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The Moon and Sixpence (Chapters 13-18)

1. Do you hink Mrs. Strickland is upset because she loves her husband or because of what people will
think of her? Do you think it is unfair of Crabbe to question the reasons why Mrs. Strickland is
upset? In what way can such a sudden change in someone's life bring such conflicting feelings as
Mrs. Strickland most likely has?

2. ‘It is natural for Mrs. Strickland to think about what other people will think about her husband
leaving. ‘ - Think of an argument in support of the statement and of an argument against.

3. What do you think will happen to Mrs. Strickland now her husband has left ? What do you think
would have happened if he had stayed?

4. Reply to Strickland's letter to his wife, saying what you think Mrs. Strickland thinks of his decision.

5. How long do you think Strickland has felt indifferently towards his family? Do you think it is
possible Mrs. Strickland could not have noticed her husband's indifference? How will Strickland's
indifference towards people help him to achieve his aim to become an artist?

6. Write a list of 5-10 things you know about Paris.

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