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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: _________________________ Year and Section ____________________ Score: _____

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. Melodic mood is usually related to what element of music?
A. Basic Elements
B. Expressive Elements
C. Song’s Lyrics
D. Song’s Structure
2. What is the basic tempo of the song Bahay Kubo?
A. Allegro
B. Lento
C. Moderato
D. Vivace

3. Based on the lyrics of Atin Cu Pung Singsing, what would be the melodic
mood of the song?
A. Allegro
B. Andante
C. Moderato
D. Vivace

4. Atin Cu Pung Singsing and Bahay Kubo are similar with what musical
A. Mood
B. Range
C. Tempo
D. Texture

5. Observe the piece below:

What time signature was used in this song?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
4 4 4 8
6. Which of the following is the main purpose of Cordillera folk music?
A. Used in everyday life
B. Used as recreation
C. Used as leisure
D. Used in rituals

7. Which of the following makes Cordillera music differ from Visayan music?
A. Cordillera music sounds oriental and ethnic.
B. Cordillera music sounds westernized.
C. Visayan music sounds oriental and ethnic.
D. Visayan music sounds modern.

8. Considering the lyrics and the melodic mood of Ili-ili, Tulog Anay, what
would be its tempo?
A. Allegro
B. Andante
C. Moderato
D. Vivace

9. Lubi-Lubi and Ako Kini Si Anggi are similar with what musical
A. Melodic Mood
B. Range
C. Texture
D. Time Signature

10. Which of the following instruments does not belong to the Kulintang
A. Agung
B. Kulintang
C. Gabbang
D. Kwinangan

11. It is a collective term for groups of indigenous people from Mindanao.

A. Bayoka
B. Dikker
C. Chavacano
D. Lumad

12. How can you describe the manner of playing of the instruments in a
Kulintangan ensemble?
A. The instruments are played by blowing air.
B. The instruments are played by using mallets.
C. The instruments are played by bowing the strings.
D. The instruments are played by strumming the strings.
13. It is a native xylophone in Sulu, shaped like a coffin, struck by 2 mallets.
A. Gabbang
B. Kudyapi
C. Suling
D. Serongagandi

14. The following statements are true about Moriones EXCEPT:

A. The participants play the role of Roman soldiers and wear the
moriones costume so that no one can identify them.
B. It was originally a religious ceremony that involved praying, eating
and dancing Subli.
C. A colorful folk-religious festival during holy week in the island known
as the “heart of the Philippines” Marinduque.
D. Shows reenactment of the story of Saint Longinus – the centurion
who pierced the side of Jesus Christ.

15. What festival features street dancing, harana, indigenous Filipino games,
Lupakan, singing, and dancing in the province of Batangas?
A. Panagbenga
B. Kadayawan
C. Sinulog
D. Sublian

16. Which intermission act featured comedy skits, music, monologue,

acrobats, and even magical acts performed in between long sarsuela acts
during the Japanese period?
A. Bodabil
B. Komedya
C. Moro-moro
D. Sarsuela
17. How does the kulintang player produce the sound of the instrument?

A. By blowing of air
B. By striking using mallets
C. By bowing of strings
D. By hitting using both hands
18. What principles of design are evident in this
Kalinga fabric?

A. Contrast and Proportion

B. Lines and Repetition
C. Pattern and Rhythm
D. Shapes and Colors
19. Which of the following best describes Bul-ul?
I. A carved-wooden human figure from Ifugao.
II. A group of mummies found along the slope of Kabayan.
III. A burial jar that served as a container of the deceased.
IV. A wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits.

A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. I, III, and IV

20. If the men from Bontoc wear a traditional attire called wanes, what
traditional attire of men can be found in Batangas?
A. Baro’t Saya
B. Barong Tagalog
C. Hablon
D. Patadyong

21. What elements of art and principles of design are striking in this basket?
I. Pattern and Rhythm
II. Shapes and Texture
III. Line and Form
IV. Emphasis and Movement

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. IV and I

22. Which elements of art and principles of design are evident in this mat?
I. Geometric shapes
II. Primary Colors
III. Radial balance
IV. Repeating patterns
A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. II, I, and IV
D. II, III and IV

23. The following are festivals celebrated in Visayas EXCEPT for one
A. Ati-atihan Festival
B. Masskara Festival
C. Moriones Festival
D. Pintados-Kasadyaan Festival
24. Which of the following Yakan garments is a type of skirt that is layered
over the trousers?
A. Sawal
B. Badjulapi
C. Seputangan
D. Pinalantupan

25. Which of the following best describes a Maranao malong?

A. It is a short worn by the bagani.
B. It is a traditional Filipino tube skirt.
C. It is a skirt layered over the trousers.
D. It is a woven fabric design based on dreams.

26. What is being portrayed during the celebration of the Masskara Festival for
the people of Negros Island?
A. The resiliency of the Negrenses.
B. The arrogance of the Negrenses
C. The stubbornness of the Negrenses.
D. The carefree attitude of the Negrenses.

27. Which of the following best describes the sarswela?

A. It is a play depicting events from the Old and New Testaments related
to Jesus Christ.
B. It is a play with song and dances, often accompanied by various
contemporary topics.
C. It is an ancient art form that uses flat, cut-out figures which are
shown behind a screen.
D. It is a drama performed through dance movements with dialogue or
sometimes, singing.

28. Why do people celebrate the Obando Fertility Rite in Bulacan?

A. Because it portrays the culture and tradition of the natives of the town.
B. Because they are grateful to the Lord for giving them a bountiful harvest.
C. Because it reflects the merry spirit and indigenous culture of the town’s
D. Because it is an occasion to make a prayerful appeal for the
childless couples
29. Where in the Philippines is considered as the “wood carving capital?

A. Paete, Laguna
B. Batangas
C. Antipolo
D. Bulacan

30. Which of the following statements provides the objective of performing a

standardized test on physical fitness? I. Identify bases for physical activities.
II. Determine the level of fitness of the students.
III. Identify strengths and areas for development/improvement.
IV. Motivate and guide students in choosing sports activities that they would
like to participate in.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

31. Waist circumference is a good predictor of visceral fat. Why do we need to measure
the amount of visceral fat in our bodies?
I. It can cause stroke.
II. Visceral fats boost the production of bad cholesterol.
III. It can narrow blood vessels causing increased blood pressure.
IV. Raise the risks to serious medical issues such as heart disease and

A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

32. This fitness test is executed by touching the fingertips together behind the back by
reaching over the shoulder and under the elbow.
A. Curl-ups
B. Zipper Test
C. Sit and Reach
D. 90-Degree Push-ups

33. This fitness test measures the strength and power of the leg by standing behind
the take-off line with the tip of your shoes not going beyond the line, and jumping
as far as you can.
A. 40-meter sprint
B. Basketball Pass
C. Hexagon Agility Test
D. Standing Long Jump

34. This is an activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and aims to improve or
maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
A. Exercise
B. Aerobic activity
C. Household chores
D. Recreational activity
35. Which of the following provides us with the objectives of taking the Physical
Fitness Tests in class?
I. It identifies the bases for physical activities.
II. It determines the level of fitness of students.
III. It identifies the strengths and areas for
IV. It motivates and guides students in choosing sports activities that they
would like to participate in.

A. I, II, and III

B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, III, and IV

36. Speed is the ability to perform a movement in the shortest period. Which of the
following skill-related fitness tests assesses your speed?
A. 40-meter sprint
B. Paper Juggling
C. Standing long jump
D. Stick Drop Test

37. Stick Drop Test assesses how fast you can respond to a stimulus: the higher the
score, the faster you respond. What component of fitness is being measured in
this activity?
A. Agility
B. Balance
C. Power
D. Reaction Time

38. Which of the following is NOT a form in Philippine folk dances?

A. Cordillera Dance
B. Ethnic/Tribal Dance
C. Mindanao Dance
D. Modern Dance

39. The following dance steps are performed only under 3/4 time signature

A. Cross Step
B. Redoba
C. Sway Balance with a point
D. Waltz
40. These are the dances of mountain tribes in Northern Luzon, such as those of the
Kalinga and the Ifugao people.
A. Cordillera Dance
B. Rural Dance
C. Spanish Dance
D. Mindanao Dance
41.Which dance step follows a step pattern of Step, Close, Step?
A. Change Step
B. Close Step
C. Cross Step
D. Swing Step
42.Your group won in a festival Dance Competition. What would be the most
acceptable attitude that should be demonstrated by your group?
A. Approach all the competitors you defeated and request them to sign in your
autograph book.
B. Require the board of judges and organizers for a photo to emphasize
C. Cheerfully celebrate victory by arrogantly popping champagne bottles.
D. Graciously acknowledge the award by being polite and humble.

43. Which of the following behaviors should NOT be done when you lose in a contest?
A. Accept defeat by graciously acknowledging the victory of the opponent. B. Aspire
to win next time by strengthening the weaknesses encountered.
C. Blame yourself and the rest of the group for the failures.
D. Develop a positive perspective in joining a contest.

44. As part of the performance, the Sinulog dancers are taught to spring from one foot
and land on the other foot in any direction with ease and confidence by their
trainer. What locomotor movement is this?
A. Galloping
B. Jumping
C. Leaping
D. Running

45. What do you call a series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any
A. Bend
B. Gallop
C. Jump
D. Walk
46. Which of the following dances recall a dance that imitates the movements of the
“Tikling Bird” as they walk between grass stem?

A. Itik-itik
B. Maria Clara
C. Tinikling
D. Maglalatik

47. What is the best way to attain emotional health?

A. Increase interaction with other people B. Handle
stress and seek help, if needed.
C. Improve interpersonal communication skills
D. Develop strong communication networks among family, friends, and peers.

48. If you can adapt comfortably to different social situations and act appropriately
in a variety of situations, what dimension of holistic health is being developed?
A. Emotional
B. Mental
C. Physical
D. Social

49. Which dimension is referred to when a person is open to new ideas and
experiences that can improve life, family, and environment?
A. Emotional
B. Mental
C. Physical
D. Social
50. The improper choice of food and intake are common practices to the adolescents
leading to malnutrition. For you to grow and develop to the fullest as well as to
improve nutritional status it is best to: A. Eat a variety of foods daily.
B. Consume calcium-rich foods
C. Follow the food guide pyramid D. Eat plenty of vegetables
and fruits.

51. Why is it important to be aware of the food you eat everyday? A. Food is part of
our healthy diet.
B. Your body needs to achieve full growth potential.
C. Your body is undergoing several physical changes.
D. Some foods that you eat daily may not always be the right foods that your
body needs.

52. Protein is primarily used in the body to build, maintain, and repair body tissues.
What food should you eat to meet the needed protein in your body?
A. Fruits and vegetables
B. Meat, fish, and dairy products
C. Bread, rice, pasta, and noodles
D. Fats and oils from processed foods

53. Which is NOT healthful to do? A. Eat a balanced diet.

B. Maintain a healthy weight.
C. Eat dark green leafy vegetables.
D. Increase consumption of processed foods.
54. Which of the following refers to the things that make a person stressed?
A. Stressor
B. Mental Issue
C. Eustress
D. Distress

55. One way of managing your stress is to tell people what you want and how you
feel, this is called?
A. Asserting yourself
B. Time management
C. Talking time for yourself.
D. Self Love

56.Why do we need to correct myths and misconceptions about noncommunicable

A. We don’t want to be labeled as backward or uneducated.
B. Following myths and misconceptions can endanger our health.
C. We need to change our beliefs to keep pace with the changing times.
D. Our medical practitioners will get mad if we don’t follow their advice.

57.This treatment involves removal of tumor and affected organ.

A. X-ray
B. Surgery
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiation Therapy

58. You noticed that your grandmother is experiencing sudden weight loss, excessive
thirst, and lack of energy. What type of disease do you think is evident?
A. Arthritis
B. Diabetes
C. Hypertension
D. Renal Failure

59. Which of the following eating disorder is characterized by self-imposed starvation

leading to excessive weight loss?
A. Anorexia
B. Bulimia
C. Obesity
D. Malnutrition

60. How can distress hurt your relationship?

A. It causes dry mouth and worry
B. It increases your blood sugar level
C. It can make you happy
D. It can make you angry and mean

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