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Book Report #14

Title: Our Christmas Story

Author: Takumi Eradora Miyamori

When the month end in ber it means Christmas is fast approaching,

here in our country, we celebrate Christmas for an extended period
that’s why many people are busy shopping around and one of those is
our family. My mommy built the Christmas tree, put the gifts under it,
and put some decorations inside the house to feel the spirit of
For us, the meaning of Christmas is love; under that, we have to
be forgiving and give love on Christmas. Our family shares blessings,
especially with our housemaid and gardener and with our security
guards and street sweepers of the village.
On Christmas eve after we go to church we simply exchange
gifts and before we eat I always sing happy birthday to our Lord Jesus
Christ, then we are having our Noche Buena simple food to be shared
by the whole family.
On Christmas day many visitors are coming especially Godchild
asking for their Christmas gifts, then when they already left we are
having our family game just for fun, sometimes when there is more
time we are going to different places like Tagaytay.

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