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SB 1.8.

40 Notes (Sub- Transcending from scarcity to abundance)

Ohe! Vaiṣṇava Ṭhākura (in Hindi)

ओहॆ ! वैष्णब ठाकुर दॊयार सागर

ए दासॆ कोरुणा कोरर’
ददया पद-छाया, शोधो हॆ आ माय,
तॊमार चरण धोरर

छय बॆग दोमम’, छय दोष शोधध’

छय गुण दे हो’ दासे
छय सत्संग, दे हो’ हॆ आमारे ,
बॊषॆछछ संगेर आशे

एकाकी आमार, नादह पाय बल

तुमम कृपा कोरर’, श्रद्धा-बबंदु ददया,
दे हो कृष्ण-नाम-धने

कृष्ण सॆ’ तॊमार, कृष्ण ददतॆ पारो,

तॊमार शकछत आछॆ
आमम तो’ कांगाल, ‘कृष्ण’ ‘कृष्ण’ बोमल,
धाइ तव पाछॆ पाछॆ

ŚB 1.8.40
इमे जनपदा: स्वद्
ृ धा: सप
ु क्वौषधधवीरुध: ।
वनादिनद्युदन्वन्तो ह्येधन्ते तव वीक्षितै: ॥ ४० ॥
मंगला चरण
ॐ अज्ञान छतममरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन शलाकया।
चिुरुन्मीमलतं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥
श्री चैतन्यमनोऽभीष्टं स्थापपतं येन भूतले।
स्वयं रूपः कदा मह्यं ददाछत स्वपदान्न्तकम ्॥

वन्दे ऽहं श्रीगरु ोः श्रीयत

ु पद-कमलं श्रीगरु
ु न ् वैष्णवांश्च
श्रीरूपं साग्रजातं सहगण-रघुनाथान्न्वतं तं सजीवम ्।
साद्वैतं सावधूतं पररजन सदहतं कृष्ण-चैतन्य-दे वम ्

नम ॐ पवष्णु पादाय कृष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले।
श्रीमते भन्क्तवेदान्त स्वाममन ् इछत नाममने।।
नमस्ते सारस्वते दे वे गौर वाणी प्रचाररणे।
छनपवतशेष शन्
ू यवादी पाश्चात्य दे श ताररणे।।

नमो महावदान्याय कृष्णप्रेमप्रदाय ते |

कृष्णाय कृष्णचैतन्यनामने गौरत्वे नमः ||

आराध्यो भगवन ् व्रजेस-तनयस्तद-धमा वन्ृ दावनम ् |

रम्य कधचद उपासना व्रज-वध-ू वगेन वा कन्पपता ||

श्रीमद् भागवतं प्रमाणं अमलं प्रेम पुम-अथो महान |

श्री-चैतन्य महाप्रभोर मतम इदं तत्रदरः न परः||

हे कृष्ण करुणामसन्धो दीनबन्धो जगत्पते।

गोपेश गोपपकाकान्त राधाकान्त नमोऽस्तु ते॥

तप्तकाञ्चनगौराङ्गी राधेवन्ृ दावनेश्वरी।

ृ भानुसुते दे वी प्रणमामी हररपप्रये॥

वाञ्छा-कपपतरुभ्यश्च कृपा-मसन्धुभ्य एव च।
पछततानां पावनेभ्यो वैष्णवेभ्यो नमो नमः॥

श्रीकृष्ण चैतन्य प्रभु छनत्यानन्द।

श्रीअद्वैत गदाधर श्रीवासादद-गौरभक्तवन्ृ द॥
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे ।
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे ॥

Setting the context:

What’s diff in BG, SB & CC

BG – preliminary study of devotional service

(from nastik to astik) e.g. corporates, karmis who has no faith in God also refer BG

SB – compared to Graduation (advanced study in KC)

(from astik to devotee)

CC - compared to PostGraduation (more advanced in KC)

(from devotee to puredevotee)

VS – Phd (most advanced & topmost understanding)

(from puredevotee to perfect pure devotee)

Overview of Kunti’s prayers :

ŚB 1.8.18 - नमस्ये पुरुषं त्वाद्यमीश्वरं प्रकृते: परम ् (1st series of prayers was given by KuntiDevi)

ŚB 1.8.21 - कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय दे वकीनन्दनाय च (Krishna is son of Vasudeva (Kunti’s parental affection)

ŚB 1.8.24 - पवषान्महाग्ने: पुरुषाददशतना-दसत्सभाया वनवासकृच्छ्रत: (series of atrocities performed on

Kunti’s children)

ŚB 1.8.25 - पवपद: सन्तु ता: शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गरु ो (Give me suffering so that I will never forget You)

(pp - even though there are so-called calamities, they are welcome because they give us an
opportunity to remember the Lord, which means liberation.)

ŚB 1.8.26 - जन्मैश्वयतश्रत
ु श्रीमभरेधमानमद: पम
ु ान ् (4 disqualifications if not utilized in Krishna’s seva)

ŚB 1.8.31 - गोप्याददे त्वछय कृतागमस दाम तावद् (remembering Damodar Leela – Krishna’s fear)

(pp - Lord is
Supreme and at same time a plaything in the presence of His pure devotee…… The Lord’s
pastimes in the original abode of Goloka Vṛndāvana are exchanged in that spirit.)

ŚB 1.8.32 - मलयस्येव चन्दनम ् (Krishna appeared in Yadu to glorify pious kings e.g. Yudhishthira

(pp - Lord is ever unborn like the sun, and yet He appears as the sun rises on the eastern horizon.)

ŚB 1.8.36 (those who continuously hear, chant and repeat Krsna’s pastimes can see the Lord)

शृण्वन्न्त गायन्न्त गण
ृ न्त्यभीक्ष्णश:
स्मरन्न्त नन्दन्न्त तवेदहतं जना: ।

(pp - One must hear about the Lord from the very beginning, as in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam or
any other scriptures, and that will help the hearer attain perfection by progressive
development. One should not, therefore, consider that His dealings with the Pāṇḍavas are
less important than His dealings with the gopīs. We must always remember that the Lord is
always transcendental to all mundane attachment. In all the above-mentioned dealings of
the Lord, He is the hero in all circumstances, and hearing about Him or about His devotees
or combatants is conducive to spiritual life.)
Prayers of QK are so important for all of us that Prabhupada wanted separate book to be
compiled in the form of TQK and he himself gave series of lectures in LA in May 1973

Today’s discussion from SP’s lecture:


QK is saying all the forests and herbs are flourishing and there’s abundance.
There is no mention that slaughterhouse is flourishing, industry is
flourishing. These are all created by modern materialistic society. Therefore
so many many problems are there. E.g. Corona, train crash
If you depend on God's creation, then there is no scarcity; simply ānanda
e.g. Cow will help you to provide milk, the bulls will help you to produce
You take the inside of the fruits; you throw away the skin, the animal will be
satisfied. You take the grains and throw away the grass, the animal will be
satisfied. From the trees, you take the fruits.
Krishna’s glance
This whole material creation is due to Kṛṣṇa's glancing. Sa aikṣata by the
eyes glance.
ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavaḥ [Bg. 10.8]. Simply by Kṛṣṇa's glancing, seeing, the
matter becomes agitated and becomes pregnant, and the living entities
come out. The trees, the fruits and everything come out, simply by His
Mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate: "gives birth." What kind of birth?
Carācaram: "moving & nonmoving." E.g. Child taking birth from mother after
10 months. By nature's way, it is going on. The mother does not know how
she's supplying, but from her body, another body is created, and when it is
fit, it comes out to work.
Someone may ask : "Oh, I see this is, this is child is now born." No, it is not
born. Nityaḥ śāśvataḥ purāṇaḥ: that living entity is eternal; śāśvataḥ, always
existing; purāṇaḥ, very, very old. Very, very old. Then? Na hanyate
hanyamāne śarīre [Bg. 2.20]. Don't think that when this body will be
destroyed that living entity will be destroyed. No, it will continue.
"What is the proof of eternity?"
Shabda Praman (Evidences by the Shruti derived from Smritis) - by hearing
from the authorities in disciplic succession our knowledge is perfect.

Imperfect senses cannot give full knowledge

Another example: our direct perception with the experience of these eyes
has no value. Similarly all the senses, either eyes or nose, by smelling, by
touching, by tasting, by hearing... There are so many senses we can
experience knowledge. But because the senses are imperfect, whatever
knowledge you are getting by exercising your senses, they're all imperfect.
Therefore our position, to become perfect, is to take lesson from the
perfect. Kṛṣṇa is the perfect. Kṛṣṇa says, na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre [Bg.
2.20]. So we take the knowledge from the perfect. Therefore this
understanding, that soul is eternal, that is perfect.
KC leads to prosperity
So Kuntīdevī says, ime jana-padāḥ svṛddhāḥ supakvauṣadhi-
vīrudhaḥ. Everything is sufficient. Now whatever mentioned here, that "The
grains are in abundance, the trees are in full of fruits, the rivers are flowing,
the hills are full of minerals, and the ocean full of wealth..." e.g. If you can
collect the oysters, you'll get valuable pearls. One pearl, ten thousand dollar.
The wealth is there. In Vedic times people used these pearls, the valuable
stones, silk, gold, silver, and decorated the body with nice manufactured
Advancement of civilization
All those things are now gone. Now plastic bangles without any ornament of
gold, pearls and nice jewel. Each and every river has become nasty.
Slaughterhouses, abortion centres, pubs, adulteration in food etc…
So we have simply created troubles for the human society. Otherwise, if we
depend on Kṛṣṇa and Kṛṣṇa's mercy... everything is all right.
Simply by Kṛṣṇa's glancing
Kuntī is expressing that so many beautiful things are there.
if you simply plead for Kṛṣṇa's glancing, so there is no question of scarcity,
there is no question of need. Everything will be complete. This is Kṛṣṇa
consciousness movement. You depend on nature's gift (self-sustainability).
e.g. New Vrindaban Farm, Gokuldham Farms, Vellah farms, GEV etc
Krishna’s arrangement for every living being
Have you seen any bird that is dying for want of food? Never. Any animal? It
may be, animal in the city, they may be dying for want of food. That is also
not very seen. But in the jungle you go, you see all the animals, big, big
animals like elephant, they are very stout and strong. Who is supplying them
food? The tiger, the lions, everyone---everyone is living. Some of them are
vegetarian, some of them are nonvegetarian, but nobody is in want of food.
Animal like mentality
People wants, "I want to become like tiger" or "I want to become like lion."
But that is not very good position, because you won't get food daily. And you
have to search out food with great labour. That's a fact. By nature's way, the
tiger do not get every day food. But still Kṛṣṇa supplies him food. Say after
one week he gets the chance of catching one animal. Therefore he doesn't
get fresh food daily. He stocks the animal in some bush and takes little, little.
So he has become very powerful.
But if you become a vegetarian, you get daily. Anywhere there are grass, you
can eat. The animals are eating. Simply you have to eat the grains and the
fruits and the vegetables. Still, for that slice of meat, you are killing so many
poor animals. How much sinful it is. Therefore people are not happy. They
are committing simply sinful activities.
How can people become happy?
Just like Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura is teaching us, so, "I depend on You."
Mārobi rākhobi jo icchā tohārā. "My dear Lord, I simply surrender unto You,
depend on You. Now, if You like, You can kill me or You can give me
If you become Kṛṣṇa conscious, simply if you depend on Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa will
supply you everything. There is no question of scarcity.
Therefore for real peace of life, tranquillity and everything, sufficient supply
of foodstuff, sufficient supply of milk and water, everything arrangement is
there. Simply we have to depend on Kṛṣṇa.
What is surrender and initiation ?
Kṛṣṇa says in last chp Sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ
vraja [Bg. 18.66]. Ekam. He does not say, "Yes, you depend on Me and
depend on your slaughterhouse and factory also." No. He says, "Simply
depend on Me = one." Mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi. So "I will rescue you from the resultant action of your sinful
activities." Because you have lived so many years without being Kṛṣṇa
conscious, you have lived sinful life only. So Kṛṣṇa gives, gives assurance
that as soon as one surrenders to Kṛṣṇa, He immediately squares up all
account. All your sinful activities finished now. Finished. Now you begin
new life. That is called initiation. But don't commit anymore.
Therefore we take promise from our disciples that "Now the account is
squared up. Whatever sinful life you led, that is closed now. Without any
payment, I close. Now don't commit any more." Out of ten kinds of offenses,
that is the greatest offense. Nāmno balād yasya hi (7th offense).
So we should be very careful. We promise before taking initiation no illicit
sex, no intoxicants, no gambling, no meat eating. We should strictly follow.
By keeping oneself clean and keeping oneself always engaged in devotional
service, his life is success and there is no need, there is no scarcity of
anything he wants. Thank you…
Q&A – what happens to a person who has fallen into bad habits post
initiation? Ans – He will suffer miserably just like policeman is given double
punishment for breaking the codes of law although he knows everything.
Solution : We should pray and help him in 4 ways
R Recognize the mistake
R Repent for the mistake
R Rectify by strictly following the 4 regs
R Reinstate again continue the seva

Please feel free to comment on the notes and help me in improving the content
to serve all the Vaishnavas

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