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1. Complete the questions with the correct question tag.

Aren´t there?
Can you?
Isn´t he?
Did they?
Aren´t you?
Were you?

1. Your brother is a doctor,………………………………………..

2. There are hundred pence in a pound,……………………………
3. You´re doing your English homework,……………………………
4. You can´t speak German,…………………………..
5. They didn´t win the match,……………………..
6. You weren´t in class last Saturday,……………….

2. Write the missing question tags.

1. You´re coming to the party,…………………………………..?

2. The team is much better than last year,………………………?
3. You can count to a hundred in German,……………………..?
4. They aren´t building another block of flats,……………………?
5. Carmen didn´t go to the cinema with George,…………………?

3. Match the two parts of the questions.

1. You don´t live here, a did you?

2.You saw the film, b can´t you?
3.You can speak German, c do you?
4.You know Paul, d are you?
5.You didn’t come alone, e don´t you?
6.You aren´t French, f didn´t you?

4. Complete the question tags.

1. She likes English,……………………………………?

2. They can´t play tennis,……………………………?
3. He doesn´t know me,………………………………?
4. You aren´t reading this,…………………………..?
5. They are coming,……………………………………?
6. We met yesterday,………………………………..?

1.Choose the correct alternative.

1. I didn´t enjoy the book. The story was so/such stupid.

2.We enjoyed our holiday.We had so/such a good time.

3.It´s a lovely day, isn´t it? It´s so/such warm.

4.I loved the film. It was so/such a wonderful film.

5.I was so/such tired I went to bed very early

6.He is so/such a generous person.he´s always inviting us out.

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