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TEKAR (Doc PERson) THIS IS A NEW FULL RACE, FOR USE WITH THE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS FIFTH EDITION RPG RULESET. To USE THIS SUBRACE YOU MUST, AT LEAST, BE FAMILIAR WITH, IF NOT OWN A COPY OF, THE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLaver’s HANDBOOK FROM WIZARDS OF THE COAST. BY ERAN "SABRE RUNNER" ARBEL .UTB) TEKAR (Doc PERSON) "rll tell you what | told the Watch officers who interviewed me after. We were al intrigued with this stranger that came into the inn. Honestly, he looked like rman mixed with a dog. He sniffed the air as if ee knew what was coming, Later that night, some idiot spilled his drink on the table's candle on the drapes of the window. The whole place went up in flames so fast we could barely react, Everyone rushed out. The stranger? He rushed in. While | was waiting outside, | saw him gin and out at least six times caring or elbing to evacuate one or two people at atime. When it was all over, he was covered in soot, his, eyes ere bulging and his tongue was sticking ‘out. But about a dozen people are alive today because of hirn.” — Anonymous Waterdhavian -_-eeeYQO|Ql|!™!_|_|l ‘Coming from the far reaches of Luiren where they used to have a flourishing society near the hallling settlements there. The rising water level caused by the Spellplague has forced them out and some of them decided to not return and continue journeying onwards, exploring the world, FAMILY FRIENDLY ‘The Tekar are very family oriented, usually considering tribes and villages as just one big extended family. They take care of each other and are often welcoming and very hospitable, But, as their lowlier kin, they are also cursed with the occasional wanderlust and at times, a Tekar will just decide to start walking in one direction and keep going, only returning home when they get bored or homesick. FIERCELY LoyAL ‘The stories that abound speak about a legend that the ‘Tekar were created by an ancient experiment to uplift 3 race of dogs. Ifany written history ofthis ever existed none of ithas yet to be found andl asking the Tekar themselves provides mostly resignations as they care not forthe past or future, only the now. However, if this is true, it explains the Tekar's unfailing loyalty to any creature unless they were hurt by it. And so, Tekar out and about lend a helping hand wherever one is needed, they are charitable and helpful never go back on a promise, and tend to stick, around where they feel they are needed. They are ‘comforting, warm, and stick around wherever they think they are needed. “Tekar don't care much for material wealth, preferring the ‘wealth of companionship, company and connection, ‘TRUE FRIENDS you make a good impression on a Tekas, especially ifyou have secured their friendship, good luck getting ri of them. (Over a long time, their caring could get overbearing. They ‘would stick with you, help you with whatever they think they could, try to accompany you wherever you go and, overall be very clingy. But, in a jam, you could probably find no better ally. A ‘Tekar friend will never abandon you, follow you to the ends of the earth, and might even protect you with their own body. GUARDIANS AND CONFESSIONERS ‘Tekar are equally as comfortable on the road as they are in the city. Only some of wandering Tekar are adventurers and some are storytellers, bards, hitchhikers and as such. Ifyou find them outside their home it will usually be in a security position on a caravan, as a confessioner of people's troubles or a general assistant, They don't tend to converge towards religion or magic as they prefer the simple things But itis not surprising to find them in priestlike capacity comforting people and helping them with what ails them. Handling a Tekaris also quite simple. Ifyou share with them, treat them kindly and don't betray them, you could have a friend for life, Repaying them for deeds done is as easy as paying for their expenses and a kind word of thanks, ‘TEKAR NAMES faking a cue from their supposed ancestors, Tekar names are usually happy, positive, active and energetic ones. They typically don't have a family name. For them, anyone can be family and the family unit could contain even hundreds of individuals at a time, Some Teker, trying to take inspirations from other races to fit in more, tend to copy ‘naming conventions to give themselves an air of similarity. ‘Though, doing so, the result is usually more comical than elegant. ‘Tekar Names: Rex, Max, Hopper, Lager, Thumper, Boxer, Schnappy Omnomnomus Mozart IIT ‘TEKAR PERSONALITY While personality traits, bonds and flaws available through the background part of character creation, feel free to use the following tables to further customise your specific TTekar character. ‘The Tekar Motivation table can be used to explain your place in the group or your reason for this life of adventure. ‘TEKAR MOTIVATIONS 148 Motivation | 1 Afellow adventurer saved my life once. | owe them, 2. The group found me and took me in, noutishin and faking cae of me when I was down and out 3. The group needed help in a dire situation and | was there. 4° We were walking a similar path fora while and | grew to like them. r 5 We were all trying to help at the same place at the same time and decided to stick together. 6 fellow adventurer and | were on a mission together once and the experience bonded us. 7 Atruly dite situation forced us to hide together and take comfort in each other. We grew to like this arrangement. 8 Iwas wondering and became lost. A fellow adventurer guided me through. | owe thera. TEKaR Quirks 1410 Quirk 1 Insight of an above average feast, | tend to drool 2 My preferred form of showing affection is tadsling up next to someone, pressing myself against them and leaning on them. 3 Idor't let other people touch me until! know them well 4 When excited, | swing wildly from one leg to another. 5 [sleep spread out on my stomach with my limbs in random directions. 6 There's avery special place on my body that ifyou scratch there, wil Becompleely elsned. 7 cannot ride in a closed carriage. | must stick my head out its window. 8 | can't really say when | want attention. I'lljust stare until I get what | want. 9 ft don't understand something, my head autornatically tilts to one side. 10. Thisis fine TEKAR TRAITS Your Tekar character has the following racial traits ABILitTy Scork INCREASE Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1. AGE TTekar have lifespans slightly shorter than humans, They are considered mature at age 10 and most live to be 60 ‘years old ALIGNMENT ‘Tekar tend toward good alignments as they care for their fellow Teka, their fellow man and their fellow everything. ‘They are mostly neutral, doing wel in large tribes and, societies or just on their own, but a not inconsequential ‘minority is lawful or chaotic. Sizz ‘Tekar are, on average, as tall as elves but are rather wider ‘nd thicker. Your size is Medium. SPEED Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Tekar are also natural swimmers, Your swimming speed is 30 feet Kazzn HEARING AND SMELL While your vision is poorer than the average human, registering no more than blues, yellows and greys, your hearing and sense of smell are superiour. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or ‘smell and disadvantage on checks that rely on sight. CaninE DasH Your muscles still remember how your ancestors used to run with great spece. When committing to running, you can use all four of your limbs for a speed advantage. When you take the Dash action on your turn, you can move an. additional 15 f Doc's Bitz Your teeth are sharp canines and your clenched jaw can break bones, Your bite is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Ifyou hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed sirike. Also ifyou hit, you can decide to not fet go. If you do, the target is considered Grappled and you cannot use your bite ‘until you let go. On their turn, the target can use an action to make an Athletics check against a DC equal to 8+ your ‘Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus, removing the condition on a success. Doc's TALENT You have proficiency in the Animal Handling and Survival skal, LANGUAGES You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. Ee CopyricuTt NoTIce DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all ‘other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. (©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 ‘The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 TET, UK. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is ©2078 by Eran Arbel and published under the Community Content ‘Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild, Printing of this document for personal use is allowed. All other rights reserved. rs ‘This document was produced using The Homebrewery. I isa great online resource you defintely should use if you are creating homebrews. Go check it out.

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