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EGOS 2023

EGOS Sub-Theme 11:

Explaining AI in the Context of Organizations

Explaining AI implementation in health care:

The process of anticipatory governance

Angela Aristidou
UCL School of Management

Giulia Cappellaro
Bocconi University

Working Paper. Please do not disseminate without authors’ permission


Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms introduce novel practices that have the potential to transform

knowledge work and expertise, and alter coordination and control mechanisms inside

organizations (Alaimo, & Kallinikos, 2021; Faraj, Pachidi & Sayegh, 2018). While traditional

perspectives emphasize the risk of technologies and algorithms substituting human tasks (Lane &

Saint-Martin, 2021), recent streams of literature focus on the augmentation of human capability

with AI calculative infrastructures, promising that a superior performance can be achieved by

allowing human to collaborate closely with AI algorithms on a task (Jarrahi, 2018; Lebovitz,

Levina, & Lifshitz-Assaf, 2021; Raisch & Krakowski, 2021).

Indeed, AI tools studied so far in experimental and controlled settings often demonstrate

stark positive performance effects, which has further fortified research interest in them.

Nevertheless, scholars have had little opportunity to empirically examine the dynamics of real-life

implementations of AI tools, defined as the use of AI tools by professionals as part of their daily

work (Bailey et al., 2019; Berente et al., 2021), for example by physicians for actionable patient

care, which is distinct to using AI tools for research purposes and as a process separate to the

typical organizational flow. This is because AI tool implementations in professional settings often

suffer from the deployment problem, with few systems moving beyond the experimental stage

(Benbya, Davenport & Pachidi, 2020; Sowa et al., 2021).

AI tools within research, experimental and controlled settings are often understood as

‘perfectly explainable’, a view that underpins the increasing desire of leaders and policymakers in

public good services, such as healthcare, to adopt them as the answer to concerns on capacity and

access. Yet, there is a clash with the less controlled, evolving and ‘imperfect’ world of

organizations in which AI tools are brought into. Rather than a view on AI tools as perfectly

explainable solutions to mounting societal needs – such as healthcare access and capacity issues –
we argue for a focus on the implementation dynamics of AI tools in real-life organizational settings

to shift scholarly attention to the imperfections that arise and how organizational members and

other stakeholders deal with them in order to overcome the deployment problem. This shift in

focus opens the window for scholars to examine the ambiguity of implementation and its

unintended consequences within the organization. In the context of organizations of public interest,

unintended consequences of imperfect calculative practices generated though AI implementations

may carry additional implications for broader communities and our societies.

In recent literature on technology, work and digital innovation, scholars have uncovered

ways in which digital technologies may be introduced in situ, in professionalized organizations

(e.g. Kellogg, 2021; Berente and Yoo 2012, Berente et al. 2016, Lifshitz-Assaf 2017; Barley 2015,

Pine and Mazmanian 2015, Kellogg et al. 2020; Beane 2019, Christin 2017, Leonardi 2011).

Studies that advance an understanding of AI-specific introductions to professionalised

organizations (e.g. Lebovitz, Levina, & Lifshitz-Assaf, 2021; Raisch & Krakowski, 2021; Benbya,

Davenport & Pachidi, 2020) collectively suggest, importantly, that the challenge of AI introduction

to real-life settings can be traced to the specific characteristics of AI technology, such as its opacity,

complexity and learning. Whereas AI characteristics are contained in perfect research conditions,

they do not pose a concern. But it is suggested in existing studies that, to introduce AI tools to real-

life use in professionalized settings, these AI characteristics should be managed. Managing the AI

introduction, in effect, becomes a question of how to govern AI (the set of expectations around AI

use) which is different to other digital technologies because of the AI’s distinguishing

characteristics. Yet, while recent literature has empirically demonstrated the challenges of AI-

specific introductions to professionalized organizations, studies do not attempt to build theory

about this phenomenon.

In this paper, we demonstrate how an AI-specific process of anticipatory governance can

accomplish overcoming what we refer to as AI governance constraints, i.e. the lack of clarity of

expectations around how to govern AI tools when brought into real-life settings for use in daily

work. The research study on which we report in this manuscript draws on the examination of the

clinical implementation of an AI tool in a healthcare setting and the process through which local

and remote actors and organizations across sectors (private technology developer; public sector

hospitals; open source community and lay patient public communities) generated new practices

towards the governance of this AI tool. These practices did not only aim to overcome the AI

governance constraints generated by AI characteristics in the local setting of the introduction of

the specific AI tool, but also to future-proof the AI tool and at the same time generate capacity in

the broader healthcare system for future AI tools’ introductions. In this sense, the governance

process we witnessed and demonstrate in this paper is anticipatory. Our focus on what works in

practice (the practices emerging among dispersed actors in the introduction of the AI tool) builds

on our understanding that in the evolving landscape of emerging technologies (such as AI),

imperfection should be expected and can only be managed through situated, bottom-up activity

rather than vague and top-down regulatory frameworks.


Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Professionalized Organizations

Technology, work and digital innovation theorists suggest key factors that may drive resistance

from members (managers and frontline staff) of professionalized organizations to the

implementation of digital technologies. These include the technology posing a challenge to the

professionals’ identity and jurisdictions (Berente and Yoo 2012, Berente et al. 2016, Lifshitz-Assaf

2017) and the material properties of the technology itself not fitting with the local work practices

(e.g. Barley, 1986; Beane 2019, Christin 2017, Leonardi 2011). In addressing the conditions under

which these barriers can be minimized, technology, work and digital innovation scholars have

revealed a range of ways to subvert or circumvent resistance, through articulation work, such as

tinkering, repairing, reminding, filtering (Berg, 1997, Timmerman 1997; Maiers, 2017), mutual

tuning of the technology and the work tasks (Barrett, Eivor & Orlikowski, 2012); through

translation (Spyridonidis and Currie, 2016) and boundary spanning in practice, through alignment

(Leonardi & Barley, 2010) and imbrication (Leonardi, 2011).

Literature on technology, work and digital innovation has also highlighted some key factors that

may drive resistance to the implementation of AI technology, beyond resistance to other digital

technologies. Regarding resistance to the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in

particular, scholars trace resistance as stemming from one or more of AI technology’s

distinguishing characteristics. So far, scholars have underscored the AI characteristic of opacity,

meaning that AI tools are viewed by their users as ‘black box’ in which humans cannot ‘see’ what

elements combine to generate the AI tool’s outputs. Another AI characteristic underscored is its

complexity, as AI involves larger scale data sets and more sophisticated algorithms than other

digital technologies (Anthony, 2021). Scholars have also distinguished AI from other digital

technologies through its learning characteristic; as AI algorithms can teach themselves, improving

without deliberate human input, meaning that the AI tool itself evolves in time. These three AI

characteristics (opacity, complexity, learning), are explicitly or implicitly put forward in existing

literature as key drivers of resistance to AI implementations from members (managers and

frontline staff) of professionalized organizations.

Existing literature is helpful for highlighting AI distinguishing characteristics that may

explain what we refer to as AI implementation liability, whereby AI technology is being at a

disadvantage in being implemented because of its distinguishing characteristics. Researchers have

also offered some emerging insights on how to address specific AI characteristics in order to

identify conditions under which AI implementation liability can be minimized. For example, it is

suggested that circumventing concerns around AI learning could be achieved by allowing

professionals to ‘teach’ the AI (cite) and that both AI opacity and complexity could be addressed

through collaboratively developing the AI tool within the organization (Singer et al., 2022).

While each of these directions holds the promise of adding to our understanding of an

important open puzzle, i.e. how to overcome AI implementation liability, the foundations of this

work are incomplete. We need to extend these foundations to account for the fact that AI

technologies are additionally distinguished through their fragmentation. AI is fragmented in the

sense that AI sourcing (of elements: models; data; training) is usually both proprietary and open

and across sectors, with elements of the AI tool spread across and beyond organizational

boundaries and spread around the world. We already know through past literature that inside the

boundaries of professional organizations we might find algorithmic curators, brokers, and

articulators who help employers use algorithms to facilitate improved decision making,

coordination, and organizational learning (Kellogg et al. 2020), as well as professionals with

expertise to solve pressing problems (DiBenigno 2020) such as digital interactivity professionals

(Truelove 2019). We also know that the private sector includes technology vendors (Myers 2020,

Kellogg 2021), and that even outside of the boundaries of organizations we would find online

communities (O’Mahony and Bechky 2008, Fayard et al. 2016, Lindberg and Levina 2018),

platform organizations that help focal organizations harness work and expertise from the crowd

(Lifshitz-Assaf 2017), and arbiters of the digital economy such as online content creators (Powell

et al. 2017, Christin and Lewis 2021). However, unlike digital technologies that may be

characterized by an integrated development-to-implementation pipeline within a single

organization or being orchestrated by a key organization towards the development and

implementation of the technology, AI is very rarely sourced solely from one organization and often

there is no key organization to orchestrate aspects of the AI’s development to the point of

implementation. Rather, AI fragmentation captures the fact that actors contributing to the training

of the AI model (e.g. a public organization’s professionals) may have different expectations to the

actors contributing the data (e.g. lay people such as patients, whose images are used in the AI

model) and different expectations to those actors programing the AI model (e.g. members of an

open source coding community, or members of a private technology developer organization).

Scholars have already pursued some ways to address specific AI characteristics in order to

identify conditions under which AI implementation liability can be minimized, but we need to

extend the foundations of this line of research to include the characteristic of AI fragmentation

because –alongside the three already noted AI opacity, complexity and learning – the fourth AI

characteristic of fragmentation is both prominent and pervasive across AI tools. Without

accounting for AI fragmentation, we do not fully understand why – while there is a recent

proliferation of AI tools that are highly effective in research labs – these are yet not adopted in

real-world settings by their intended end-users, or adopted and soon abandoned. Conversely, we

also cannot currently explain how some AI implementations are nevertheless successful (i.e. the

AI tools are adopted and not abandoned) and despite the known resistance to AI tools stemming

from AI characteristics.

Bringing anticipatory governance into our understanding of how to overcome AI governance


The governance of AI technology characterized by opacity, complexity, learning and

fragmentation, is both a necessity and a challenge. Understanding the governance of AI when

implemented in organizations is crucial for the successful implementation of AI in organizations

despite the AI implementation liability; for its (AI) ability to adapt, change and interact; to be able

to manage and coordinate dispersed communities/stakeholders toward the same goal.

Understanding how AI is governed is crucial for policymakers and regulators and for its

sustainability because it enables stakeholders to discuss and decide how the technology should be

used and evolve. AI governance constraints, that there is no clarity of expectations around how to

govern AI tools, are not only a concern for the implementation of AI but also for its sustainability.

Because so far AI governance has been limited to high-level policies and frameworks that are

vague, there is little understanding of how AI characteristics (opacity, complexity, learning,

fragmentation) generate AI governance constraints and, in turn, how to overcome these AI

governance constraints.

We argue that accomplishing AI governance in practice requires addressing AI governance

constraints that are generated by AI characteristics of opacity, complexity, learning, fragmentation,

in addition to the challenges noted in the broader literature on digital technology implementation.

The perspective of anticipatory governance, which has been developed by Science and Technology

studies’ scholars to make sense of how to “collectively imagine, critique and thereby shape the

issues presented by emerging technologies before they become reified in specific ways” (Barben

et at., 2008; p. 992), can help to address this question of how to overcome AI governance

constraints generated by AI characteristics during the implementation of this emerging technology

in professionalized work settings. In the process of anticipatory governance, expert and lay actors

dispersed across organizations and sectors make sense of how to govern an emerging technological

system taking advantage of its openness before lock-in of values and trajectories set in.

We find that this future-looking perspective was particularly useful in our empirical

examination of an AI implementation that was, by all accounts, successful despite the AI

technology at hand being characterized by extreme AI fragmentation, as well as AI opacity,

learning and complexity. Our anticipatory governance analysis contributes to the literatures of

technology, work and digital innovation, and extends the concept of anticipatory governance in

three ways. First, we demonstrate that because of key characteristics of AI technologies,

overcoming the AI implementation liability can present a governance challenge generating AI

governance constraints. We show that the AI governance constraints that may arise in the

development and introduction of an AI technology are what we label as: temporal, spatial,

evolutionary and commons. Second, we show that the emergence of new governance constraints

that are characteristic of AI technology allows for new and modified practices that can help

mitigate AI implementation liability. We show three key practices: situated integration, normative

consensus and distributed foresight, and how these are mobilized through two mechanisms:

diversified openness and mediated democratization. Third we elaborate how AI implementation

and sustainability may be better accomplished through an anticipatory governance process that

allows for the spanning of organizations and sectors, and accounts for the multiple and imperfect

elements of open and proprietary of the technology.

Empirical Context

We investigate our research questions by studying the implementation of an AI technology in O-

Hospital (pseudonym), a highly specialized research and teaching oncological hospital in the UK.

The AI technology under investigation – Cancer-AI (pseudonym) – is an AI cancer treatment tool

based on an innovative algorithm that allows auto-contouring of tumors, focusing specifically on

the organs at risk. This setting offers an ideal empirical setting to address our research question.

Healthcare is considered one of the key sectors in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) will

have a great impact on professional judgements as data-driven tools for diagnostic, treatment, and

operations management are being rapidly developed in this field (Bohr & Memarzadeh, 2020).

While extensive knowledge has accumulated on the technical features of AI, less is known on the

implementation of such systems in real organizational settings, e.g., in hospitals, treatment centers,

and communities. Thus, not much is understood about the consequences of AI technologies

implementation on professional work. Emerging evidence points indeed to the importance of

studying the unforeseen effects of AI technologies in healthcare (Davenport & Dreyer, 2018;

Lebovitz, Lifshitz-Assaf & Levina, 2021), given their impact not only on organizational processes

but also on the wellbeing of broader populations.

Our study is able to trace in real time one of first cases of clinical implementation of an AI

technology. This specific AI algorithm was originally designed to compute hospital data to

accurately identify tumours on patient scans, cutting processing times and treatment planning by

up to 90%. Cancer-AI is an amalgam of proprietary and open source elements. The original project

idea dated back to 2016, and originated from a collaboration agreement between a private provider

and O-Hospital to exchange data for the development of machine learning models. In 2017 the

deep learning toolkit was developed, followed in 2018 by the clinical testing and in 2019 by the

introduction of Cancer-AI as research tool at O-Hospital. At the end of 2020, the private company

open-sourced the deep learning toolkit and O-Hospital retrained the model using hospital data. In

2021 Cancer-AI moved from the research to the clinical implementation phase and this is the

process we followed.


Given our interest in an unexplored phenomenon, we relied upon an inductive research design

(Edmondson & McManus, 2007). Specifically, we adopted an ethnographic research design that

allowed tracing the dynamics of implementation (Barley, 1990) of Cancer-AI technology in O-

Hospital. The design is longitudinal and multilevel. All the organizational levels concerned with

the clinical implementation of the AI technology are included in the data collection and analysis

(e.g., R&D, ward levels), although the study focuses primarily on the professionals developing

and using the AI tool. Following appropriate ethics and regulatory approvals, fieldwork started in

April 2021 and is ongoing.

Data Sources. We triangulate three sources of data: interviews, observations and archival

data. By applying a snowball sampling approach, we interviewed all the organizational members

directly contributing to and involved in the implementation of Cancer-AI. We first reconstructed

the typical clinical path followed by a patient case, the professionals involved, and at what point(s)

in the process the AI tool would be used and by whom. This preliminary analysis allowed us to

identifying four core professional categories: oncologists, physicists, dosimetrists, radiologists.

We identified the actual informants belonging to each category and we conducted semi-structured

interviews with each of them. These informants are interviewed twice, i.e., before and after the

implementation of the AI tool. We then conducted interviews with R&D, technical staff, IT,

clinical engineering staff, and private developer staff, for a total of 50 interviews.

The core data source is non-participant observations, within and outside the hospital. We

collected observations from two types of sources. First, we observed professionals’ group

meetings. These include weekly multidisciplinary meetings where professionals review and

approve patients’ treatment plans (i.e. team review meetings); monthly departmental research

meetings; and governance meetings. Meetings last from 30 to 120 minutes. Second, we took part

in stakeholders’ meetings, patient and public engagement meetings, and we participated in policy

discussions on AI implementation regulations in the NHS. Overall, we have attended more than

50 meetings. Non-participant observations of group meetings were affected in a positive way by

the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in health systems worldwide. Surprisingly, because of Covid-

19 physical distancing policies, most of the group meetings take place remotely and this has

enabled us greater access to this source of data. We complemented these virtual observations with

systematic field visits to O-Hospital throughout the duration of the study. One of our research team

members has been granted employee-level access to within-hospital physical spaces and hospital-

wide archival documentation and ongoing access to the hospital’s internal platform and

communication systems. During field visits, she has had the opportunity to become deeply familiar

with O-Hospital’s physical settings; she has spent days in the wards observing the daily work of

medical professionals, and she has been allocated an office desk in the same corridor as the

majority of our informants.

Finally, we complemented observation and interview data with extensive archival data

produced by the organization and by professionals regarding the introduction, use and evaluation

of Cancer-AI.

Data Analysis. We moved iteratively between the data, emerging theory and relevant

literature (Miles & Huberman, 1994) following an approach of gradual abstraction that moved

from raw data to categories and themes. We started by coding the characteristics of Cancer-AI as

AI tool and identified inductively categories of AI governance constraints. We systematized the

evidence of Cancer-AI implementation achievement and then focused on the process leading to

such outcome. We specifically coded for all the actions that professionals enacted in the process,

focusing not only on those aimed at the specific in-situ implementation but also those aimed at

facilitating future scaling up of Cancer-AI in other hospitals within the National Health Care

system (NHS). Moving back and forth from the literature, we drew on and extended recent insights

from Science and Technology Studies on anticipatory governance (Barben et at., 2008).


Our analysis shows that the implementation of Cancer-AI in and around O-Hospital was achieved

through an anticipatory governance process (Figure 1), which allowed overcoming the potential

implementation liabilities of the technology, while accounting for the need to leave it

“incomplete”, “partial” and open to future evolutions and innovations. We define governance as

the set of practices and mechanisms ensuring delivery of the AI technology’s capabilities for the

organization. Specifically, the anticipatory governance process was based on three set of practices:

practices of situated integration, practices of normative consensus and practices of distributed

foresight. These practices are arranged on a temporal and spatial continuum from being time-

specific and site-bounded, to being forward-looking and spatially dispersed. Hence, these practices

account for the implementation liabilities of the first implementation workplace but also anticipate

those of future workplaces. Together, the three set of practices leverage upon the incompleteness

and ambiguity characterizing the AI system to “govern” it, leaving space for the technology to be

always in flux, and turning into a “perfectly imperfect” organizing. We first illustrate the

governance constraints emerging from the implementation of Cancer-AI in O-Hospital, and then

describe the emergent governance practices.

-- Insert Figure 1 here --

Cancer-AI Governance Constraints. At the beginning of our study, governance around

the introduction and implementation of Cancer-AI in O-Hospital was consistently pointed by our

informants as the key factor to be addressed to guarantee the transition of Cancer-AI from a
research tool in the hands of a few, to its widespread and sustained use by professionals in a real

organizational setting. In our earlier conversations with both clinical professionals and

professionals working in the R&D Department of O-Hospital, the difference between these two

uses of the AI tool emerged sparkly. Informants argued how “the reason why so much across the

board doesn't get implemented (…) is that it does not speak to the real life situation in the NHS”.

The Lead of the Research Governance Clinical Informatics (RGCI) Unit at O-Hospital explained:

It is not the same when you are looking at an AI in a lab or an experimental setting and if
you are looking at it in an actual hospital with real people. There is something to be said about
that. I'm so disappointed every time I see all these bloody papers by the computer scientists talking
about how brilliant their AI is and I'm like, everything is better in a laboratory because you control
everything. It is not the same (Interview, RGCI Lead).

A number of governance challenges were specifically perceived. First, professionals at O-

Hospital were dealing with something they defined as “unknown and unprecedented”. Cancer-AI

was a fragmented mixture of open source and proprietary elements, both homegrown and

externally derived. Hence, the characteristic of AI fragmentation posed a puzzle, as explained by

a professional working in the RGCI Unit: “The puzzle that you're dealing with here is essentially

that you're trying to create governance around something that's unprecedented. Open source,

homegrown AI that is clinically implemented” (interview, RGCI 3). Second, they had to manage

the unknowns deriving from the AI tool within an existing governance framework at the field level

of the National Health Care Service (NHS). Hence, the degree of freedom granted in the choice

and development of alternatives around the governance of Cancer-AI was potentially restricted by

being embedded in an institutional infrastructure that did not accommodate yet for novel AI

technologies. This mismatch was perceived “like a square peg in a round hole”:

Nobody knows the algorithm itself only what it does, could do, or does not do or could not
do. What is hard actually, it is not so much the governance in an unprecedented area, but merging
the governance of an unprecedented area with a well-established governance framework. That is
what is hard because we have a very well established research governance framework in the UK,
which is primarily designed for clinical trials, and it is not well adapted for other study types. And

has actually been very slow adapting to the data of the AI stuff. That is quite frustrating because
when you have got the national regulator under-regulating when you are dealing with other sites
and put up obstacles or ask for information (Interview, RGCI Lead).

Finally, informants also perceived the challenges and risks of being the first movers at the national

level. Cancer-AI was not designed to stay only within O-Hospital but to spread across other

hospitals within the NHS. Hence, they felt that “all the UK's R&D offices' eyes on you while you

are doing it” and that “whatever you come up with, it's going to be known as the protocol of default.

The choice, the default choice for other hospitals” (Interview, RGCI Lead). Hence, professionals

at O-Hospital had to deal with different governance constraints in the implementation of Cancer-

AI: expectations on its use both for current use and future uses (temporal constraints), on the local

O-Hospital site and other hospitals within the NHS (spatial constraints), expectations on its version

at the time of introduction but also evolving versions (evolutionary constraints), and expectations

by current stakeholders and by an expanded, unknown pool of stakeholders (commons

constraints). In the following, we narrate how professionals at O-Hospital dealt with these

constraints by developing different set of governance practices.

Practices of Situated Integration. A first set of practices aimed at the contextual assimilation

of the technology in the site. These practices refer to activities of normalizing Cancer-AI, making

sure it mirrored professionals’ work and mindset, and integrating it within the existing

organizational governance infrastructure by partially restricting the open source components of the


Minimizing professionals’ resistance in use. One of the limitations of AI technologies is that

actors have an imperfect understanding of the functioning behind the algorithm. We found that

professionals involved in the development and implementation of Cancer-AI attempted to

overcome this liability by, on the one hand, simulating humans’ norms and decision-making and,

on the other, leaving space for humans’ agency in the interpretation and use of Cancer-AI in the

work routine. As to the former, the clinical professionals and the private company developing the

technology embedded the typical human workflow in Cancer-AI, ensuring the AI simulated the

way of working of professionals. For example, Cancer-AI simulated the peer review system that

characterizes physicians’ standard assessment, as explained by a physician during an internal


This cartoon shows the structure of the actual U-Net model. What's quite interesting is that
the parallel human workflows, the output segmentation is actually based on a majority vote from
an ensemble of three different model instances actually working together, just as we actually
perform cultural peer review as a group of three human instances (observation, professional
meeting 4)

As to the latter, both in the development and in the implementation phases, individual

physicians were granted the discretion to intervene on the perceived gaps and lacunae of the tool.

Indeed, all our informants consistently reported not to take for granted the Cancer-AI outputs;

rather, both individually and in collegial meetings they explained the importance of checking and

editing the AI outputs:

You are meant to go back and have a look. You do not just take it for granted it's gonna be
done right. So, you always go back and tweak it if you want to, if you wish to. If you disagree.
(Interview, oncologist 8)

Informants argued how edits were “not necessarily massively” but happened “almost

always” (Interview, oncologist 5). By doing so, physicians were able to overcome the threat related

to the opacity of the tool, and increased trust in the technology, knowing that the ultimate decision

“is with the doctors”.

I think that the biggest fear with any black box would be the results, the computer might
just make a mistake or, you know, but I think as long as you still have the ability to review their
output from the black box, and I think it's absolutely fine (Interview, oncologist 4)

Partially controlling the learning capabilities. Situated integration included also practices

aimed at introducing a partial closure to the openness and potential for infinite evolution of the

Cancer-AI tool. The aim of partial closing practices was to create organizational “scaffolds” of

protocols and rules to protect the flow of data and information of the open source component of

Cancer-AI and hence protect individual professionals from being exposed to risks. The head of the

R&D department elaborated on this need:

You cannot push risk on individuals. No, definitely you should not. You need routines in the
sense of repetitive action patterns that are done by the whole group of co-workers, and that is what
we are creating. We are creating the structure for those routines to develop those collective actions
so everybody knows what is expected of them, and then within that they can innovate and they can
be creative. And if it doesn't fit, then you modify it. It is not a straitjacket, but a scaffold. It is a
brilliant way of being right in the thick of something quite exciting and innovative and from an
organizational perspective (Interview, Lead R&D)

More precisely, the R&D and Governance Department created a trusted cloud environment

to “filter” the open source component of Cancer-AI and make it work within organization,

protecting the identity and guaranteeing the security of data and information. O-Hospital created:

“an Azure Landing zone of its’ own, i.e., a structure that allows a hospital to manage all the key

requisites to implement an AI technology in the cloud, managing things like costs, mapping, how

you connect things in and out of the hospital, identity, security in order to be able to run this

model”(interview, physician 1). A senior physician explained this practice during a meeting with

local stakeholders, focusing on the benefits for clinicians:

What we end up with is that we can build into the hospital, a sort of structure where you
have the hospital's existing data network, which is of course, completely firewalled. And then you
can build these types of processes in order to implement AI and open source models, with the very
high levels of trust and security that sit in hospitals own cloud subscription. I also tried to develop
the use of the concept of a “trusted clinical environment”, and this is where you have actually stood
up a structure like this in the cloud in order to apply a more mature AI to clinical data and allow
clinicians to actually see the first level of output of that data. (Observation, Stakeholder Meeting

Practices of Normative Consensus. While situated integration spoke to the creation of a

local order for the contingent use of Cancer-AI in the specific hospital work setting, a second set

of practices were developed over time to broaden participation and deliberation around the uses

and evolutions of Cancer-AI technology. These practices aimed to engage both lay and expert

stakeholders in the discovery and understanding of the AI technology and in creating opportunities

for shaping its evolution.

Lay engagement activities. First, senior physicians engaged with patients and members of

the public both in the development phase and later on when discussing how to roll Cancer-AI out

in other hospitals. Explaining to patients the unknowns characterizing the AI tool was considered

a necessary step to maximize the potential of the technology, given the primary role of patients in

the data management process. A senior physician explained this point in an early internal meeting:

The quality of deep learning artificial intelligence algorithms is highly dependent on the data
used to create models. However, data driven technologies need a patient mandate. We know that
patients trust hospitals to look after their data. And we know the clinical workforce understands
this data. Open source software is a proven route to the latest machine learning developments and
the cloud now has the compute resources for machine learning. We will ask the patients on how
they want to see the parts of this jigsaw put together. By engaging patients we aim also to ensure
that patients, regardless of where they live, have access to this new clinical pathway. (observation,
internal meeting 5)

A number of patient and public engagement meetings were organized to give voice to the

concerns of patients regarding the use of Cancer-AI. Our observations and analysis of those

meetings revealed how patients consistently claimed that the introduction of AI tools in medical

care should not change the traditional patient-doctor relationship, and how doctors should remain

the primary actors responsible for medical care. When asked about “what matters most to you in

an AI project”, for example, a patient representative responded that:

It should stay within the hospital and doctors will discuss everything with me… Thinking
about supermarkets, first they moved to self-checkout and now there are shops where you can just
walk out without seeing a cashier. I do not want that and I want reassurance from my doctors that
there will still be people in my care (observation, PPE meeting 2)

while other patient representatives highlighted how “it’s important that AI mustn’t result in

any lowering of standards, so the person at the end should always be a very skilled expert

professional and you won’t end up with a less skilled professional looking at the scan”

(observation, PPE meeting 2). Some even suggested not to use the term AI as: “hearing ‘AI’ and

‘cloud’ is really scary and might make people worry that anyone has access to their data”

(observation, PPE meeting 2), and rather call it a tool that the clinician can use to help make a

decision. Overall, as one doctor explained to us, the purpose of engaging patients in the discussion

on the use of Cancer-AI was ultimately educational, and aimed at introducing lay stakeholders to

the opportunities created by novel AI forms.

Expert engagement activities. Practices to broaden participation around the development and

evolution of Cancer-AI technology involved not only lay people, but also experts outside O-

Hospital. This involved specifically the medical professional community expert in coding and open

source, which acted as source of feedback and improvement of Cancer-AI. A senior doctor recalled


Being part of this Community for 25 years, what has been fantastic is this real rich culture
of sharing every time we have a new Software tool; in particular, the fact that we do site visits, we
share expertise, we share little bits of code snippets and scripts for our new treatment planning
system. And I feel it is really building on that on that kind of community spirit, our concept really
(Interview, physician 1)

Github was the open source community where Cancer-AI was originally discussed as

medical imaging deep learning library to train and deploy models on Azure Machine Learning.

Here, senior doctors of O-Hospital posted updates and contributed in discussions on the

development of the technology.

Practices of Distributed Foresight. Finally, professionals developed a last set of practices

that contained a future-looking component, and focused on activities able to anticipate what was

going to be necessary for the acceptance and future use of Cancer-AI beyond O-hospital.

Seeding openness. Seeding openness entailed the actions undertaken by professionals to

develop Cancer-AI’s capabilities beyond the first implementation site. This was done by

envisioning a logic of local, incremental training of the model behind the AI tool. That is, the

training data for the original model came from multiple different sites around the world, with

different scanners, and scanning protocols, using standardized and accepted segmentation

protocols, with the idea of having as baseline “something that was robust to the kind of different

natures of input data that could be used” (Interview, physician 1). Then the model used a tool kit

that was published as open source. The key feature of the toolkit is that it allowed professionals

“to implement an existing model, but also to retrain models within a hospital environment”

(Interview, physician 1). By foregrounding openness as defining feature of the AI model, they

maximized the potential for future use of Cancer-AI in other sites.

In the view of our informants, this practice was essential to ensure the potential scaling up

of Cancer-AI at the NHS level and overcome the temporal and spatial governance constraints. In

a meeting with peers from other NHS hospitals, the lead physician of O-Hospital explained the

logic behind the practice of local retraining:

We envision development cycle where clinical teams could collect the patient data sets,
apply their expertise to curate the data labels and take that data and actually retrain existing
machine learning models for maximal benefits, because hospital protocols might change, scanning
equipment changes over time, or even patient demographics change a little bit over time. They
could also develop new models and we have this kind of blueprint for evaluating the performance
then going on to actually commissioning the models so that you can then deploy them for patient
benefit. (Observation, inter-organizational meeting 8)

The practice ensured that, ultimately, the deployment “is down to whoever's using it, which

for us are the hospitals”, keeping a “multi-layered and multi-stakeholder approach”.

Values’ molding. Envisioning the potential for scalability of Cancer-AI meant not only

working on the capabilities of the model, but also on its acceptability in the value system of end

users. Hence, practices of foresight worked also to mold future societal values around AI use in

healthcare, especially in public health care systems.

Clinical professionals at O-Hospital engaged in frequent conversations and meetings

centered on the ethical implications of the use of Cancer-AI in real hospital settings. They argued

for the need to develop ethical and compliance frameworks to make AI safe and fair. Given the

lack of existing frameworks they could rely upon, professionals drew upon and translated ethical

frameworks developed in other industries characterized by a professionalized workforce. The lead

physician explained this choice during a research meeting with clinical professionals involved in

the implementation of Cancer-AI:

I think that as much as we need clinical evaluation frameworks, we actually need ethical and
governance frameworks. Therefore, for our project we are actually working with two different
frameworks, each of which has its own strengths. We have been working with a group based with
the Aletheia framework and that is part of an international collaboration with radiation oncology
community. Their framework from the Aerospace industry really came around from staff concerns
about the introduction of AI technology to highly skilled staff group. The health data governance
is still developing in that particular framework. (Observation, research meeting 7)

In doing so, their aim was to develop future ethical guidelines that could be adopted by the

NHS, with an emphasis on two principles. The first was the value of clinical specialism, and the

importance of reaffirming clinicians’ role and responsibility in the process of AI implementation.

The second was the principle of public innovation, which meant framing AI tools as “an innovation

that originates and comes from within the public healthcare setting” (Interview, physician 4).

The two practices of seeding openness and values’ molding were mutually reinforcing, as

explained by a physicians during a stakeholder meeting:

I believe strongly in the importance of trying to innovate within the NHS and that is why
I believe in this principle of using the Open Source. We have discussed some of the solutions and
some of the reasons why cloud is particularly good. (Observation, Stakeholder Meeting 8).

Together, the three set of practices – situated integration, normative consensus and

distributed foresight, are mobilized in the overall process of anticipatory governance through two

mechanisms: diversified openness and mediated democratization. Diversified openness refers to

the ability to differentially leverage upon the incompleteness of the AI tool to either open or restrict

the alternative uses of AI temporally and spatially, and it is based on the practices of partially

controlling the learning component (situated integration), expert engagement activities (normative

consensus) and seeding openness (distributed foresight). Mediated democratization, by contrast,

refers to the capacity to gradually and incrementally envision ways to democratize access to and

deliberation around the AI tool (from skilled professionals, to patients and future beneficiaries),

and it is based on the practices of minimizing professionals’ resistance in use (situated integration),

lay engagement activities (normative consensus) and values’ molding (distributed foresight).


Our analysis is ongoing, and our emergent findings point to a number of contribution to the

emergent literature on the development and sustainability of AI tools in organizations and in the

hands of frontline staff. Our research offers the longitudinal and multi-sited first-hand empirical

examination of the development, adoption and sustained use of an AI tool in a healthcare setting

that was, by all accounts, successful in the sense that it was adopted in the target organization, not

abandoned, and continuously developed, reappropriated for further purposes and re-deployed in

other organizations. This was particularly surprising because the AI tool at hand is characterized

by extreme AI fragmentation, as well as AI opacity, learning and complexity. The AI tool at the

heart of our empirical examination is fragmented in the sense that the sourcing of its key elements

(models; data; training) is both proprietary and importantly open source. Also, because different

elements of the AI tool are sourced from organizations and non-organizational entities across

private, public and community sectors. For example, we noted firsthand how actors contributed to

the training of the AI model from the public sector (local O-Hospital’s oncologists), and the data

originated from national patient medical records, as one of the models of the AI tool was derived

from an open access international online community platform (GitHub) and combined with

another model created by members of a private, international technology developer organization


To make sense of how AI implementation liability was overcome in the setting of our

empirical study, we drew on and extended an anticipatory governance perspective. Our study

provides a model of anticipatory governance for AI to demonstrate how AI governance constraints

can be overcome through an iterative process of situated integration, normative consensus and

distributed foresight that are propelled forward through diversified openness and mediated

democratization. Importantly, we see these as being developed in concert, in order to reflect and

inform on one another. In the process of anticipatory governance, first, activities emerge at the

local level which stretches beyond the specific organization where the technology targets

implementation. The practice ‘site’ includes dispersed activities of actors across organizational

boundaries, that contribute to the understanding of how to set expectations around the new tool in

order to meet pressing governance needs of the here and now. Next, the new set of expectations

(governance) around the AI tool are stretched against the imagination of the engaged stakeholders,

in the sense that all are aiming to predict what is going to be necessary in the future to sustain the

use and acceptance of the new technology in our society.

We elaborate the significance of this model in three different areas. First, scholars studying

digital technology introduction and integration in incumbent organizations have highlighted

several barriers to the sustained implementation (adoption and non-abandonment) of digital

technologies in professionalised organizations. We demonstrate that, because of key

characteristics of AI technologies (opacity, complexity, learning and -we additionally highlight-

fragmentation), implementing AI technologies presents a heightened challenge in which

governance constraints arise. The temporal governance constraint is that the AI technology

requires a set of expectations on its use both for now and in the future. The spatial constraint is

that the AI tool requires governance on the local site (i.e. of the specific organization and system

in which it is adopted) but also globally wherever it may be used next. The evolutionary constraints

are closely tied to the AI learning characteristic, as the AI tool requires setting expectations on its

version at the time of deliberation and introduction but also on its versions as these may evolve

through its learning ability. The commons constraints is that the AI technology is not bound by its

current stakeholders (the organizations and entities that are currently developing and using it) but

its open source elements and need for large datasets requires that the technology accounts for

unaccounted for, and expanded pool of stakeholders that renders the AI a common good.

These four AI governance constraints become particularly important as AI technologies

become increasingly effective in research labs and attempts to transition them to real-world work

settings also increase. This trend, combined with the AI governance constraints generated through

the AI characteristics, may lead to an increase in mismatched expectations by the multiple

stakeholders and actors involved in the research, development, adoption and use of the AI tools. It

may, in turn, limit the ability of these dispersed communities and stakeholders to coordinate their

efforts towards the AI sustainable use and thus void the possibility of AI delivering on its promise

for efficiency and improved societies.

A second area of contribution concerns how practices of situated integration, normative

consensus and foresight may afford the possibility for helping overcome AI governance

constraints. We show that the emergence of new governance constraints that are characteristic of

AI technology also may allow for new and modified practices that can help mitigate AI

implementation liability. We also show how the three key practices (situated integration,

normative consensus and distributed foresight) are mobilized through two mechanisms: diversified

openness and mediated democratization. Past work highlights the positive role of including less

powerful actors in the initial adoption and ongoing local troubleshooting meetings related to

modifying digital technology and related routines at the local site/organization of adoption (Barrett

et al. 2012, Sergeeva et al. 2020). Our work demonstrates that who is and is not powerful in relation

to AI technologies is open to debate as multiple actors are equally needed (through their data, their

training of the AI, their modelling) in order for the AI to be developed and sustained and therefore

each is expert in their aspects and the role of each is significant in different ways. Additionally,

because we examine AI governance efforts in a specific site, place and time period as a starting

point, we are able through our practice lens to trace the relevance, effects and challenges of

tentative modes of governance in the heterogeneous array of governance efforts observed. In this

way, we provide a model of AI Governance that is grounded in organizational life and through the

bottom up actions and interactions of actors responding to a real-world challenge, rather than

models imposed top-down through vague policy recommendations and the aspirational protocols

issued by professional bodies, regulators and technology vendors.

Third we elaborate how AI implementation and sustainability may be better accomplished

through an anticipatory governance process that allows for the spanning of organizations and

sectors, and accounts for the multiple and imperfect elements of open and proprietary of the

technology. The strong vision of openness was demonstrated through the public embrace of the

open source elements of the AI tool and initially lauded as the response to the AI characteristic of

opacity. We found that the open source elements of the AI technology implemented in O-Hospital,

are fundamental to incentivize professionals to actually use the technology in the daily practice,

while acknowledging and overcoming its partial imperfection. At the same time, in an interesting

twist, these widely acknowledged open elements of the AI tool become a barrier to overcome the

AI implementation liability. Our findings show that the AI tool’s open source properties generate

further governance constraints as none of the actors engaged in this process fully embrace openness

in practice. Rather, what our findings show is a iterative rounds of cutting down the openness of

the AI tool in order to counter AI fragmentation. Furthermore, our work underscores that

modifying the digital technology and related routines at a local level is insufficient to account for

the prospective needs of the technology, i.e. in order to continue to be used in the future and in

remote locations (other organizations and countries). By working through these governance

constraints at the local level they share with others facing the same issues with the same AI tool

or with similar AI tools in existence or in-making. In this way, the local actors future proof their

organizations (public hospitals or private vendors), their profession (R&D, radiology, Clinical

Engineering) and the health ecosystem centred around the UK’s National Health Service. For this

reason, anticipatory governance, with its emphasis on thinking in advance about societal values

and institutional change so as to leverage the relative openness of the technology before lock-in of

values and trajectories set in, is a valuable new perspective for emerging technologies at a similarly

early stage of their journey.

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Figure 1 AI implementation and Anticipatory Governance Process


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