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Project Centric Learning



This is to certify that the PCL entitled

is the bonafide record of PCL work done by
Dr Janaardhan
Mohammed Taha Alibhai (MCA-ISMS – 22MCAR0076)
Ishwar Pachpande (MCA-SCT – 22MCAR0174)
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)

Rajat Rathi (MCA-GEN – 22MCAR0084)

Sanjan Joel (MCA-GENERAL – 22MCAR0090)
Nikhil S (MCOM – 22MCRFA010)

Name of the Examiner Signature with Date

1. ........................................... ..................................

2. ........................................... ..................................

I affirm that the PCL project work titled “ReVerse”, being submitted in partial fulfillment for the
original work carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any other PCL work submitted for
award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other University.


Mohammed Taha

USN Number: [22MCAR0033]


I affirm that the PCL project work titled “ReVerse”, being submitted in partial fulfillment for the
CLOUD TECHNOLOGY is the original work carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any
other PCL work submitted for award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other



USN Number: 22MCAR0174


I affirm that the PCL project work titled “ReVerse”, being submitted in partial fulfillment for the
award of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS is the original work carried out by me. It has
not formed the part of any other PCL work submitted for award of any degree or diploma,
either in this or any other University.


USN Number: 22MCAR0084

I affirm that the PCL project work titled “ReVerse”, being submitted in partial fulfillment for the
award of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS is the original work carried out by me. It has
not formed the part of any other PCL work submitted for award of any degree or diploma,
either in this or any other University.


USN Number: 22MCAR0090

I affirm that the PCL project work titled “ReVerse”, being submitted in partial fulfillment for the
original work carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any other PCL work submitted for
award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other University.


USN Number: 22MCRFA010
Table of Contents
S.No. Chapter Title Page No.
Abstract 8
1. Briefing of Idea Generation 9
2. Market Survey/Literature Survey 10-12
 Primary Survey
 Secondary market survey
3. Business Plan/ Detailed 13-14
Architecture/road map
4. Conclusion 15

The world of academia and research is constantly evolving, and the importance of research
cannot be overstated. In fact, research is the backbone of many disciplines and the foundation
upon which new discoveries are made. As such, it is imperative that individuals at all levels
of education be given the opportunity to engage in research activities.

However, the research process can be quite daunting, even for the most experienced
researchers. From the initial idea conception to the execution of the project, to proper
documentation and eventual publication, the process can be long and complicated. Often,
individuals find themselves struggling to generate ideas, organize their thoughts, and
collaborate with others effectively.

To address these challenges, this project seeks to establish a platform that streamlines the
research process and makes it more accessible to individuals at all levels of education. The
platform will offer guidance and support to researchers throughout the entire process, from
idea conception to publication.

One of the primary goals of the platform is to promote effective collaboration among
researchers. By providing a centralized location where individuals can connect with like-
minded individuals, the platform will facilitate the creation of research teams and foster a
collaborative spirit among researchers.

In addition, the platform will encourage the dissemination of high-quality research by

providing resources and tools to help researchers document and publish their work
effectively. This includes guidance on proper documentation practices, formatting
requirements, and tips for getting published in high-impact journals.

Ultimately, the development of this platform aims to simplify the research process, promote
effective collaboration, and encourage the dissemination of high-quality research. By
providing researchers with the tools and resources they need to succeed, we hope to inspire a
new generation of researchers who are passionate about advancing knowledge and making a
difference in the world.

Idea Generation:

As humans, we are constantly generating ideas, some of which have the potential to
revolutionize entire industries or even change the world. However, the journey from idea
conception to execution is often fraught with challenges and obstacles. In our own
experience, we found that we often lacked the essential skill set required to turn our ideas into

This realization prompted us to develop a platform that would enable individuals to submit
their conceptual ideas and connect with others possessing the skills and expertise necessary to
bring those ideas to life. Our platform is designed to bridge the gap between idea generation
and execution, providing users with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

By creating a central location where individuals can submit their ideas and connect with like-
minded individuals, we hope to foster a spirit of collaboration and innovation. Our platform is
not just for established researchers or industry experts; it is designed to be accessible to
individuals at all levels of education and experience.

In addition to connecting users with others possessing similar interests and objectives, our
platform also addresses the issue of publication. Through our research and personal
experience, we have discovered that publication is often a significant hurdle for many
researchers and individuals seeking to share their ideas with the world.

Our platform offers guidance and support for individuals seeking to publish their work,
including tips for formatting, documentation, and getting published in high-impact journals.
By providing these resources and tools, we aim to make the publication process more
accessible and less daunting for individuals at all levels of experience.

Ultimately, our platform is designed to empower individuals to turn their ideas into reality
and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation. By fostering a collaborative
and supportive environment, we hope to inspire a new generation of researchers and
innovators who are passionate about making a difference in the world.

Market Survey:

The objectives of the platform are:

1) Enable users to submit and sort research ideas.

2) Facilitate collaboration among users in the context of research ideas.

3) Establish a cooperative relationship with peer-reviewed journals.

4) Provide educational resources to users regarding the significance of research.

5) Offer guidance to users on the proper methodologies for conducting and documenting

Target Market:
Considering the ubiquitous integration of research in academic curricula across the globe, our
primary target audience comprises of postgraduate, graduate, and doctoral students from
universities worldwide.
Our business model incorporates both Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-
Business (B2B) approaches. The B2C model involves directly targeting university students
through diverse advertising channels. Conversely, in the B2B model, we aim to establish
partnerships with universities to offer cost-effective deals to their entire student body.

Existing Platforms:
The platforms currently on the market that offer similar services are:
1) Github:

GitHub is a popular web-based hosting service that has become an essential tool for software
developers. The platform provides version control for software development projects,
allowing developers to collaborate on code and manage their code repositories. With GitHub,
teams can work together seamlessly and manage their projects efficiently.

One of the key benefits of GitHub is its use of Git, a distributed version control system that
enables developers to track changes to their code and collaborate on projects effectively. By
using Git, developers can work on the same codebase simultaneously, merging their changes
and resolving conflicts seamlessly. This collaborative approach has revolutionized the way
software development projects are managed, making it easier and more efficient to work on
complex projects with teams spread across different locations.

However, it is important to note that GitHub is not specifically designed for research
purposes. While the platform can be used to manage and collaborate on research projects, it
does not offer features specifically tailored to the needs of researchers. For example, GitHub
does not provide built-in tools for data analysis or visualization, which are essential for many
research projects.

Despite this limitation, GitHub can still be a useful tool for researchers, particularly those
working in computer science or related fields. By leveraging GitHub's collaborative features,
researchers can work together more efficiently, manage their projects more effectively, and
ultimately produce high-quality research outputs.

In summary, GitHub is a powerful platform that provides version control for software
development projects. While it is primarily used for computer science and programming
projects, it can be useful for a variety of other projects, including research. However, it is

important to recognize that GitHub is not specifically designed for research purposes and
may not offer features tailored to the needs of researchers in all fields.

2) Slack

Slack is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way teams and businesses communicate
and collaborate. Its messaging platform has become an essential part of many workplaces,
enabling team members to stay connected and informed in real-time. By providing a
centralized platform for communication, Slack has eliminated many of the inefficiencies
associated with traditional forms of communication, such as email and phone calls.

While Slack is undoubtedly an effective communication and collaboration platform, it is

important to recognize that it is not designed to support all aspects of team collaboration. For
example, while Slack can facilitate communication and coordination between team members,
it does not necessarily provide a platform for idea generation or research collaboration. As
such, organizations and individuals may need to supplement their use of Slack with other
tools and platforms to achieve their goals.

To address this need, we are creating a platform that integrates with Slack to provide
additional functionality that supports idea generation and research collaboration. These
platforms provide a range of features, including idea submission, voting and evaluation,
collaboration tools, project management, and documentation. By integrating with Slack, these
platforms can leverage the messaging capabilities of the platform to facilitate real-time
communication and collaboration between team members, and to ensure that all team
members are kept informed of progress and updates.

In conclusion, while Slack is a powerful communication and collaboration platform that has
transformed the way teams work together, it is not designed to support all aspects of team
collaboration. To achieve their goals, organizations and individuals may need to supplement
their use of Slack with other tools and platforms that provide additional functionality,
including support for idea generation and research collaboration. By integrating these
platforms with Slack, teams can improve their productivity and achieve their goals more


Step 1: Raising Awareness
Creating traction on the internet is a crucial step in the success of any online platform. As part
of our plan, we aim to create a strong online presence through various digital marketing
strategies. One of the first steps we will take is to create a blog that will provide users with
valuable information and resources relating to research paper writing. The blog will cover
topics such as idea generation, planning, proper documentation, and publication.

We understand that the majority of people turn to search engines when seeking information
on a particular topic. Therefore, we will ensure that our blog content is optimized for search
engines by implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. By doing this, we
aim to increase our visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately drive
traffic to our site. Our goal is to make our site the go-to resource for individuals seeking
information on research paper writing.

In addition to our blog, we plan to utilize social media to increase our online presence. Social
media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn provide an excellent opportunity to
reach a large audience and engage with our users. By creating engaging and informative
content that resonates with our audience, we hope to build a community of individuals who
share a passion for research and academic writing.

Another strategy we plan to implement is influencer marketing. We will identify influential

individuals within the academic community and collaborate with them to promote our
platform. By partnering with these individuals, we hope to increase our credibility and reach
a wider audience.

In summary, creating traction on the internet is a crucial step in the success of any online

platform. By leveraging digital marketing strategies such as SEO, social media, and
influencer marketing, we aim to increase our visibility and build a strong online presence.
Our goal is to make our platform the go-to resource for individuals seeking information and
resources on research paper writing.

Step 2: Building the platform itself

SaaS is a software delivery model that allows users to access the software over the internet,
without the need for installation or maintenance. This eliminates the need for users to buy,
install, and maintain expensive hardware and software, reducing costs and increasing
accessibility. We will be offering the platform as a Software as a Service (SaaS).

By using Flutter and Dart to build the platform, we can create a high-quality, cross-platform
application with ease. Flutter is a free and open-source mobile application development
framework created by Google. It uses a single codebase to build applications for multiple
platforms, including web, Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux. This allows us to save time
and resources by building one application instead of separate applications for each platform.
Additionally, Flutter has a rich set of pre-built widgets that can be customized to meet the
specific needs of the platform.

For the backend, the company has decided to use a SQL server hosted on the Azure network.
Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing service that provides a wide range of services,
including virtual machines, databases, analytics, and more. By hosting the platform on the
Azure network, the company can take advantage of its scalability and reliability features. The
platform can be scaled upwards and downwards easily, depending on the demand, without
any disruption to the users. Additionally, the company can benefit from the high availability
and redundancy features of Azure, ensuring that the platform is always accessible and secure.

Overall, the choice of using SaaS, Flutter, and Azure for the platform highlights the
company's commitment to creating a high-quality, scalable, and accessible platform for its
users. By leveraging these technologies, the company can provide an innovative solution that

simplifies the research process, promotes collaboration, and encourages the dissemination of
high-quality research.


Research is a cornerstone of academia and a driving force for scientific and social progress.
Yet, as the amount of research being conducted worldwide continues to increase, so do the
challenges associated with its publication and dissemination. From idea conception to
execution, documentation, and eventual publication, individuals encounter many obstacles
along the way. These challenges can include difficulties with finding collaborators, securing
funding, navigating the publication process, and ensuring the accuracy and quality of research

One possible solution to these challenges is to collaborate with existing journals to create a
unified publishing platform. By bringing together different publishers, researchers, and
stakeholders, we can create a more comprehensive and efficient system for publishing
academic research. This platform could provide researchers with a one-stop-shop for
submitting their work, peer review, and publication. Such a platform would also enable
researchers to more easily share their findings with others, and could facilitate collaboration
between researchers working in different fields.

Additionally, we propose the establishment of our own journal on this platform. By creating
our own journal, we can ensure that the highest standards of integrity and rigor are upheld in
the publication of research. Our journal would adhere to the best practices and guidelines set
forth by academic and scientific organizations and would have a rigorous peer-review process
to ensure the accuracy and validity of research findings.

Overall, our solutions offer a promising path forward for the research community. By
providing a secure and reliable platform for academic publishing, we hope to contribute to
the integrity of scholarly research and safeguard the interests of students and scholars alike.

With the increasing need for collaboration and transparency in research, our unified
publishing platform can serve as a vital resource for researchers worldwide. We are
committed to working with stakeholders across the academic and scientific communities to
create a platform that meets the needs of researchers and promotes scientific progress.


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