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Klucz GE A1 10/10 Total points : 80

Listening 16p

Task 1 6p = 1p for each correct answer, 2p for question 2

1. basketball
2. park / beach
3. art
4. frog
5. Luke

Task 2 10p = 2p for each correct answer

1.C 2. A 3.B 4.B 5.A

Reading 16p
Task 3 10p = 2p for each correct answer
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A

Task 4 6p = 1p for each correct answer questions 1-4, 2p for question 5

1. He went to the office to ask/because he didn't know/etc. where to go for his new
2. Yes, he did. His new teacher was very nice.
3. He ate with Ivor and his friend Claire.
4. He ate pizza and chips.
5. He did his homework and he played the computer games


Task 5 11p = 1p for each correct answer

1. garage 7. photographer
2. history 8. plane
3. monkey 9. playground
4. supermarket 10. ears
5. milk 11. doctor
6. dirty

Strona 1 z 2
Task 6 5p = 1p for each correct answer

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B


Task 7 11p = 1p for each correct answer

1. has 7. where
2. a 8. weren’t
3. any 9. some
4. Did 10. are sitting
5. mustn’t 11. Don’t cross
6. taller

Task 8 5p = 1p for each correct answer

1. Did ... go
2. played
3. didn’t buy / never bought
4. studied
5. was

Task 9 16p = 2p for each correct answer

1. has shower
2. has breakfast
3. goes to school
4. has
5. meets
6. does his homework
7. watches tv
8. goes to bed

Strona 2 z 2

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