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Consumer Beliefs

1 Health Benefits: Many consumers in the USA believe that dark chocolate has potential health
benefits, such as being a source of antioxidants and potentially improving heart health.

2 Premium Quality: Dark chocolate is often associated with being a higher quality product due to
its cocoa content and less sugar compared to milk chocolate. This perception can lead consumers to
believe that dark chocolate is a more indulgent and sophisticated choice.

3 Flavour Complexity: Consumers often believe that dark chocolate has a more complex and
nuanced flavour profile compared to milk chocolate, with varying levels of bitterness and notes of
different ingredients.

4 Artisanal and Craft Varieties: There's a growing interest in artisanal and craft chocolate in the
USA, with consumers valuing brands that prioritize sourcing high-quality cocoa beans, ethical
practices, and unique flavour combinations.

5 Dark Chocolate and Mood: Some consumers associate dark chocolate with mood
enhancement due to the presence of compounds like theobromine and phenylethylamine, which can
have mild mood-lifting effects.

6 Moderation and Guilt-Free Indulgence: While there are perceived health benefits,
consumers also recognize that dark chocolate should be consumed in moderation due to its calorie
and sugar content. This allows for guilt-free indulgence.

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