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Guía de estudio N°6 – Unidad 3 Asignatura: Inglés

Docente: Valeska Echeverría Alfaro Fecha: Septiembre 2020 Curso: 1° A


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Unit 3: “My favorite foods – My toys”

My toys (Mis juguetes)

Objetivos: Identificar y describir juguetes. (OA13; OA14)
Preguntar sobre juguetes. (OA6; OA10)
Escuchar y comprenden información de un texto breve. (OA1)

Recuerda practicar
Part 1
vocabulario en voz
Vocabulary: Toys (p. 52 y 53 Student’s book)

Toy English Spanish

Plane Avion

Train Tren

Ball Pelota

Video game Video juego

Bike Bicicleta

Kite Volantin

Car Auto

Teddy bear Osito de peluche

Doll Muñeca

What’s your favorite toy?

Draw the toy you like to play the most with . (Dibuja tu juguete favorito)

Trace the words and find them in the picture circle. Then paint the picture. (p.
38 Activity Book) (Trace las palabras y encierre los objetos en la foto. Luego pinte).

Part 2
Look at the pictures and complete the words. Then paint. (Mire las fotos y complete
las palabras. Luego pinte los objetos).

Have you got…?

- Yes, I have.
- No, I haven’t.

“Have got” se utiliza para decir “tener”.

Examples: Have you got a bike? (¿Tienes una bicicleta?)

-Yes, I have. (Sí, si tengo)

Have you got a train? (¿Tienes un tren?)

-No, I haven’t. (No, no tengo)

With your parent’s help, read the questions and write the answers. (Con la ayuda
de tus padres, lea las preguntas y responda.)

What toys do you have in your house? Draw the toys you have. (¿Que juguetes
tienes en tu casa? Dibuja los juguetes que tienes).

Part 3
Read, match the numbers with the correct image and then color. (Lea, ponga el
número con la imagen correcta y luego pinte.)

1. This is my ball. It’s green and orange.

2. This is my teddy. It’s pink.

3. This is my car. It’s purple.

4. This is my doll. It’s yellow and blue.

5. This is my puzzle. It’s orange and white.

6. This is my balloon. It’s black.

7. This is my train. It’s brown.

8. This is my bike. It’s red.

9. This is my kite. It’s green and blue.

Look at the picture and circle “Yes, I have” or “No, I haven’t”. (Mire las fotos y
seleccione la opción correcta Yes, I have o No, I haven’t).

Yes, I have.
Have you got a teddy?
No, I haven’t.

Yes, I have.
Have you got a car?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a train?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a ball?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a kite?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a puzzle?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a doll?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a balloon?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a plane?
No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you got a robot?
No, I haven’t.

Yes, I have.
Have you got a drum?
No, I haven’t.

Read and draw. (Lea y dibuje)

A purple and blue A yellow plane. A pink and orange

ball. kite.

A doll with a red A green car. A light brown teddy.


Look and tick (✓) the correct toy and adjective. (Mire las imágenes y marque (✓) el
nombre del juguete y el adjetivo correcto)

Big: grande Small: pequeño

Old: viejo New: nuevo

Part 4
Watch this video and put the toys in order to
how they’re shown.

1st grade - Toys Where is my Teddy? dialogue

Put in order the toys that are mentioned. (Pone en orden los juguetes que son
mencionados en el video)

1. What toys has Lisa got in her box?

2. What toys has Lisa’s friend got in his box?

3. Where is Lisa’s Teddy bear?

Match the words to the right pictures. (Una las palabras con las imágenes correctas)





With the help of your parents mark with an X true or false. (Con la ayuda de sus
papas marque con una X si es verdadero o falso)


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