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Arkim S De Lacerna


What is the image saying about the world today?

Well, our world today is totally different compares to the world a decades of years ago. The image
shows that our world nowadays is absolutely influenced by those countries who accept and introduce
globalization. In my opinion the palm that holds the earth symbolizes those economists, globalists and
leaders who implement globalization on their specific land.

What do you think has contributed to the easy access and exchange of information these days? Why?

Well I guess Internet has the big contribution because it makes the way of accessing information easier
and faster. Say for instance if there will be a famine or gender inequality that happens in a particular
country then it would not be difficult for them to express their suffering and anguish into other
countries because they have the internet.

In transacting or communicating in a global setting, what vital preparations must be done? Why?

I think respect and being open minded are the preparations that must be done because wherever I go
and I have to communicate I cannot conceal the fact that each country has a cultural differences.
Therefore I must observe respect and fair behavior so that chaos can be prevented.


In this lesson I've learned that communication and globalization has a big impact to our global society
especially In our country. It gives the opportunity to know and practice the differences of each culture.
Nevertheless it creates conflict if the way of communication is not effective.

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