potato
When you are
juicing, juice one
vegetable at a time
and then add each
ingredient in another
container and mix

This is a great juice

to help cleanse and
support the liver.

You will only need to

drink an oz of the
mixture 3-4 times
during the day.
Don't drink to much
because it can make
you nausea from
cleansing to fast.
You need to go slow
when detoxing.

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