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SB 1.8.

52 Notes (Sub- Yudhisthira’s Lamentation & Conclusion of 8th Ch)

मंगला चरण
ॐ अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन शलाकया।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥
श्री चैतन्यमनोऽभीष्टं स्थापितं येन भूतले।
स्वयं रूपः कदा मह्यं ददाति स्वपदान्तिकम्॥

वन्देऽहं श्रीगुरोः श्रीयुतपद-कमलं श्रीगुरुन्‌वैष्णवांश्च

श्रीरूपं साग्रजातं सहगण-रघुनाथान्वितं तं सजीवम्।
साद्वैतं सावधूतं परिजन सहितं कृ ष्ण-चैतन्य-देवम्‌
श्रीराधा-कृ ष्ण-पादान्‌सहगण-ललिता-श्रीविशाखान्विताश्च॥
नम ॐ विष्णु पादाय कृ ष्ण प्रेष्ठाय भूतले।
श्रीमते भक्तिवेदान्त स्वामिन् इति नामिने।।
नमस्ते सारस्वते देवे गौर वाणी प्रचारिणे।
निर्विशेष शून्यवादी पाश्चात्य देश तारिणे।।

नमो महावदान्याय कृ ष्णप्रेमप्रदाय ते |

कृ ष्णाय कृ ष्णचैतन्यनामने गौरत्वे नमः ||

आराध्यो भगवन् व्रजेस-तनयस्तद-धमा वृन्दावनम् |

रम्य कचिद उपासना व्रज-वधू-वर्गेन वा कल्पिता ||

श्रीमद् भागवतं प्रमाणं अमलं प्रेम पुम-अर्थो महान |

श्री-चैतन्य महाप्रभोर मतम इदं तत्रदरः न परः||

हे कृ ष्ण करुणासिन्धो दीनबन्धो जगत्पते।

गोपेश गोपिकाकान्त राधाकान्त नमोऽस्तु ते॥

तप्तकाञ्चनगौराङ्गी राधेवृन्दावनेश्वरी।
वृषभानुसुते देवी प्रणमामी हरिप्रिये॥

वाञ्छा-कल्पतरुभ्यश्च कृ पा-सिन्धुभ्य एव च।
पतितानां पावनेभ्यो वैष्णवेभ्यो नमो नमः॥

श्रीकृ ष्ण चैतन्य प्रभु नित्यानन्द।

श्रीअद्वैत गदाधर श्रीवासादि-गौरभक्तवृन्द॥
हरे कृ ष्ण हरे कृ ष्ण, कृ ष्ण कृ ष्ण हरे हरे।
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे॥
नीलाचलनिवासाय नित्याय परमात्मने

बलभद्रसुभद्राभ्यां जगन्नाथाय ते नमः

Jaya Jaya Jagannath…(3Rs for connection with today’s class)

Setting the context:

48-52: Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira’s lamentation

48-49. I am most sinful

50. Inapplicable rule
51. I cannot counteract the pain I have inflicted on many women
52. Killing men cannot be counteracted by sacrificing animals, just as (i) muddy water cannot
be filtered by mud, (ii ) a wine-stained pot cannot be purified by wine.
In this section, Kṛṣṇa is called adbhuta-karmaṇā because, He performed a remarkable action
of bewildering Yudhiṣṭhira, making him incapable of understanding the teachings of Kṛṣṇa
and Vyāsa. Also, by having Bhīṣma enlighten Yudhiṣṭira, Kṛṣṇa announced the glories of
Bhīṣma as Mahajana. Further will be discussed in next ch.

Today’s topic The Jagannath Rath Yatra Festival

tabe jadi taba krpa hoy ahaituki

sakal-i sambhava hoy tumi se kautuki

I know Your causeless mercy can make everything possible because You are the most expert
mystic. — Srila Prabhupada.
This festival is coming down since five thousand years when Lord Kṛṣṇ a,
along with His elder brother Balarāma and His younger sister Subhadrā,
all together in a chariot came from Dvārakā to Kurukṣ etra.
Kurukṣ etra is still existing, and the Dvārakā, the city, is also still existing.

So according to Vedic culture, when there is eclipse, lunar eclipse,

people take bath in sacred rivers. So especially they go to Kurukṣ etra, a
pilgrimage. So Kṛṣṇ a along with His family members, brother and sister,
came to Kurukṣ etra, and receiving this news, the gopīs of Vṛ ndāvana,
where Lord Kṛṣṇ a lived in His childhood, they came to see Him.
So amongst the gopīs, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇ ī was the chief. And when she
saw Kṛṣṇ a in Kurukṣ etra in all opulence, She said,
"My dear Kṛṣṇ a, You are also here; I am also here. But We are
missing Vṛ ndāvana. So I wish that You come along with Me again
in Vṛ ndāvana and We enjoy in the forest of Vṛ ndāvana."
CHAPTER EIGHTY-TWO: Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma Meet the Inhabitants
(Please refer
of Vṛndāvana)
So this Ratha-yātrā festival is still observed in Jagannath Purī in India.
And five hundred years ago Lord Caitanya participated in this festival,
and He was in the mode of separation as if Rādhārāṇ ī was taking
back Kṛṣṇ a to Vṛ ndāvana. So Jaganaath mandir (ShreeMandir –
The Grant Road of Puri (Kurukshetra) and Gundicha Mandir
So when we take Jagannath to Vrindavan we also go to Vrindavan.
Lord Caitanya taught us how to feel separation of God.
Lord Caitanya never taught us that He had seen God, but He felt the
separation of God very severely. Similarly, His next disciples, the Sad-
Gosvāmīs, they also prosecuted their devotional service by separational
he rādhe vraja-devike ca lalite he nanda-suno kutaḥ
śrī-govardhana-kalpa-pādapa-tale kālindī-vane kutaḥ
ghoṣantāv iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair mahā-vihvalau
vande rūpa-sanātanau raghu-yugau śrī-jīva-gopālakau
So anyone who is participating in this festival, he'll gradually develop his
dormant love for Kṛṣṇ a. One of the prime means by which one can
develop love of god is through performance of Rath yatra.
History of Jagannath appearance
In the golden age Satyuga, there was a great King Indradyumna of Avanti
Desh (Ujjain) his goal in life to find Neela Madhava, for what purpose? to
surrender to him to serve him to give his life to him. He didn’t just want
to see him. This is how we should actually come before the deity .
prabhupada says Don’t try to see God……
Unless our heart has awakened spiritual affection krishna doesn’t reveal
himself as he is.
Indradyumna felt all vacant in the world he ruled, because he hankered
for a pleasure beyond material bounds: he long to see the Lord face to
face. Sunyaitam jagat sarvam
One day a traveling monk described how, on the remote mountain top of
Niladri, he had seen the demigods worshiping the Lord. The King
immediately dispatched his chief brahminical priest, Vidyapati, on
mission to find Mount Niladri and his Lord Neela Madhava.
After a month, Vidyapati came to Neelachal and found out group of
shabras headed by Vis….
Looking beyond class distinctions married the daughter Lalita of the
tribal chieftain, Vishvavasu, who had been worshiping the Lord in great
Due to his daughter's pleas, Vishvavasu finally agreed to show Lord Nila
Madhava to Vidyapati. For many years Lord Nila Madhava had been
served by Vishvavasu with simple fruits and flowers. Knowing the
prayers of Indradyumna, Nila Madhava spoke to Vishvavasu and
revealed His intention of accepting more opulent worship according the
desires of Indradyumna. He blamed Vidyapati for persuading Nila
Madhava to accept Indradyumna's worship. Accusing the brahmin of
cheating him out of Cod's favor, Vishvavasu bound Vidyapati with ropes.
But his daughter heard her husband's cries for help and freed him to
return to Avantipura.
Upon Vidyapati's return, Indradyumna climbed upon his chariot and led
an army to the mountain, where they located the trail of tiny mustard
plants. The two struggled with the temple door and discovered that Nila
Madhava had vanished.
The King thought Visvavasu in his desperation to keep the Lord had
removed the Diety. And while he was arrested, Narada Muni appeared
and revealed what had really happened to Nila Madhava. First fifty years
of Brahma’s life Neela Madhav and rest as Lord Jagannath.
Narada Muni announced that a great temple must be constructed. Then
Lord Brahma, chief of the demigods, would receive Indradyumna on his
own planet and plan for the sacred installation of Jagannatha Swami, the
Lord of the Universe.
King Indradyumna was determined to hasten the Lord's arrival by
fasting, if necessary until death. Then Jagannatha did appear - but only
in a dream - and the emperor was guided to a great log floating in the
ocean. No ordinary tree, this giant had come uprooted from the spiritual
sky, part of the same transcendental energy as the Lord's own body.
Even the might of the army could not budge it. Then a descendant of
Vishvavasu carried the sacred log to Gundica Temple for preparation.
History of Gundicha Mandir

This temple is located at the end of Grand road about three km north
east of Jagannth temple. Gundicha Mandira is called the “birthplace” of
Jaganantha Swami because here on a special platform called the
mahavedi, a celestial carpenter Vishwakarma carved the daru wood that
manifested the Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and. This temple is
named after King Indradyumna’s wife, Gundicha Maharani. In this area
King Indradyumna performed one thousand ashvamedha yajnas to
During Ratha Yatra, Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Subhadra
Devi, along with Sudarsana, leave Jagannath Mandira for nine days: one
day for traveling to Gundicha, seven days spent there, and one day to
return home. This Journey is known as to Gundicha Yatra, Nava Dina
Yatra. Generally we ISKCON devotees participate only in the first part,
because in the return festival, its like Lord is leaving Vrindavan and
coming to Dwarka. Every year the Rathayatra culminates at this temple
which is surrounded by lush gardens and tall cooling coconut trees.
Fragrant flowers and shady trees create a Vrindavan atmosphere which
Lord Jaganantha enjoys for 7 days before returning to Sri Mandira.
After thousands of years, the Jagannatha Deity remains a source of
unlimited joy to His friends and servants. And this Rathayatra
procession is a time to celebrate the loving exchange between the
Personality of Godhead and His devotees. In his childhood Srila Prabhupada also
organised Rath Yaytra in Calcutta when he was 5 years old.
Srila BVT district magistrate of Puri prayed to Lord Jagannath during Rath Yatra to please
send His empower rep…. Ray of Vishnu
SBSST receives the mercy of Lord Jagannath for 3 days Rath was standing in front of
Narayana Chata (Kedarnath Dutta and Bhagvati devi named the son Bimla Prasad)
Bimla is Maya devi superitnendet of material world and she has got benediction first the
bhoga is offered to her and then to all the devotees

ISKCON’S Rath Yatra festivals

Sri Jagannätha, Baladeva, and Subhadra Deities are the first to be
worshiped in Deity form in ISKCON. SP says Rath Yatra is a festival of
bringing Krishna back into our hearts. Srila Prabhupada brought the
Ratha-yätra to the Western world, inspiring his disciples to celebrate the
first Ratha-yåtra on 9 July 1967 in San Francisco. Now, because of his
endeavours and inspiration, the whole planet receives Lord Jagannatha's
mercy. Sri Jagannätha, Baladeva, and Subhadra Deities are the first to be
worshiped in Deity form in ISKCON.
Malati mataji bought small deities from one Indian imports shop.
Syamasundara said that he was a wood sculptor and Prabhupada asked
him to carve three-foot-high copies of the little Jagannatha, Balarama,
and Subhadra.
Jayanada Prabhu carved the whole Rath and in that meeting Tom later
became JPSM….
Prabhupada said, "Now, you must offer all your food to Them. They must
have their own plate, and nobody else should eat from that plate."
This was the beginning of Deity worship in ISKCON. For the installation
ceremony we simply put Them on Their altar, closed the curtain, opened
it, and everybody took turns offering a brass tray with a candle on it by
circling it before the Deities while someone rang a bell. We didn't know
to touch the flame and then touch our head, but that was the installation
of Lord Jagannath.
Srila Prabhupada video
Jagannath Puri Yatra & in most ISKCON temples they are celebrating
NVCC Rath Yatra on 25th June HH LNSM, HHKSM, HHPbSSM and
BYC Shobha Yatra on 2nd July. Please come with all your friends &

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