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Watch (How batteries work)

Guide Questions

1. What is the purpose of a battery in a circuit?

2. What factors do the life span of the battery depend on? What is its measure?
3. What are some characteristics of a household battery (i.e., terminals, voltage rating)?
4. What are the multiple layers inside the battery? What is the composition of anode, cathode?
5. Why is a household battery also called alkaline battery?
6. The chemical reaction in a battery is an oxidation and reduction process, which process requires
free electrons and which releases electrons?
7. When is a battery ready to be disposed?
8. How do electrons move in a copper wire that is not connected to a battery? those connected?
9. When is the flow of electrons in a circuit called conventional flow, and when electron flow?
10. If you want a brighter bulb, will you connect two batteries in series or parallel? What if you want
a larger capacity?

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