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Assignment 1:

 Identify the 2 major categories of Fitness

 Enumerate what are the components of each category
 Give at least 3 exercises in each component


1. Health-related components
a. Flexibility – is the capacity of the muscles and joints to go through a full range
of motion. Basic flexibility movements are namely;
 Flexion – bending a body segment.
 Extension – straightening a body segment.
 Abduction – moving a limb away from the body.
 Adduction – moving a limb towards the body.

To enhance our flexibility, stretching can help. Here are the common types of

 Passive-assisted stretch – this means that we perform the stretching

with a partner.
 Static stretch – stretching a segment to the farthest point and holding
it for a time.
 Ballistic stretch – it is stretching which involves bouncing or jerking
of a body segment.
 Dynamic stretch – a type of stretch which involves movement and
stretching exercise at the same time.
Sample exercises to improve flexibility:

 Shoulder stretch
 Standing quad stretch
 Side & forward lunges
 Sit and reach
 Cat stretch

b. Cardiovascular Endurance – is our ability to exercise without becoming overly

tired because our heart, lungs, and blood vessels are healthy. Heart rate is vital in the
monitoring of one’s cardiovascular endurance; this will determine if the person is within
the normal or maximum range.

Different types of heart rate:

 Resting heart rate (RHR) – heartbeats per minute while resting.
Normal RHR is between 60-100 bpm.
 Maximum heart rate (MHR) – heartbeats per minute that an
individual may reach given the intensity of a workout. (Formula: 220
bpm – age)
 Training/Target heart rate (THR) – heartbeats per minute obtained
right after an exercise or workout. (Formula: MHR x 60%)
 Recovery heart rate – heartbeats per minute taken 5-10 minutes after
a strenuous workout.

Factors that affect the changes in one’s heart rate:

 Age
 Activity level
 Unhealthy lifestyle
 Body size
 Medications/drugs
Here are exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance:

 Running/jogging
 Dancing/Zumba/Aerobics
 Cycling
 Swimming
 Hiking

c. Muscular Endurance – refers to the exertion of effort for a prolonged period of

time. This can help to have better stability and balance to avoid possible injuries.

Exercises for muscular endurance enhancement:

 Push-ups
 Plank
 Lunges
 Pull-ups
 Squats

d. Muscular Strength – is the capacity of the group of muscles to exert one

minimum effort against resistance. One of its benefits is to help improve one’s

Exercises to do to engage muscular strength:

 Squats
 Crunches
 Plank
 Modified push-up
 Biceps curl

e. Body Composition – refers to the proportional amount between fat and total
body weight, it is determined by the amount of fat and lean tissues in the body.

3 body types:
 Ectomorph – refers to long and lean, with little body and muscle.
Bone is relatively small with slender limbs. They would struggle
gaining weight.
 Mesomorph – refers to solid, athletic, and strong individuals. Bones
are typically large and heavy with huge limbs, which contributes to
heavier weight compared to ectomorph. They both gain and lose
weight easily related to the endomorph.
 Endomorph – refers to lots of body fats, and lots of muscles and they
gain weight easily. They are normally heftier and rounder type of

Factors that affect body composition:

 Age
 Genes
 Hormones
 Gender

Common Ways to Measure Body Composition:

 Skinfold caliper – measure the thickness of the subcutaneous fat,

these are found underneath the skin at certain body parts.
 Body Mass Index – measurement of body fat based on height and
weight of an individual.
 Body Circumference Measurements – measuring the circumference
of a specific body part/s for body fat estimation.
 Hydrostatic Weighing – a method that requires the person to be
submerged in water after exhaling as much air as possible.
 Waist to hip ratio – is the ratio of your waist circumference as against
your hip circumference – it is calculated by dividing the waist
circumference by the hip circumference.

Benefits of a Healthy Body Composition:

 Maintains normal blood pressure

 Improved quality of sleep
 Improved mood and self-confidence
 Increased energy and endurance throughout the day
 Reduced joint pains and lower back
 Improved blood circulation, which leads to a lower risk of heart

2. Skills or performance-related components

a. Agility – the ability of an individual to shift from one direction or position with
ease and comfort. This movement can be enhanced through lateral repetitions, pivots
and turns, and similar movements. (e.g. Hexagon agility test, Lateral lunge, Side-step toe
b. Balance – is the ability of an individual to sustain equilibrium or in an upright
position while standing or moving. (e.g. Stork balance test, Single-leg Balance, Tree
c. Coordination – the harmonious relationship of movement between the skeletal
muscles. (e.g. Jumping rope, Juggling, Dribbling)
d. Power – the ability to perform one (1) explosive effort in a small amount of time.
(e.g. Jump squat, Bent-over row, Kettlebell swing)
e. Speed – the ability to move from one point to another in a small amount of time.
Reaction time – the amount of time it takes to move to certain stimuli. (e.g. Burpees,
Jumping jacks, Speed ladder)

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