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Multiple Choice: Carefully read every question below and choose the letter that corresponds
to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

For items 1-4

A. Family B. Education C. Government D. Religion

1. The institution that administers the regulatory functions of law and order, and
maintains security in society.
2. The process of socialization, which begins informally at home and then formally in
educational institutions.

3. The most basic social institution and is a system of organized relationship

involving workable and dependable ways of meeting basic social needs.

4. Constitutes a set of beliefs regarding the ultimate power in the universe, the ideal
and proper pattern of behavior, and ceremonial ways to expressing these beliefs.

For Items 5-8

A. Formal Education C. Non-Formal Education
B. Informal Education D. Special Education
5. It provides distinct services, facilities, curricula, and instructional materials geared
to pupils or students who are significantly higher or lower than the average or norm.

6. Refers to the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structured and

sequential learning.

7. They are organized systematic education that provides selected types of learning to
a segment of the population.

8. It is a lifelong process of learning. What other function or purpose of education it is

referring to?

For Items 9-12

A. Education is Self-Empowerment
B. Fosters Participant Democracy
C. Financial stability
D. To complete the socialization process

9. Education helps you gain sufficient academic qualification, knowledge and skills to
get a suitable employment with proper remuneration or salary.
10. Literacy, which is the product of education, allows full participation of the people
in democratic process and effective voting.

11. Receiving a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong enough to
look after yourself in any given situation or conditions.
12. The main social objective of education which involves the family and school as
agents of socialization.

B. Define the following important terms.

1. School

2. Education

3. Self-actualization

4. Citizens

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